Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1437: There is no choice!

Chapter 1437 There is no choice!

More than a dozen roads!

The eyes of many warriors burst out with incomparable light, their fists clenched, and it was difficult to conceal the excitement in their hearts.

The moment ago, because of Mai Shuting's threat, the feeling of anger was aggrieved, and all of a sudden.

Mai Shuting came from a pill formation master, and a strong man who broke the seven shackles. Among the martial artists present, no one could surpass him. By the means of the pill formation hall, no one dared to confront him head-on.

One road, one dead end.

Another way, death, or encounter against the sky.

"That lucky guy, it will definitely be me." A warrior took a deep breath and wiped out his expectations.

"From the beginning of entering the spiritual world, my luck has never been worse than that of others."

"Children, you are not arguing." A white-haired warrior smiled confidently, "The old man walks is the way of life."

There is a way out for more than a dozen roads.


Mai Shuting had already opened up another path, and then pointed a martial artist with his hand to let him step in.

The warrior's face changed a few times, and he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

As soon as he stepped on, the white light of the sky turned into a spear, which instantly stabbed him to death.

There is no resistance.

Even at a distance, many warriors can feel the terrible power contained in that white light spear.

Another dead end!

However, in the next second, there was a cheering sound from behind.

"Good death!"

"Life is prepared for me."

Many warriors seem to be crazy.

Luo Feng looked on coldly.

He had already seen Mai Shuting's methods and deduced more than a dozen ways, but he was not sure which one was the way to survive.

However, whether there is a way of life or a dead end, which is more likely, Mai Shuting can definitely tell.

These warriors are all test stones of Mai Shuting.

In particular, the roads that Mai Shuting opened up at the beginning were almost the dead ends that Mai Shuting had determined, but he wanted to use the lives of these warriors to explore the reality.

Luo Feng was still hesitating at first whether he should stop Mai Shuting.

But now, hearing the harsh cheering sound, Luo Feng gradually became cold.

This is a bunch of lunatics.

Their eyes are only full of treasures.

Now even if Luo Feng stood up and told them that the road they were about to embark on was probably a dead end, they would never believe it, and even blame Luo Feng for being nosy.

One person stepped forward, and then fell under the attack of the white light spear.

In the rear, there was another cheering.

The people in front die, so their chances are greater.

Mai Shuting waved his hand to open up road after road.

There are fewer and fewer warriors.

At the beginning, the cheers were loud, and gradually, they weakened.

Seeing the death of a famous warrior, someone was already sweating coldly.

Mai Shuting's face was cold, and he waved, "There are only five roads left."

As soon as the words fell, the warrior behind Mai Shuting returned to his senses, and his spirits rose sharply!

Five ways, one way of life, four dead ends.

Behind Mai Shuting, only the last three remained.

More than a dozen warriors have died.

On the opposite side, Luo Feng stood with his hand in his hand, and Zhuge Hanxing was also calm because of Zhuge's secret reminder.

"I don't believe it, the last five roads, I can't make a way out." The white-haired warrior's eyes were resolutely shining, and stepped out, and in front of a white lotus paved road, glittering and charming, it should have been. It is a beautiful scenery all over the world, but it contains terrifying murderous intent.

One step, two steps.

Suddenly, the white-haired warrior's complexion changed drastically, and the white-light spear shot from all directions.

It's a dead end again!

"I don't believe it!" The white-haired warrior attacked frantically, activated a patterned soldier in his hand, went all out, and rushed forward. He tried to block the white light with the strength of the patterned soldier, but in the end he still failed with a full face. Not reconciled, fell on the white lotus unwillingly.

In the last four roads, Mai Shuting directly swung two top-grade spars and opened two roads, signaling the two behind him to step on.

"It must be a way out!"

The matter has reached this point, and there is no way out.

The eyes of the two warriors were crazy, they suddenly exerted force, and rushed forward.

call out! call out! call out!

Blood splattered, a dead end.

From beginning to end, Mai Shuting's face remained unchanged.

He took out two top-grade spar in his hand, waved out, the bright light bloomed, and the last two white lotus roads slowly appeared.

"As expected, the most likely way to survive is these two, one of them." Mai Shuting said to himself.

Zhuge Hanxing shuddered involuntarily.

This formation master from the Pill Formation Palace is simply too ruthless. He clearly knows which one is more likely to survive. But, let the rest of the warriors start from the most dangerous ones to try.

His purpose is naturally simple. He must choose accurately and accurately. In the end, he will naturally set foot on the real life.

During this time, no warriors came up.

Beside the Bailian Lake, only Mai Shuting and Zhuge Hanxing in the distance were left, and Luo Feng, who also stood on the bank of the Bailian Lake.

Mai Shuting suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhuge Hanxing, "You have seen enough, there are two ways. If you want to follow me through Bailian Lake, send someone out."

Hearing this, Zhuge Hanxing's pupils shrank slightly, and in the end, his heart moved too. There are two ways left to choose one, life and death! On my own side... there just happened to be a pathfinder.

"Luo Feng, go up." Zhuge Hanxing waved his hand directly, he was already a little impatient, as long as Luo Feng passed through, regardless of life or death, he would know the ultimate way of life.

"Brother Mai, I'm the true disciple of Wanhua Peak in the Purple God Palace, Zhuge Hanxing." Zhuge Hanxing smiled and took the initiative to talk with Zhuge Hanxing.

"It turned out to be Brother Zhuge." Mai Shuting was startled, and his face showed a smile. Zhuge Hanxing, like him, broke the seven chains. Now Zhuge Hanxing has reported himself and his status is not low, so Mai Shuting naturally gave him plenty of face. .

"Luo Feng, didn't you hear what Brother Zhuge said?" Luo Donghu scolded.

Luo Feng looked at it for a while, and shook his head, "Sorry, I don't know which one is the way of life."

He Taiji couldn't help but sneered when he heard that, "If you know which way to live, do you still need to go up?"

"So, you guys, you want me to die." Luo Feng said softly.

"This is an order." Zhuge Hanxing's attitude was resolute, staring at Luo Feng coldly, "Before setting off, Elder Zhuge said clearly that our team must listen to me."

"Hehe, what if I say no?" The smile in Luo Feng's eyes grew colder.

"There is a dead end, you have to go, there is no choice." Zhuge Hanxing waved his hand decisively, "If you don't go, then our brother, we can only send you a ride."

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