Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1500: Dragon Legion!

Chapter 1500 Dragon Legion!

Luo Feng said to them that the wedding with them would be held for them after finding his parents. At that time, he would take their children to attend the wedding together.

Xiao Yu and Qian Yilan are equally looking forward to it.

Although, perhaps this deadline will take a long time.

But they all understand and support Luo Feng.

Before he found his parents, how could Luo Feng get married?

"Lanlan and I are going back to the earth." Xiao Yu said with a smile.

Luo Feng couldn't help wondering curiously, "What are you doing back?"

"When the time comes, you will know." Qian Yilan also grinned grinningly, and the eyes of the two girls were full of crystal light.

The second day of February, starting from today, they will count down every day, waiting for the second day of February.

The specific calculation, probably, will only take one month.

"At this time, if it were in our house, it would happen to be the New Year." Qian Yilan said softly.

Luo Feng nodded and stroked Qian Yilan's hair, "Go back and meet with uncles and aunts, and if they want, they will also be picked up."

Qian Yilan's eyes faded with the color of expectation, and after a long time, she nodded gently.

Xiao Yu's eyes were once sad.

She, like Luo Feng, had no father or mother since she was a child.

Now Luo Feng has at least some hope, but he...

Luo Feng seemed to feel Xiao Yu's emotions, and squeezed the palm of her hand.

The next day, early in the morning, the two daughters of Qian Yilan and Xiao Yu bid farewell to Luo Feng and returned to the Earth plane.

Luo Feng once again devoted himself to the process of refining Alien Beast Pill.

The judge and the iron face should also finish the task quickly. According to a group of people led from the Earth Dragon Palace, this group of warriors who have not reached the shackles, Luo Feng needs to refine a large number of spirit pills, the lowest level of the alien beast in his hand. It is also the three-tiered Poisonous Queen Bee in the Shackle Realm. Luo Feng used this level of Poisonous Bee Inner Pills with countless layers diluted with various elixir to refine a large number of elixir. Warrior, hit the first shackles.

"This is called a heavy pill." Luo Feng directly categorized and named it, all of which belonged to the type of different animal pill, and it was suitable for different people.

Luo Feng retreats this time, and the resources he possesses can refine from one to six pill!

Coupled with the strange fruit obtained in the Secret Realm No. 9, the warrior who has broken the six chains can go one step further and step into the seven ranks of the Shackle Realm.

It can be said that there are not necessarily people in the entire Heavenly Prison Realm. With resources like Luo Feng, a warrior below the Shackle Realm can be transformed into a strong man who breaks the seven shackles in a short time.

Of course, this also requires the warrior who serves pill to have enough talent and foundation.

Fujijo, everything is running in an orderly manner.

Zizhou, outside the Purple God Palace.


On Ji Yilian's ordinary-looking face, a sharp lightning flashed across his eyes, raising his hand to attack, and in front of him, a masked man also attacked him.

After dozens of moves, Ji Yilian was repelled by the masked man.

"The old man is not malicious." The masked man's voice was low, "Ji Shaoxia, but is he carrying seven stars?"

Ji Yilian frowned and didn't understand the meaning of the masked man. After denying it, he fought back with all his strength. After he pushed back the masked man, he turned around and fled quickly towards the direction of the Purple God Palace...

The masked man is Pang Zhou.

At this moment, he was stunned.

Which one is the boy with the seven stars?

Luo Feng said no.

Another person, Jianfeng Tianjiao Jian Shujie, also said no.

Ji Yilian had high hopes from Pang Zhou. After all, at that time, only three Tianjiao had entered the Secret Realm No. 9. In Pang Zhou’s heart, Ji Yilian best matched the young man carrying the Seven Stars in his heart. Image.

However, Ji Yilian also denied it!

Pang Zhou looked blank.

Night fell.

Sky City, a restaurant box.

Pang Zhou opened the door of the box and walked in. In the box, there was a person sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed slightly.

After Pang Zhou entered, his expression showed respect, "Meet the general!" Pang Zhou was shocked. General Yuwen Yuanxia, ​​in the Yuwen clan, was second only to the patriarch.

The patriarch directly dispatched General Yuwen Yuanxia to pick up the boy with the Seven Stars. It can be seen how much the patriarch attaches great importance to the boy with the Seven Stars.

"Why didn't people bring them?" Yuwen Yuanxia opened the door directly and said in a deep voice.

Pang Zhou smiled bitterly, "Report to the general that there was a little accident." Then, Pang Zhou said the matter.

"Never admit it, I have seven stars on my back?" Yuwenyuan Xia was stunned and couldn't help laughing. "It seems that this junior of my Yuwen clan is really very careful." He pondered for a moment, "Pang Zhou, you tell me , The specific information of the three."

"Two of them are now in the Purple God Palace, and the other one, far away in Songzhou, Tengcheng, is the **** of war Tianjiao, Luo Feng, who has been making a lot of noise recently." Pang Zhou quickly said the information of the three.

"Tengcheng, Luo Feng? Last name Luo?" Yuwen Yuanxia narrowed her eyes lightly, and a gleam of light flashed away. "If there is no accident, this Luo Feng is the younger generation of my Yuwen clan. Pang Zhou, do you think The method is to draw the other two out, and I can dial out whether they have the blood of the Yuwen clan."

"Yes! General." Pang Zhou nodded.

Yuwen Yuanxia was silent for a moment, and her voice slowly sounded again, "One more thing, is there any news?"

Hearing this, Pang Zhou's pupils shrunk slightly, and he shook his head with a wry smile, "Returning to the general, it can be said that the most turbulent and chaotic time of the Purple God Palace in recent times, but the palace lord, still has not appeared, and is still the seven deputy palace lord. Presiding over the overall situation."

After a long time, Yuwenyuan Xia gave a hum, waved to Pang Zhou, and quickly proceeded.

The next day.

When the first sun rises.

The earth plane channel, the light rises brightly.

Soon, the figure flickered.

A team appeared, a total of nearly a thousand people.

This is a group of Dragon Palace disciples who have been carefully selected and selected after Judge Tiemian's return to formally enter the realm of heaven.

"Here, is hell?" Leopard Shadow looked up like a curious baby, "The tree is higher than the earth."

The Gorefiend picked up a stone, "The stone is harder than the earth."

Nangong Wudi sighed, "I heard that there are still many strange animals in the hell, even an ant may be a strange animal. You can't just say that you want to strangle an ant in the future."

Thousands of people, lively and lively, rushed to the mountain.

At the foot of the sacred mountain, a figure dressed in white appeared out of the sky, like a round of blazing sun hanging, gleaming all over.

"Boss!" Leopard Shadow and the Gorefiend were so excited that they shouted.

"You are finally here." Luo Feng glanced across.

Judge, Iron Mask, Leopard Shadow, Gorefiend.

Nangong is invincible.

Geng Tianze.

Hua Jian laughed, Mo Chuyun.

and many more.

It's all here!

Once on the earth, fighting together.

Today, gather together in the world of hell, and fight the world again.

Luo Feng's eyes were blazing, "I declare that from this moment on, the Dragon Palace and the Dragon Army are officially established!"

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