Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1495: Who is so littering again!

Chapter 1495 Who's So Littering Again!

A figure flew down Wanhua Peak like a stream of light.


Shengxue in white, holding the tower of sentient beings in his hand, reflecting on that face, eyes like stars, blooming bright light, no one dared to look directly, the speed surpassed the speed of sound in an instant, and rushed out of the purple temple.

There is still a long distance from Wanhua Peak to outside the Purple God Palace.

After all, Wanhuafeng ranked eleventh and ranked high in the Purple God Palace.

At the moment when the figure fell under the feet of Wanhua Peak, Luo Feng took a powerful pill, his strength soared again, and his speed increased again. At this time, he played "Xiaoyaoyou" at 1.5 times the speed of sound.


The sound of blasting air reverberated and the peaks rang.

At this speed, in the Purple God Palace, no one except the Seven Great Palace Masters could catch up with Luo Feng.

Luo Feng's only worry now is the hundreds of thousands of troops in the Purple God Palace.

He is invincible of the same rank, but the strength of one person is impossible to fight against a hundred thousand troops.

Encirclement and suppression, even if it is lost, it can consume a peerless power to die.

He must use the fastest speed to rush out of the Purple God Palace and out of the Sky City. Then, the white army in the Purple God Palace cannot effectively round him up.

call out!

Outside the Purple Temple, the figure rushed out into the sky like electricity.

Luo Feng was slightly surprised. He noticed that the White Army within the Purple God Palace hadn't changed the least.

"Don't they plan to hunt me down?"

Luo Feng said to himself, this is naturally the best result.

If the Purple God Palace really wants to live with him endlessly, then only the fish will die.

An hour.


Luo Feng rushed out of Sky City strongly.

Could not help but laugh.

From this moment on, the sky is high and the birds fly, and the sea is wide.

Luo Feng held the tower of sentient beings in his hand, saw the direction, and swept away.

Sky City exploded in an instant.

Countless people were shocked, not knowing what happened.

I only felt that there was a bright white light figure in the sky, swept away.

"Who dares to be so presumptuous in Sky City?"

"How do I feel, something big has happened."

A few hours later, more news exploded.

"The God of War, Tianjiao, Luo Feng is back, making a big fuss in the Purple God Palace!"

"My God! What a heaven-defying arrogant is this? If you move across the Purple Temple and slay the elder Wanhua Peak, you can still retreat all over."

"Invincible Battle! Conferred God Battle!"

Although the Purple God Palace tried to suppress the news, there was no impermeable wall under the sky, and the paper could not contain the fire. Not long after, some people still got the news of Luo Feng's uproar in the Purple God Palace.

However, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. At almost the same time, there were rumors of various versions. It is difficult to tell which version is the real one.

Some people say that Luo Feng is sheltered by a mysterious powerhouse, and he makes a big fuss in the Purple Shrine!

Some people say that Luo Feng was originally the incarnation of a peerless powerhouse, robbing his soul, but in fact, he was not a young talent.

Some people say that Luo Feng defeated the alliance of the great palace owners of the Purple God Palace. Others said that the great palace owners of the Purple God Palace just retreated before Luo Feng successfully retreated in the Purple God Palace.

All kinds of news exploded in Sky City in an instant, and quickly spread throughout Zizhou, causing an uproar.

One by one, the flying eagles spread the news, with various versions of the news, and flew to various places in the hell.

It's like a bomb exploding, spreading everywhere.

This news is too shocking.

For thousands of years, who has dared to make trouble in the Purple Shrine? The important thing is that he finally retreated completely.

What a miracle!

A miraculous battle!

Many people want to explore the truth.

On that day, Oupuge and the strong man who asked the common people arrived in Sky City.

In this battle, their two major forces, a total of three strong men who broke the nine shackles were beheaded, and they naturally wanted to come and ask for an explanation.

The battle for the Purple God Palace seemed to have caused the undercurrents to swarm and intensify in the east of the entire Heavenly Hell Realm.

An invisible force is also spreading and fermenting!

People in Sky City can faintly feel that in this world, there is a feeling of wind and rain.

"Why did such a big thing happen, the Purple God Palace Lord, didn't even show up?"

Someone raised this question, and even a thousand-layered huge wave swelled.

Where is the lord of the Purple God Palace?

In the minds of countless people, a doubt arises...

As night fell, a mountain range was enveloped.

Beasts roar, insects and birds scream.

Luo Feng didn't know that he made a big disturbance in the Purple God Palace, and after leaving Sky City, a series of great changes would be triggered.

Luo Feng held the tower of sentient beings in his hand, and now the tower of sentient beings had restored its dim appearance.

"About five hours." Luo Feng muttered to himself, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

After all, it was just a dilapidated old mythological soldier.

Of the three extremely precious opportunities to use, only two are left.

Luo Feng clearly felt that after using the Tower of Living Beings this time, there were a few more cracks in the Tower of Living Beings.

Luo Feng also calculated that the duration of the tower of sentient beings once used was about five hours.

Five hours was enough to reverse a battle, but Luo Feng still felt that it was not enough.

"Why not use it once for one and a half years?" Luo Feng sighed.

If the great palace masters of the Purple God Palace heard this, they would not be able to help cursing, "Why are you so shameless?"

After a short rest, Luo Feng hurried all night.

Target, Moyunling Mountains, marshland.

A few days later.

Swamp underground, mysterious space, in front of Barbarian King’s palace.

Tang Daer is still used to every time he successfully accepts the inheritance of a Barbarian King, he walks out of this empty place in front of the Barbarian Palace, surrounded by many wine jars. When Tang Daer is idle, he drinks a few drinks. mouth.

"It feels really uncomfortable to drink boring wine." Tang Daer lay on a row of wine jars, holding a jar of wine in his hand, and glanced at him, "Monster Yaoling, are you sure you won't have two mouthfuls?"

In the distance, Yao Yaoling sat on the clean ground, glanced at Tang Da'er with agile eyes, and...ignore him!

"Actually, I know why you don't drink." Tang Daer smiled, sat up, and stared at the demon spirit, "Wine is the pain point of your tiger clan. I think back then, Wu Dalang drank 30 bowls to save him. Later, I took the courage to step through the mass graves and beat a tigress to death with one punch. Therefore, from now on, your tiger clan will have enemies with wine."

Yao Yaoling glanced at Tang Da'er contemptuously.

"You don't believe it?" Tang Daer chuckled, "I was a schoolmaster when I was studying, and I stood shoulder to shoulder with Brother Feng. I was known as the two great talents in Bauhinia Middle School. The history of'Wu Dalang Fighting the Tiger' can be remembered clearly, listen. Said that he also has a nickname called Wu Song."


At this time, another thing fell off the top of his head.

It hit about five meters to the left of Tang Dal's body.

"Who is throwing trash again?" Tang Dal scolded angrily, fixed his eyes on the past, and in a moment, his body seemed to be struck by lightning, and suddenly became petrified.

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