Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1418: I want a city

Chapter 1418 I Want A City

Everyone Petrochemical!

It means that they don't understand the world of strange masters and apprentices.

One willing to fight, one willing to suffer?

Ma Fu also some dumbfounded, he followed master has been a long period of time, even the chef's favorite small junior sister apprentice, can not be so mad after the meal master beat, but also that things are not.

It seems that I underestimated the master's belly.

Ma Fu had an epiphany and admired him.

"Master, your eyes..." Luo Feng asked concerned.

Ding Fuyu chuckled and smiled, "I haven't adapted to the sunlight of this low plane for a while." After a few perfunctory words, Ding Fuyu decisively left, "Luo Feng, I am waiting for you at the Tengcheng City Lord's Mansion."

After that, Ding Fuyu turned around and walked into the beam of light, disappearing.

"Little Junior Brother." At this moment, Ma Fu walked to Luo Feng's side and gave him a thumbs up secretly.

Luo Feng suddenly.

It seems that it's not just me who resents the master.

At the beginning, Ma Fu was ‘pitted’ by Ding Fuyu as his chief disciple.

"Big brother, what happened after I left the Purple God Palace?" Luo Feng could only ask for news from Ma Fu first.

Ma Fu didn't let Luo Feng disappointed. He told him what happened that day.

From Su Huan and Ye Jianing to Zuilong Peak, to Ding Fuyu's uproar at Epan Mountain, asking Epan Mountain disciples to bury Luo Feng, and finally Tianshu Palace Lord took the initiative to suppress and abolish the post of Elder Gulin...

Luo Feng couldn't help but muttered to himself, "It seems that I blamed the master."

Ma Fu smiled bitterly, "The master did not know that you were in danger at the time. I have been guarding outside the Purple God Palace, waiting for the master to come out and report to him as soon as possible."

Standing on Jianfeng, Luo Feng began to think.

The actions of the Palace Master Tianshu undoubtedly released a message to Luo Feng - the military merits Luo Feng has made for the Purple God Palace are more important than Elder Epanfeng.

So, it is time for myself to return to the Purple Temple. It is impossible for Luo Feng to stay on the earth plane forever. There are many things that must be done.

"You stay here for now." Luo Feng immediately arranged everything and asked Tang Dal's people to stay in the restaurant in the small town closest to Zhujian Peak. This time, Luo Feng not only wanted to go back by himself, but also his brother. , Hongyan, can also embark on the journey again.

Standing on Jianfeng, Luo Feng used the special handprint obtained from Sima Tiangui to reopen the passage.

Connected to the "road" to the realm of hell!

Stepping in side by side with Ma Fu, the picture in front of him changed drastically. Soon, the familiar lofty mountains appeared before Luo Feng.

"Here, it should belong to Fuji City's sphere of influence." Luo Feng said to himself.

The sun was thinning the mountains, the setting sun, grass and trees, horses galloping on the ancient road, and soon, the familiar city lord mansion appeared in front of Luo Feng.

Luo Feng had been here before, but he came and went in a hurry, but he took two lives.

Stepping in again gave Luo Feng a sorrowful feeling. After all, when he first entered the heavenly prison, the Sima family was a behemoth in Songzhou, but now, the Sima family has been trampled to death by him!

This time, it can be regarded as the second trip to the **** of heaven, and Luo Feng has personally experienced the cruelty here.

The Sima family, the overlord of Songzhou, his demise was only day and night.

Purple God Palace, I thought it was a safe place, but almost lost his life to Panfeng.

Everything here is full of unknowns.

Stepping into the City Lord’s Mansion, he was told that Ding Fuyu had been waiting in the garden in the backyard for a long time.

Luo Feng didn't hesitate and walked over.

"Practitioner Luo Feng, pay homage to the master." Luo Feng saw Ding Fuyu standing under a tree, and immediately walked up to make a salute.

"Don't come to this set for me." Ding Fuyu turned his head and glared at Luo Feng, his face still a little bit painful, "You guy really can do it, deceive the master and destroy the ancestor, are you afraid of the thunder?"

At this point, Luo Feng could only continue to pretend to be confused, looking at Ding Fuyu blankly.

Ding Fuyu's mouth twitched, only to continue to swallow this dumb loss.

"Forget it, because you have made a great contribution to the Purple God Palace, you are too lazy to care about you as a teacher." Ding Fuyu waved his hand, "I came here by the order of the Palace Master Tianshu, please return to the Purple God Gong, restore your identity, you are still my Drunken Dragon Peak disciple."

"Then what good do I have?" Luo Feng couldn't help but blurt out.

Ding Fuyu's face turned black, "What more do you want? Oh, yes, you can get a lot of military exploits. Then, it is estimated that you will be able to get a lot of good things in Zibaolou."

"Then... Master, in your opinion, how much can I have in cracking the shield of the patterned soldier?" Luo Feng asked.

This actually stumped Ding Fuyu.

Palace Master Tianshu praised this military achievement personally as the first marvelous achievement of the Purple God Palace in thousands of years! Then, the military merit of its value... Ding Fuyu found that he could not imagine a numerical value to measure.

"This... can only be decided by the palace masters." Ding Fuyu could only give such an explanation in the end.

"It seems that this military merit is indeed not small!" Luo Feng said to himself, "Since even the master can't give a specific number, a few palace masters may not be able to accurately judge the value of this military merit, but I have one. proposal."

"What advice?"

"Use the rest of the rewards to offset your military merit." Luo Feng smiled and finally said his purpose.

Hearing this, Ding Fuyu stunned for a while, and couldn't help laughing, "I almost forgot. You once said that you want to be the leader of the white army, and let the white army guard the passage of your home plane... OK! I can assure you that if you want to offset some of your military merits, several palace masters will definitely agree."

Luo Feng coughed slightly, "Master, what if I want more?"

"More?" Ding Fuyu looked at Luo Feng puzzled.

Luo Feng's expression became serious. "Through this time, I have felt that there is too little contact between the homeland plane and the **** state, and the gap is too big! I think it is necessary for me to do something for the homeland plane. "

"Don't go in circles." Ding Fuyu interrupted Luo Feng.

"I want a city!" Luo Feng immediately raised his head, pausing each word, and then falling in a deep voice, "It is at this moment, Tengcheng that I stepped on under my feet!"


Ding Fuyu stared at Luo Feng in a daze.

After a while, he couldn't help but say, "Are you...sure?"

Luo Feng nodded, "I also hope that the master will complete it."

"The old man has a fart for fulfillment. You have to let a few palace masters fulfill it!" Ding Fuyu suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. The request made by this apprentice really caught him off guard. He wants a city, which is different from the previous Sima family in charge of Song. Zhou, the Sima family, has always been in charge of acting only, and Luo Feng's meaning is obviously to change Tengcheng and become Luo Feng's personal city. From a practical perspective, they are two completely different concepts.

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