Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1421: Magnetite

Chapter 1421

Ding Fuyu deliberately bit the word'Luo City Lord' seriously, and snorted softly, as if he was still declaring his dissatisfaction with Luo Feng's decision. There was a rattan city in a mere name, and it was impossible for Ding Fuyu. Compared with that immeasurable military merit.

Even if all the power directly under the jurisdiction of the Purple God Palace within the scope of Fuji City is withdrawn, what about it? Nothing more than a form of walking, this place is always located in the east, standing within the scope of the Purple Shrine.

All in all, not worth it!

However, Luo Feng smiled slightly, pretending not to see it.

"Three months, ten thousand patterned soldier shields." Luo Feng pondered for a while, nodded and smiled, "With the help of the master, it must be no problem."

"Don't be full of self-confidence. You will be happy in the end." Ding Fuyu glanced at Luo Feng. "What you did was just crack the patterned shield. Are you sure that this process is really reversible? In case it doesn't work, you His military merits do not exist anymore."

"Absolutely no problem." Luo Feng was very confident, "If the master is worried, we will try it immediately."

"Then give it a try." Ding Fuyu said, "Since several palace owners have given you a three-month period, then you don't have to wait to return to the Purple God Palace. Otherwise, time is wasted on the road. Fuji Castle is a point and made 10,000 patterned shields."

Luo Feng curled his lips, "Is this to reasonably squeeze the resources of my Fuji City?"

Ding Fuyu, "..."

"Well, to contribute to the Purple God Palace, this is a privilege, right master." Luo Feng smiled and walked out of the room, "This is the City Lord's Mansion, there must be a weapon storehouse!"

The two strode Meteor, and soon arrived at the armory. After walking in, Luo Feng grabbed a few ordinary shields.

"The method of cracking the shield of the patterned soldier, reversed, is to edit the pattern on the ordinary shield, making it a patterned soldier." Luo Feng and Ding Fuyu walked to the side and put the ordinary shield in their hands. On the desktop.

"The first step of reversal." Luo Feng explained to Ding Fuyu while operating.

Although it was also the first time he tried to compile an engraved soldier shield, Luo Feng had conceived countless times in this process, and he was absolutely sure.

In this regard, Luo Feng is more like a master, while Ding Fuyu stood aside, humbly asking for advice.

Luo Feng felt that the shield in his hand had begun to gradually change.

Especially the temperature on the surface of the shield is slowly rising...

Luo Feng didn't pay much attention at first, and gradually, Luo Feng's expression changed slightly.


A ball of flame rose.

Burn this semi-finished product directly.

Luo Feng withdrew his hand in time, dumbfounded, his mind a little dumbfounded.

"Where is the problem?"

Ding Fuyu's heart couldn't help but felt tight, and he hurriedly looked at Luo Feng, "What's the matter?"

Luo Feng frowned.

Think carefully.

He controlled every step carefully, and he couldn't think of any problems.

"It should be the first time that you are not skilled enough before you have an accident. Try again." Luo Feng could only explain in this way. He picked up an ordinary shield again and began to edit the carving pattern.


Two steps.

Three steps.


Another group of flames shot up into the sky. Under the scorching flame, Ding Fuyu's complexion changed drastically, and his heart trembled, "What's the matter? Is it...really irreversible?"

Ding Fuyu's lips trembled, and he was a little unable to accept this fact.

"It must be reversible." Luo Feng's tone was firm, and no one knew his lines more clearly than him.

As if infected by Luo Feng's self-confidence, Ding Fuyu also nodded.

At this point, there is no turning back. The rewards of the Purple God Palace have been issued. If at this time, there is a big mistake, tell the Purple God Palace that the so-called patterned shield cannot be created at all, even Ding Fuyu Dare to imagine the consequences.

Luo Feng's gaze gradually became solemn, and he tried again.

However, the result was the same, causing incineration and turning into a pile of scrap iron.

"What is the reason?" Ding Fuyu also frowned, holding a piece of scrap iron in his hand, and fell into contemplation.

There was silence in the room.

Luo Feng also took a piece of scrap iron in a daze.

for a long time.

Suddenly, Luo Feng stood up suddenly, turned his head to look at Ding Fuyu, "Master, do you still have a shield with a pattern in your hand?"

Ding Fuyu came back to his senses slowly and nodded quickly, "Yes, I will get it right away." Ding Fuyu turned around and walked out, and soon brought a patterned shield.

Luo Feng took it, and immediately proceeded to crack this shield.

Ding Fuyu watched from the sidelines, Luo Feng cracked the patterned soldier shield quickly, and the entire patterned soldier shield was cracked by Luo Feng. Immediately afterwards, Luo Feng directly began to engrave the cracked patterned shield.

Time passed by every minute.

In the room, suddenly a bright light flashed by.

"Success!" Ding Fuyu couldn't believe it. The previous series of reversals failed, but this time, on the original patterned shield, it was successfully rewritten after cracking it, "Why is this?"

"I understand." At this moment, Luo Feng also let out a long sigh of relief. After tossing for a long time, he finally found out the reason.

"Material problem." Luo Feng put the two shields together and compared them. From the color and lustre of the two materials, there is really little difference. This is why Luo Feng has been neglecting it all the time. The material is definitely not ordinary iron."

Hearing that, Ding Fuyu's spirits lifted up, and he immediately picked up two shields and studied it carefully. For a moment, Ding Fuyu's expression flashed with excitement and excitement, "Yes, this is magnetic iron!"

"Magnetic iron?" Luo Feng couldn't help asking, "Is this kind of iron hard to find?"

"It's not difficult, there are magnetite mines in many places." Ding Fuyu was excited, "As far as I know, there is a magnetite mine in Tengcheng."

Luo Feng, "..."

Ding Fuyu saw the meaning of Luo Feng's eyes and couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, "Don't worry, the dignified Purple God Palace will not occupy your magnetite mine. How much you use, you will trade with spars of the same value."

"That's okay." Luo Feng breathed a sigh of relief, most afraid that the Purple God Palace would take it by force. He was a small rattan city with few resources.

This City Lord Luo, the speed of the role substitution is also extremely fast.

"Compared with ordinary iron, the mining and application steps of magnetite are more troublesome, and in terms of hardness, magnetite is not much stronger, so there are very few weapons that are forged with magnetite." Ding Fuyu said Luo Feng explained that at the same time, people immediately found a batch of Magnetite from the warehouse of the City Lord's Mansion.

"First use them to forge a batch of shields with patterned soldiers, and then I will compile engraving patterns on them." After learning that it was a paid plan, Luo Feng also came to his mind. This kind of public work is very oily.

Can take the opportunity to make a fortune.

Luo Feng thought about it without changing his face.

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