Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1511: The eve of the decisive battle!

Chapter 1511 The Eve of the Decisive Battle!

Songzhou, Huangcheng, the war broke out!

The white-clothed army and various legions in nearby states such as Yunzhou, Huzhou, and Hongzhou gathered in the shortest time and stationed in Songzhou. The various forces added up to tens of thousands. They should ask the invading people ten. The Ten Thousand Golden Lion Army is elite, fighting to the death.

Unfortunately, he was ultimately defeated and lost to the Golden Lion Corps at all. So far, Songzhou fell.

Above Huangcheng, the banner of the Golden Lion Army was planted, flying high.

This, within three days of Qiu Yi's plan, the capture of Songzhou, one day less.

"The whole army rests for a day." Jin Yi elder Qiu Yi ordered, "To clear out all the power of the Purple Temple in Songzhou, Songzhou must be completely controlled by the common people."

Qiu Yi raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, asked the common people, and lit six wars at the same time, trying to capture the six states, and his mission has been successfully completed.

"Next, the target, Tengcheng, Luo Feng." Qiu Yi squinted his eyes, "Beheading a district of Luo Feng, he was going to use ten gold-robed elders. On the second day of February, Luo Feng also died well."

Elder Jinyi is at least the strong man who broke the evolutionary stage of breaking the nine yokes, and Qiu Yi himself is a consummate martial artist. Among the ten elders in the golden robes in his mouth, three of them are martial artists who have broken the nine yoke period of perfection , Comparable to the existence of the seven deputy masters of the Purple God Palace, this power can shock any power under the world, but now, it is only going to a remote town to kill one person.

Qiu Yi felt a little overkill.

"Maybe, I don't need to wait for a shot at all. The 20,000 Golden Lions can cut off Luo Feng's head."

Songzhou had just captured, and the Golden Lion Corps had to go to various cities to consolidate its power. Qiu Yi decided to lead 20,000 elite Golden Lion Corps and approach Tengcheng. This is much less than the 30,000 estimated by Yan's Third Division. .

Only three days left until the second day of February!

The army set off, the horn was blown, the common people asked, and the flag was flying.

In just a few days, the situation in Songzhou changed drastically. From the turbulence broke out to the moment it calmed down, it didn't take much time to see the horror of the Golden Lion Legion, and everything it pointed to was destroyed by thunder.

After a brief period of panic, in Songzhou, many warriors looked at Fujijo.

"Luo Feng's expiration date, countdown, three days."

"The common people asked, the Golden Lion Legion is really terrible. It is an invincible existence! I thought the White Army could resist the Golden Lion Legion for a while in the final battle of Huangcheng, but in the end it was still a crushing victory! Ten The Ten Thousand Golden Lion Legion is too terrifying. Unless it is the same number of white-clothed troops and commanders of the same level, there is no force in the entire East that can stop the Golden Lion Legion."

"In the beginning, I thought Luo Feng had hit the Grand Canal, and the Purple God Palace was fighting with Cang Sheng Wen Dao. I might have no time to pay attention to Luo Feng. As everyone knows, Cang Sheng Wen Dao attacked Songzhou with lightning speed. The reinforcements of the Purple God Palace are still on the way, this interval is completely enough, the common people asked, and forcefully beheaded Luo Feng.

"Everything is under the control of Cangshengwendao."

"The common people asked, how terrible it is."

One after another, they all looked at Fuji City.

Many warriors are bold enough to approach Fuji City, because, in the common people's questioning, there is a voice, welcoming warriors from all over the world to witness the death of Luo Feng!

"Use Luo Feng's blood to dye the banner of the Golden Lion Legion, and then dominate the entire East!"

Fuji City, in front of the city gate, various decorations, on the city wall, a warrior wearing armor, at this moment, the eyes of a blazing light flashed.

"Finally coming." The judge stood high on the city wall, looking into the distance, the blood in his heart seemed to be boiling.

When the whole world thought that Tengcheng was in despair and wailing at this moment, no one knew that at this moment, the whole Tengcheng was at its peak.

"In just a few days, the common people asked, the Golden Lion Legion is invincible and invincible. With the momentum of destruction, it has captured a state and created a myth?" The corner of Tiemian's mouth also wiped out a disdain, and his eyes fought. The meaning is strong and burning, "If this is a myth, then my Dragon Legion will crush their myth on the second day of February."

The first day of February!

On this day, in front of the sacred mountain, the Dragon Legion assembled.

"Nothing to say." Luo Feng stood at the highest point, white clothes Shengxue, eyes shining like a divine sword, and a bowl of wine in his hand. "I will offer a glass to many brothers, and tomorrow, I will send the Golden Lion Army to Huangquan. "

Dragon Legion, screamed loudly, and drank a glass of wine at the same time.

No fear of a battle!

Even, looking forward to a war!

In just a few days, the Golden Lions have achieved a fabulous record.

However, in this short period of time, many soldiers in the Shenlong Legion also felt the renewed changes that had taken place in them. Many people were eager to try and want to take the Golden Lion Legion.

"The Golden Lion Legion shocked the world. If we defeat the Golden Lion Legion when our forces are weak, then the power of the Dragon Legion can shock the world!"


The soldiers of the Shenlong Legion waved their spears one after another, feeling an astonishing force.

The spear of the spear flashes with patterns!

Up to the nine commanders, down to the small soldiers in charge of logistics, they all have patterned shields and patterned spears. This huge handwriting also shocked and excited all the soldiers of the Shenlong Legion. How can I ask who is in the world? Equipment, so luxurious?

Night fell.

The night of Fujijo seemed to be silent all at once.

Everyone suppressed the fighting spirit in their hearts, recharged and prepared for the battle of tomorrow.

Under the sacred tree of Bodhi, the two women cuddled beside Luo Feng.

"Don't worry." Luo Feng smiled relaxedly, "You have also seen today. Before the mountain, the morale of my Dragon Legion has reached its peak. Everyone is looking forward to the battle tomorrow."

"But, are we really sure to defeat the common people?" Xiao Yu's eyes were worried, "We may not lose in the decisive battle between the Dragon Legion and the Golden Lion Legion, but what about the strong people asking the common people? In the Purple God Palace, You have shown your hole cards. Under this circumstance, they still dare to come, will they...they have a way to deal with the tower of sentient beings?"

Luo Feng's heart stunned slightly, which happened to be what he was worried about.

Looking at the eyes of the two girls, Luo Feng finally smiled lightly, and put his arms around the two girls, "My tower of sentient beings is a soldier with a mythology pattern. Tomorrow's battle, he asked, how many strong people come, I will destroy them all. At the same level, I haven't met an opponent yet."

The second woman pressed her red lips lightly, still extremely worried.

"Right." Luo Feng changed the subject directly, "What did you do when you returned to Earth?"

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