Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1342: Ghost Valley

Chapter 1342 Ghost Valley

The blue veins on Yan Gongjun's forehead exploded, unable to contain the raging anger that ignited in his heart, and he wished to behead Luo Feng and others immediately. However, the opponent has the guardian card Su Huan, what else can he do?

"If it weren't for Su Huan, even if he had made trouble in Songzhou, I would have a way to avenge him. But now...I am really unwilling." Yan Gongjun gritted his teeth. He just got the news that his son Yan Feiling, The lower part of the body was injured, and it was very likely that he would lose a certain output function in the future, which made Yan Gongjun extremely angry.

"They are going to Zizhou." Yan Gongjun forced himself to calm down, and took a deep breath, "Purple God Palace Examination..." Yan Gongjun's eyes flashed a bright light.

"The strongest person in my Yan family is now in the Purple God Palace."

A strong murderous intent flashed in Yan Gongjun's eyes.

A few days later.

Outside the long pavilion, along the old road, the barbecue flavor is soaring.

Green hills and green waters, the setting sun.

In the pavilion, several people sat opposite each other.

"The nearest city is also more than a hundred miles away. It seems that we are going to rush the night again tonight." Su Huan said, her eyes couldn't help but look at Tang Daer curiously, "Brother Daer, I find you always look back. , Who are you waiting for?"

"Brother Su is really short-sighted." Tang Dal praised, "Observing the details."

Su Huan's mouth twitched fiercely.

Qian Yilan's few women held back a smile, this guy, in a few days, exposed his scumbag nature in front of Su Huan.

"Ah, big ears, I can't use short-sightedness to describe Brother Su." Luo Feng was a little embarrassed, after all, this is his deskmate.

"A mouse comes out at night to search for food. A mouse's eyes will still glow. Doesn't this describe a person's eyes very well?" Tang Dal said confidently and earnestly, "I think your understanding of this term is ambiguous. "

Su Huan was convinced, powerless, "Let's talk business."

"I'm waiting for someone." Tang Dal sighed, "Looking through Qiushui, I haven't waited for them to arrive."

"Tsk tusk, big ears, I'm still fond of using idioms recently." The judge was surprised.

Tang Dal smiled, and immediately frowned, "It stands to reason that things in the Goddess City should be handled similarly. Time is tight, why are they not coming?"

All of Luo Feng understood.

Tang Daer was waiting for the Tianmen Zonghua family.

After the collapse of the Tiannv Peak, Hua Junlin threatened to kill Luo Feng and avenge the Luoshen Temple.

"Goddess invites herself, Tianmenzong unites many forces to kill Brother Feng." Tang Dal snorted coldly, "Now Hua Junlin threatens to kill us. I think we should act first and find a place that is easy to ambush. , Give them a head-on blow."

"Ambush Hua Junlin?" Su Huan was startled.

"Xiao Huan." Tang Dal smiled and patted Su Huan on the shoulder, "That Hua Junlin is the 500th in the Tianjiao list. This time the Purple God Palace is assessed, if there is no accident, he will occupy a place. If we Able to ambush, even just inflict heavy damage on him. When the time comes, the Purple God Palace will be assessed and one less opponent will be missing."

Su Huan hesitated, "Will this approach be less glorious?"

"For others, I would naturally not use this method." Tang Da'er sneered, "However, when my brother Feng was under siege, Tianmenzong fell into trouble, are their actions, glorious? Since they are enemies, try to find ways Just get rid of it, what the **** is that?"

"The words of Big Ear are not rough or rough." The judge nodded in agreement.

"Xiao Huan, how are you thinking about it?" Tang Dal's persuasively induced, "That is the most outstanding arrogant of the Tianmen Sect in Yunzhou. He may have a lot of treasures on his body. We will add five for two, and one half of the trophy. how is it?"

"Cough!" Su Yitong on the side finally couldn't help it, coughing lightly, and quickly said, "Master, don't move rashly. If there is no accident, it is his father Hua Zhan who accompanied Hua Junlin to Zizhou! Hua Zhan is the No. 2 figure in Tianmen Sect, second only to Tianmen Sect lord Xuanyuanming in strength. This is a terrifying figure, breaking the seven chains."

While speaking, Su Yitong couldn't help but cast his eyes on Tang Dal.

This kid is so bold.

They met people from the Tianmen Sect, but it was too late to escape, and still want to ambush each other?

It's too self-conscious.

"I think the same is true for Hua Junlin. He is inquiring about our whereabouts." Luo Feng narrowed his gaze and looked at Su Huan. "There is a big ear to say that since it is an enemy, we should find ways to do it. Get rid of him, otherwise, our safety will be a hidden danger along the way. After all, there will be strong men who break the seven chains at any time."

