Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1431: ready to go

Chapter 1431

Luo Feng couldn't figure it out.

"But, no matter what, if Big Brother needs my help, I will definitely not refuse." Luo Feng said to himself, "Master told me to stay away from the Chu Dynasty, but he never said that he would keep me away from Senior Brother."

Meng Gudao left the city lord's mansion and returned to the earth plane. He wanted to take this news back. The two religions were merged into the Dragon Palace. It was very important that he had to go back to preside over.

Luo Feng walked out of the room.

Take a deep breath.

There are good news again and again, and then, there is a mountain.

As long as there is a mountain that can be controlled smoothly, then Tengcheng will be truly solid.

Luo Feng still had his own thoughts in his heart.

The Purple God Palace has a white army, and under his command, there are some elites from the original Tiger Legion and the flying knife family. To control a city, you must have an army.

Luo Feng thought of the most mysterious core place of the Dragon Palace, the three big characters floating in the air... Shenlong Jie!

"In the future, the army under the Dragon Palace will be named the Dragon Army!"

Luo Feng looks forward to one day when the Dragon Army will be able to conquer the world!

"The white army is only equipped with low-level shields. It seems that there are very few higher-level shields in the heavenly hell." Luo Feng squinted lightly. In this regard, he has the strongest trump card.

In the future, middle-level shields and even high-level shields will be engraved and equipped with patterned weapons. Such an army, below the same level, will surely sweep and crush directly.

Pattern soldiers are divided into low-level, intermediate-level, high-level, extraordinary, secret treasure, and myth!

"Perhaps one day, the core elite of the Shenlong Army will be a group of extraordinary soldiers! All extraordinary equipment!" Luo Feng walked, his eyes flashed with blazing light from time to time.

All this is based on his lines.

A person walked towards him and blocked Luo Feng's path.

"Elder Zhuge has an order. Tomorrow morning, go to a mountain." This is one of Zhuge Yi's true disciples, named Luo Donghu.

Luo Donghu's ranking on the Purple God Palace Tianjiao ranking is 40th, just one place behind Luo Feng.

However, Luo Donghu doesn't think he is worse than this newcomer.

"Be prepared, don't die in the field formation of Shenshan before you start to practice tomorrow." Luo Donghu left a cold sentence, then turned and left, and at the same time dropped another sentence, "Shenshan experience, Life and death are fateful. If you have any accidents, Elder Ding has nothing to say."

Luo Feng watched Luo Donghu leave.

He wouldn't be naive to think that Luo Donghu was really worried about his own safety, they were just worried about losing a dead ghost who opened the way in front of him.

"Thank you for your kindness." Luo Feng narrowed his eyes and the corners of his mouth lightly raised.

Master Yan mentioned a mountain in his letter, and he told Luo Feng a lot about the mountain.

The sacred mountain is resurrected, and the field formation fluctuates extremely sharply. Once you set foot rashly, various crises will appear.

Master Yan San deliberately reminded Luo Feng that if there is a crisis in the process of exploring the mountain, he should return in time.

"It seems that tomorrow will be the time when a mountain is fully restored." Luo Feng also looked forward to it.

That night, Luo Feng's door knocked.

Ding Fuyu walked in.

"Luo Feng, I will set off tomorrow." Ding Fuyu looked serious, "I have a heavy responsibility, so I will not accompany you to set off. However, you must remember one thing not to expose the pass symbol. Although Zhuge Yi clearly said that the three will tell the truth. Disciple's experience, but it is hard to guarantee that he will not hide in secret. After all, the danger of an unknown mountain is sometimes no less than a Jedi. Among the three true disciples, there is his son."

Luo Feng nodded.

"These two are extraordinary-level tattoo soldiers, one defense and one offense." Ding Fuyu took out two tattoo soldiers and gave them to Luo Feng, "Remember, do what you can."

"Thank you, Master." Luo Feng took over two tattooed soldiers. One of them was an inner armor. It was extremely soft to the touch, with a special material and pure black. At first glance, it looked like an ordinary short-sleeved T-shirt. Luo Feng was immediately interested in the other one. It was a small golden sword, only the size of a palm, but there was a majestic and sharp aura from the veins on it, which made people feel extraordinary.

"This inner armor, before you leave tomorrow, remember to put it on." Ding Fuyu urged, "And this little golden sword, I got it in Secret Realm No. 17 years ago. The material of the golden little sword is special, and the texture on it is magnificent. , I concluded that even among the extraordinary patterned soldiers, there are very few comparable to it. If you inject energy into the golden sword, it will become bigger. However, after I got it, it was basically useless. I am right. There is no research on swordsmanship. Your kid's sword intent is okay. I believe this golden little sword can shine in your hands."

Luo Feng nodded, holding the golden sword, and thanked Ding Fuyu again.

"There is one last thing, and the most important thing." Ding Fuyu's expression was solemn, and several layers of soundproof formations were arranged around the room. "If you want to control a sacred mountain, then you must get the heart of the sacred mountain. ."

Ding Fuyu introduced the heart of the mountain to Luo Feng.

Although Yan Sanshi had mentioned this to Luo Feng in his letter, but now from Ding Fuyu's mouth, Luo Feng still showed warmth in his heart.

After all, Ding Fuyu didn't know the relationship between Luo Feng and Yan Sanshi. If he didn't say anything, in the eyes of others, Luo Feng would never know the existence of the heart of the mountain. Luo Feng could think of this, Zhuge Yi would definitely remind the master that he would not tell him the existence of the heart of the mountain.

The sudden arrival of Zhuge Yi, under the guise of leading his disciples to practice, was for the heart of the mountain.

"It's a pity, I won't make you wishful." Luo Feng listened carefully to Ding Fuyu's instructions.

"Tengcheng is yours, but if the only sacred mountain within the scope of the Fuji city is not under your control, then this city is completely meaningless to you." Ding Fuyu said, "However, the heart of the sacred mountain is not specific. The position of, often exists in the most dangerous and mysterious place of the mountain. If you can't get it, don't force it."

Luo Feng nodded one after another.

After Ding Fuyu repeatedly instructed Luo Feng, he only removed the formation around the room. At this moment, Ding Fuyu keenly caught that outside the formation, there was a tyrannical consciousness that faded in an instant.

Ding Fuyu's face was calm, and he stepped out.

"Zuge Yi, I really want to eavesdrop." Luo Feng also noticed in an instant, thought, calmly, and practiced cross-legged.

One night, passed quietly.

Early the next morning, the morning sun was vigorous and the breeze was blowing.

Luo Feng got up, practiced his punches in the courtyard, and after some insights, he turned around and went back to the room, took a shower, and then walked towards the hall slowly.

In the hall, Zhuge Yi and others were already there.

"Huh, it's such a big racket. You even let us wait for you if you know you are leaving this morning?" Luo Donghu asked coldly, "I don't know what to say."

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