Chapter 1398

Act quickly.

On that night, Luo Feng set foot on Zhujian Peak again, and the passage was still there. According to Luo Feng’s understanding, within Songzhou, the connecting planes and the methods of opening and closing the passage were all in the hands of the Sima family. Now that the Sima clan exists in name only, naturally no one will dare to approach this passage anymore.

Luo Feng came up with an idea whether he should take a trip to the Sima family and take this method into his own hands.

Maybe it's just a simple handprint that can be easily mastered.

All the way towards Huangcheng.

Luo Feng finally fully felt the speed of the Golden Blood Pegasus against the sky. He took the Golden Blood Pegasus from Huangcheng to Tengcheng for almost only a few hours, but now, he is flying all the way for three days, and there is no See Huangcheng.

Luo Feng broke the seven shackles, and his speed was qualitatively improved. Without the help of any horses, he used his tyrannical posture to cross the sky and the earth. This speed is faster than the best steed horse.

"This is the advantage of the evolutionary civilization, and the power is in his own hands." Luo Feng couldn't help but an idea popped up in his mind. Finally, on the fifth day, he strode into the Phoenix City.

Go straight to the Sima family.


The gate of the Sima family was directly smashed, and the wolf smoke army surrounding the gate was directly defeated before it had time to react.

"Kill the god! The killer is back!" The Sima family cried and robbed the earth, their expressions panicked, and their eyes desperate.

"What the **** does he want! With such a game in two days, we are going to collapse."

"We have all packed our belongings and are ready to move as a clan, will you spare us?"

Luo Feng didn't bother to pay attention to these eyes.

The Sima family, the overlord of Songzhou, relied on the purple palace behind them, and was arrogant and invincible. When Luo Feng first entered Tengcheng, he felt the ‘dominant’ of the Sima family, but at that time Luo Feng slashed the young master of the Sima family with a single sword.

Winner and loser.

If I lack some luck, I am afraid I would have died long ago by the means of the Sima family.

Facing these crying voices, Luo Feng didn't feel half distracted, but he didn't mean to act on the people of the Sima family who are about to collapse, "Sima family, who is in charge now?"

Soon, Sima Tiangui appeared pale.

Luo Feng stepped over and took Sima Tiangui away.

To the west of Huangcheng, an ordinary mountain.

"Answer my question." Luo Feng's expression was indifferent, "The three major powers, apart from the **** sculpture that once covered the sky in the Luoshen Temple, are there other alien beasts?"

"A strange beast?" Sima Tiangui thought he was inevitable, but Luo Feng unexpectedly asked about something, and immediately raised his head. However, after a while, Sima Tiangui was about to cry and was about to collapse. Luo Feng’s question, he There is no answer at all.

"I, I really don't know."

"Are there any alien beasts? You don't know. What is the purpose of the three major forces attacking the plane of the earth? You don't know. You don't know the secret of the sword **** inheritance..." Luo Feng's eyes flashed murderously, "You Is it deliberately perfunct me."


Under Luo Feng’s strong pressure, Sima Tiangui knelt down and shivered. He told Luo Feng that although he was a direct disciple of Sima Jinzun, he had no right at all. It was just Sima Jinzun’s visit to Zizhou. , The power of the Sima family was temporarily handed over to him.

"It turned out to be a temporary worker." Luo Feng frowned, "Then, Sima Jinzun has handed over the power to attack the earth plane into your hands, you should have mastered the method to open the earth plane channel."

"I know this!" Sima Tiangui finally found an opportunity to prove his worth and hurriedly raised his head.

Luo Feng quickly understood that the so-called plane channel is a mysterious formation seal.

There was originally a ‘road’ from the earth to the hell-heaven realm, but the path was concealed by the formation seal, and so on, the same is true for the other planes connecting to the hell-heaven realm.

The Purple God Palace notified the seal opening and closing methods of many plane channels to the chief officials of the frontiers in each state and handed them over to them.

Songzhou Sima Family is one of them.

This was similar to Luo Feng's previous guess, and it was really some kind of special handprint.

Luo Feng asked Sima Tiangui to show it and teach the main points. After confirming that they were correct, Luo Feng directly knocked Sima Tiangui unconscious.

At dawn, Luo Feng rushed all night and appeared in Goddess City.

Almost like the law, they killed the Luoshen Temple and frightened a group of goddesses who were high above them. In private, they all directly called Luo Feng the "Luo Demon King".

Unexpectedly, the devil came!

too suddenly.

"Miss sister, I'll ask you a question." Luo Feng patted a female Luoshendian on the shoulder. The female disciple turned her head and screamed, and she was frightened into a coma on the spot.

"Am I that scary?" Luo Feng muttered and broke into the Luoshen Temple. Unfortunately, in the end there was still no answer he wanted.

The Sima family has no backbone, and Luoshen Temple...

Luo Feng’s strange thing is that when he first came to Luoshen Temple, he didn’t see Tian Yuxue, the lord of Luoshen Temple. According to the female disciples of Luoshen Temple, Tian Yuxue disappeared without a trace after the collapse of Tiannv Peak. Up.

"Xuan Guangzong, Xuanyuanming." Luo Feng had the last goal left.

He is the Sect Master of Xuanguang Sect, and the only one who has broken the seven chains among the three forces.

Luo Feng went straight to Xuan Guangzong without stopping.

"I have a question." The first time Luo Feng saw Xuanyuanming, his eyes were tight and he said straightforwardly.

Except for the three major forces jointly attacking the earth plane, he and Xuan Guangzong have no other enemies.

"I know you will come." Xuanyuanming's answer was beyond Luo Feng's expectation.

The sacred mountain reflected in the setting sun, a pavilion.

Xuanyuanming made a cup of tea for Luo Feng, "Believe it or not, attacking the plane of the earth, I was against it from the beginning."

Luo Feng glanced indifferently, "But you still participated in the end."

"Yes, this is the most regrettable decision I have made in my life." Xuanyuanming's face was bitter, "I admit, the inheritance of the sword god, for me, the temptation is too great. It was made in the Sima family and Tian Yuxue. After the decision, I... did not refuse to join them."

Xuanyuanming looked at Luo Feng solemnly, "I know what you want to ask, and I can give you the answer. But, I hope you can let Xuan Guangzong go, and I am willing to apologize with death."

Luo Feng glanced at Xuanyuanming, "You said, that snow fox that descended on the plane of the earth is a strange animal belonging to which force?"

"You have seen her." Xuanyuanming sighed lightly, "She... is Tian Yuxue."

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