Su Huan was stunned, "Brother Luo mean?"

Luo Feng opened the map of "Heavenly Hell", pointed to a location, his eyes wiped a sharp light, "The map records that there is a narrow valley 20 miles away from here, named Ghost Valley, and there is mist all year round. In some places, you can’t even reach out your fingers. But, this valley has a unique location. To reach the next city, you must cross this valley."

The corners of Luo Feng's mouth rose slightly, and a confident light was wiped away.

"Since Brother Su wants to use my formation to capture the Golden Blood Pegasus in the Chuyun Mountain Range, then, in Ghost Valley, let the Tianmen Sect people feel the power of the formation!"

Luo Feng looked at Su Huan, waiting for his decision.

"Master, think twice before you act." Seeing Su Huan's move, Su Yitong couldn't help but remind him.

"Uncle Qi, I have already decided." Su Huan said in a deep voice, "Walking with Brother Luo, I took the initiative to propose that if I encounter danger, I will withdraw. Then, what is the difference between me and the villain? The topography of Ghost Valley Difficulty, it is an excellent ambush place, supported by Brother Luo's formation, Seventh Uncle, you shackled the Sixth Pinnacle of the Realm, and you may not be unable to deal with Huazhan!"

Su Yitong furrowed his brows, half-hit, and he could only nod his head, solemnly exhorted, "If the young master is in danger, I will take you away as soon as possible. I promised the owner to **** you to Zizhou safely.

"People in Yunzhou Tianmenzong, Songzhou Sima clan, etc., all have strong men who broke the seven shackles." Tang Dal couldn't help muttering, "Why don't you Huzhou Sumen send one to break the seven shackles? The strong **** you to Zizhou?"

"My Su Sect does have seven powerhouses in the Shackles Realm, and my father Su Guangtong is one of them." Su Huan hesitated for a moment and said, "But, recently, something happened in Huzhou. Including my father, several strong men who broke the seven shackles will guard Huzhou and cannot leave."

"So that's the case." Tang Dal nodded, although he was a little curious in his heart, he did not ask.

"It doesn't matter, this is just to try the power of the new formation I just researched out." Luo Feng's mouth raised slightly, "If the weak defeats the strong, can't it show the strength of the formation better?"

The eyes of Tang Dal's people couldn't help but brighten.

Can't wait!

After eating barbecue and resting for a while, Luo Feng and others set off.

The **** realm is full of aura, and the species has evolved. It is also on the earth. The horses and horses run faster than the war horses on the earth. Within ten minutes, they reached the entrance of the ghost valley.

The sky has gradually dimmed.

At the entrance of Ghost Valley, many warriors gathered.

"After the Ghost Valley enters the night, there will be unknown danger." Su Yitong said in a deep voice, "Only at noon, one hour, there is direct sunlight over the Ghost Valley, and the fog is cleared. That is the safest way to pass the Ghost Valley. At the time, these warriors will not enter the ghost valley tonight. At noon tomorrow, they will travel together and pass through the ghost valley together."

Su Huan frowned and looked at Luo Feng.

"It's okay." Luo Feng shook his head, "Although most of the warriors are staying, but I also saw a team entering the Ghost Valley just now. The terrain in Ghost Valley is dangerously terrifying, but it is not as dangerous as imagined. A powerful team, no matter how long it takes, they dare to pass Ghost Valley. I think that includes the Tianmen Sect team."

"Ghost Valley, it sounds a good name." Tang Da's ears were eager to try, "Let's go, let me see if there is a female ghost inside, catch a female ghost to warm my bed."

The judge curled his lips, "You have a real taste."

Several people looked relaxed, and under the gaze of many people, they rode into the ghost valley.

"That... who is that?"

Many warriors looked at each other, some couldn't believe it.

"Dare to enter the Ghost Valley at this time, they are simply looking for death."

"The ghost valley is full of danger as soon as the night arrives. More importantly, the people of Chihuo Village have just entered the ghost valley. They are a group of famous bandits. If they know that someone has entered the ghost valley behind them, they will release Past these lambs?"

"The impulse is the devil!" Each warrior sighed and shook his head.

Ghost Valley is extremely quiet.

The narrow valley is filled with steep cliffs on both sides. Sometimes there are open places, but they are covered with unknown thorn trees, snakes and beasts, and there are sounds from time to time, which makes people fearful.

The sound of horseshoes is particularly loud in the quiet valley.

"Huh?" Luo Feng stopped suddenly and raised his eyes to look ahead, "It seems that someone is coming from the other side."

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