Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1478: Outbreak of character!

Chapter 1478 Outbreak Of Character!

No. 9 Secret Realm, the third place in the assessment of Jiuzhong Mountain.

Inside the stone cave, a figure is like a phantom, constantly changing strangely, as fast as lightning.

The cave after the big bang is very wide. At the same time, many huge rocks are lying and protruding. Under such an environment, it is also very suitable for Luo Feng to comprehend "Easy Travel".

The body shape turned into wind, turned into lightning, turned into Kunpeng, skyrocketing for ninety thousand miles.

Although Luo Feng's figure was moving fast, his eyes were kept tightly closed, using his spiritual consciousness to perceive everything in the outside world.

Throw yourself into the perception of "Xiaoyaoyou".

The first stage of "Easy Travel", Kunpeng has changed!


Luo Feng's figure passed over a rock, and the rock burst. In a blink of an eye, Luo Feng has already rushed to the distance...

I didn't hear the sound of the rock bursting!

This means that the speed at which Luo Feng casts "Xiaoyaoyou" has completely surpassed the speed of sound.


Luo Feng deeply felt the increase in speed.

He has officially stepped into the first level of the Kunpeng change in "Xiaoyaoyou"!

call out!

Luo Feng's figure rushed out of the cave.

Fast as streamer!

It didn't take long before he turned back.

The figure paused and stood on a rock.

The corner of Luo Feng's mouth raised slightly. After he broke the eight chains, his speed was comparable to that of some martial artists with nine chains. Now that he has comprehended the first level of Kunpeng transformation in "Xiaoyaoyou", Luo Feng has just experimented a bit and his speed has increased. Nearly one-third, if measured by data, roughly 1.3 times the speed of sound!

"If you can comprehend "Xiaoyaoyou" to the extreme and cross the world, who can stop me?" Luo Feng was confident, his eyes flashed with a forcing cold light.

Step forward.

Time is limited, Luo Feng is not eager to continue to comprehend "Xiaoyaoyou", there are three hours or so, about to leave the Jiuzhongshan assessment site.

The previous explosion exploded this stone cave into a huge deep pit.

When Luo Feng was comprehending "Xiaoyaoyou", he found something strange at the bottom of the pit.

In the last three hours, Luo Feng simply didn't bother to try to pass the third assessment, and his figure went straight down, and soon reached the bottom of the deep pit.

A strange breath came more clearly.

Luo Feng glanced at it, and finally his eyes fell on a rock.

Take out the worn-out ancient sword and split the rock directly.

At the bottom of the rock, there appeared a small pile of pure white soil, like rice, the soil was granular, each grain was crystal clear, full of luster, erupting fragrance, holding it in the hand, that strong breath of life, as if Zi made Luo Feng mobilize all the cells in his whole body and jumped for joy.

"Could it be..." Luo Feng couldn't help holding his breath, his eyes glowing and he was extremely excited, "God!"

Only Shentu has such a strong breath of life.

Luo Feng's eyes widened and he couldn't hide his laughter. In addition to breaking the eight chains, what Luo Feng wanted most was the Divine Land.

"The Secret Realm No. 9 is full of treasures. If you say that there is no Divine Soil, I really don't believe it." Luo Feng was excited, looking at the small pile of white Divine Soil in front of him, and immediately took out a porcelain bottle and filled it. Go in.

"Unfortunately, the amount is a bit small!" Luo Feng was a little dissatisfied.

You know, in the **** state, every time the **** soil appears, it will cause frenzied competition. If it is at the auction, the sky-high price will directly appear.

It can be seen that the precious soil is precious!

The sacred soil Luo Feng got was even slapped with dissatisfaction, and it was already worthless.

"It is said that the secret realm No. 9 has the most divine soil, and it seems that it is true." Luo Feng's eyes were like electricity, and his divine sense spread and covered, "here, will there be divine soil?"

Luo Feng's eyes showed eagerness, holding the worn-out ancient sword in his hand, he subconsciously swung the sword to dig.

Anyway, there is not much time left, and the third hope of passing the Jiuzhongshan assessment is not great. Luo Feng simply spends the remaining time to dig rocks and search for the gods in the depths of this cave.

At the beginning, Luo Feng didn't hold out much hope, after all, God's Land is too precious.

However, soon, Luo Feng's eyeballs began to widen again, feeling a bit weird.

He felt the breath of God's soil!

"There are such good things?" Luo Feng was pleasantly surprised. He couldn't believe it, and happiness came too suddenly.


This rock split, and the amount of Divine Soil was more than three times more than before.

"If possible, I really want to stay in the Secret Realm No. 9 for a year or a half." Luo Feng laughed loudly. In just three days, he was in the Secret Realm No. 9 and gained a lot!

Quickly loaded the sacred soil, Luo Feng continued to dig with his sword.

"and also!"

"I'm going, there are still more?"

"This pile weighs at least ten catties!"

Luo Feng swung his sword and dug into the depths for more than 100 meters, and Luo Feng's excited voice was heard from time to time.

At this moment, Luo Feng's mind was also in a blank state.

Divine soil...too much!

This makes Luo Feng crazy.

The deeper the digging, the more and more sacred soil, and sometimes the pile that appears directly, just like a hill.

"Could it be that by accident, a divine soil...mine was dug out?" Luo Feng was dumbfounded, his face was strange, and he was very happy.

There is also the word "mine" added to the back of the gods. Luo Feng is probably also the first person to open up the world in the hell!

The previous explosion exploded the stone cave tens of meters deep, and Luo Feng dug down nearly 100 meters before discovering this sacred soil mine.

General warriors, after entering Jiu Zhongshan, will only try desperately, passing the assessment, will not have such a leisurely digging a deep pit, after all, the opportunity to enter the Secret Realm No. 9 is extremely rare.

It can only be said that Luo Feng has ushered in an explosion of character!


Luo Feng swiftly swung the ancient sword, and when he encountered Divine Land, he immediately searched and put it into the meson space.

"This pile of sacred soil, all brought back to Longgong Mountain, will definitely allow Longgong Mountain to evolve again in a short period of time." Luo Feng extremely expected that the more stable the base camp, the less he has to worry about.

Boom boom boom.

The rock burst and shot everywhere.

"It's the last half hour." Luo Feng's heart suddenly felt like he couldn't help speeding up.

Race against time.

He already felt that there was a strange power faintly coming.

Three days!

Everyone who enters the Jiuzhongshan assessment has only three days to stay.

"Don't be so fast." Luo Feng swung his sword to dig, and soon, he found a pile of divine soil, and while excited, complained that the time was too fast.

The last ten minutes.

"I'll go!" Luo Feng jealous, he was reluctant to bear this pile of sacred soil, Luo Feng felt that if he continued to dig down, there would be sacred soil.

"Will this be the Heavenly Hell Realm, the only sacred soil mine?" In the last ten minutes, Luo Feng resolutely withdrew, and left a lot of hidden formations along the road, to remove this sacred soil mine. , Cover up.

Pieces of boulders were moved by Luo Feng to fill this deep hole.

Coupled with the secret effect of the formation, in a short time, this piece of sacred soil is unlikely to be discovered.

After all, according to Ding Fuyu, there are only about ten places entering the Secret Realm No. 9 every year.


The moment Luo Feng finished all this, a ray of light fell from the sky, enveloping Luo Feng.

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