Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1412: Scary stone steps

Chapter 1412 Terrible Stone Steps

These are the three words that came out of Luo Feng's mind subconsciously.

Not Zhoushan!

According to various historical records, Buzhou Mountain in Chinese myths and legends is located in the northwest of Kunlun Mountain.

When Luo Feng raised his head, he saw the floating irregular peaks at the top of the Tongtian stone steps. Around the peaks, the glorious light and the eruption of the sun glow, all kinds of strange flowers blooming, as if they could float without the barriers. Xiangwanli, the whole body is crystal clear, shining brightly, it is definitely the highest level sacred mountain that Luo Feng has ever seen.

"Even Epan Peak can't be compared to it." Luo Feng's eyes were hot, and he felt that the sacred mountain at the end of the stone steps was not inferior to the ten famous mountains in the Purple God Palace, "If it is really a legend. Buzhou Mountain in China, then, I believe it is comparable to the first sacred mountain of the Purple God Palace, the famous Jianfeng."

Of course, Luo Feng at this moment can only sigh with excitement.

He just looked at this sacred mountain from a distance and felt the endless pressure. It is conceivable how difficult it would be to climb the "Buzhou Mountain".

At the same time, Luo Feng's pupils suddenly shrank, and his heart was shocked.

He found that on the stone steps leading to'Buzhou Mountain', there were corpses sitting and turning into stones not far away.

"These are the ancients who tried to climb Mount Buzhou?" Luo Feng was shocked. "The ancient legend, Mount Buzhou, is the only way to the immortal world. The so-called immortal world must be a higher plane similar to the heaven and hell." Although it is impossible to confirm, Luo Feng believes that it is not Zhoushan in his heart.

At this moment, Luo Feng hesitated.

Right now, great opportunity!

At the same time, it is an unprecedented crisis!

From the stone steps leading to Buzhou Mountain, you can see the ancient people who have turned into stones.

"Has anyone ever successfully ascended Buzhou Mountain?"

Luo Feng took a deep breath.

A fierce gaze swept across.

The periphery of Bu Zhoushan is the eighth-order big formation "Drawing the Sky into a Prison". It is conceivable that the higher the stone steps, it must be a crisis step by step, but since I have already met Baoshan, I can't go back empty-handed.

Gotta try it.

Step by step, Luo Feng approached the stone steps.

All his minds were immersed in this great formation. The formation was mysterious and terrifying, and it was the best that Luo Feng had seen. However, with the help of "Formation Urn", Luo Feng was still able to solve it.

Has come before the Tongtian stone steps.

Luo Feng raised his head and felt the majestic pressure falling from the sky, that was the pressure of the mountain.

Take a deep breath, calm your mind, and step forward.


Luo Feng spit out blood directly, and his body flew out.

Shocked back ten meters, raised his eyes, horrified, and looked over.

Starting from the first stone steps, a killing array appeared unexpectedly.

Moreover, judging from that power, it definitely belongs to the eighth rank.

Without any preparation, Luo Feng was directly vomited by Zhenfei.

Adjust in place and sit cross-legged.

After a while, Luo Feng stood up again and started a second attempt.

Stepping up the stone steps, the incomparable terrifying murderous aura is like a series of invisible icy spears, ramming towards Luo Feng. However, Luo Feng has been prepared. These are the mental fluctuations caused by the formation. Luo Feng is secretly lucky. "One Thought Becomes a Soldier", with the help of ingenious position, resolve this.

Rao is so, Luo Feng also shed a cold sweat on his body.

At this moment, Luo Feng had no hope of successfully climbing the mountain. This was definitely not his ability to reach now, not breaking the four chains, but breaking the seven chains.

The moment Luo Feng stepped on the first stone steps, he clearly felt that he had been able to use his ability to break the seven chains.

The suppression of the world's environment no longer exists.

Bu Zhoushan, the stone steps to the sky, seem to be a world of its own.

Not affected by the environment of the earth plane.

But because of this, Luo Feng felt helpless. If he was of the same rank, he might still be confident that he could make a breakthrough. However, it is said that the former sword god, but broke the peak of the nine chains, he was buried here. In addition, he left the blood-colored jade pendant representing his inheritance in the heaven in advance, and he must have a premonition of a crisis.

Luo Feng raised his head and couldn't help being curious. On the stone steps to the sky, there were more than ten corpses sitting and petrifying. Which one would be the sword god?

Luo Feng glanced at the sitting and petrified corpse closest to him. There seemed to be something in his hand, and a faint light flashed from time to time.

That corpse was about the sixtieth level stone steps.

This is almost Luo Feng's only goal now.

Climbing this stone step is no different from climbing to the sky.

Luo Feng relied on his own formation skills and the help of "Formation Urn" to move forward with difficulty.

Ten floors!

Twenty-story stone steps!

call out!

Luo Feng suddenly took out a magic sword, the bright light shining brightly.

This is the magic knife obtained by Tian Yuxue, and now it has naturally become Luo Feng's trophy.

The pattern on the magic sword was instantly aroused, blooming brilliance, and contending with the invisible formation pressure. After a while, Luo Feng felt a lot less pressure on his body, and immediately quickened his pace and rushed towards the front.

"Unexpectedly, the tattooed soldiers still have this kind of effect." Luo Feng was surprised, but soon his expression began to change again. Not long after he left, the tattooed soldiers on the sword **** had begun to crack.

This is no ordinary pattern soldier.

The magic sword that the sword **** was equipped with must be extraordinary.

But under such terrifying pressure, it won't last long before it will collapse...

At this moment, Luo Feng stopped the idea of ​​taking out the Jiuli Sacred Sword. Just kidding, the Jiuli Sacred Sword had so much potential. It had just awakened its veins. Luo Feng felt that it could grow to an extremely terrifying point. Destroyed here, it is simply a violent thing.

At this moment, Luo Feng's eyes burst into a fierce force.

Suddenly, resolutely stepped, quickened the pace.

His goal is to get close to the nearest corpse and see to find out some secrets about this sacred mountain.

Especially the faintly shining object in the hands of this corpse. After Luo Feng approached, he could clearly see that it was a special meson space card, which was different from what Luo Feng had.

Luo Feng concluded that this deceased must have been a mighty power in the Heavenly Hell Realm.

Only ten stories short...

Eighth floor...

The magic knife in Luo Feng's hand had begun to break.

At the last moment, when Luo Feng approached and picked up the meson space card in one hand, the magic sword was completely broken, and the majestic and terrifying formation force rushed towards Luo Feng frantically.

Whoosh whoosh!

Luo Feng flew back like lightning for the first time, so he was also injured. When he fell down next to the stone steps, he was covered in blood and embarrassed.

After taking a spiritual pill, Luo Feng sat cross-legged, gradually regaining some vitality.

Luo Feng couldn't wait to take out the meson space card. The original owner's consciousness had already been wiped out. Luo Feng entered easily. For a moment, Luo Feng was shocked, "Is that... the **** of sword?"

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