Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1534: Regain Songzhou!

Chapter 1534 Recapture Songzhou!

Luo Feng's eyes lit up, "Is there any news from the master?"

From beginning to end, the only person who knows Luo Feng's life the best is the old way of thinking.

He is also the person Luo Feng trusts most.

At this juncture, if the master can appear in time, no matter what the final truth will be, for Luo Feng, Jiu Chi's return would be a great comfort.

"This letter was passed to me by sending the flying eagle before your second uncle set out to rescue your master." Third Master Yan said in a deep voice, "it's already a few days ago, maybe your second uncle has already I rescued your master and brought him back. However, your second uncle said in the letter that the place where he is going to save your master is a sea area within the power of the South Wind Pill Formation Palace."

Luo Feng's face changed lightly, "So far..."

"For your second uncle, that's nothing." Yan Sanshi smiled, "The third division, six demon and nine idiots, the strength of the six demon ranks ninth on the Lingtian list! Your second uncle's speed, although not comparable The owner of the Purple God Palace’s Chaofa Zizhou, arrived at Tengcheng at night, but from the southern seas, back to the east, and then to Tengcheng, as long as they know the situation of Tengcheng, they will definitely come at full speed. Ten days, presumably enough."

Luo Feng sighed deeply, "Thank you, Uncle."

What happened today, especially when he learned that his parents were being punished, Luo Feng was really confused, and he couldn't wait to see his parents right away.

Now that he calmed down, Luo Feng also had a burst of doubt in his heart.

What is the purpose of the Yuwen clan?

Leaving the Wutong Forest, back to the mountain.

Luo Feng traveled all over the sacred mountain and picked a lot of exotic fruits. This is a batch of exotic fruits after the evolution of the sacred mountain. Among them, the highest level can break the eight chains.

Ten days!

Regardless of whether it was a postponement, or whether it was really to find a way for Fuji City, Luo Feng would also make the most of these ten days to pave another way for his brother.

Especially the judge Tiemian and others. They followed themselves all the way, without the guidance of a famous teacher, and only practiced on their own, but with their talents, they were enough to become true disciples of any king-level force.

They all did not hesitate to follow Luo Feng.

For brotherhood!

After picking up the different fruits, Luo Feng began to refine the spirit pills frantically.

The whole sacred mountain fell into a strange silence after a brief celebration.

In the east, within the scope of the Purple Shrine, the flames of war broke out!

In addition to Songzhou, Cangsheng asked, the other five states were lit up for war. The flag of the Golden Lion Corps was stained with layer after layer of blood. They seemed to vent the anger of Songzhou's defeat. ,break out!

Opu Pavilion, who has also been planning for a long time, ignited three wars and declared war on the Purple Temple!

After the initial panic, the Purple God Palace quickly stabilized its position and the army went out to fight for the supremacy of the world.

The East, after all, is the site of the Purple God Palace. Every state and city has an army of the Purple God Palace. The Purple God Palace can easily convene legions to cooperate with the White Army to fight the enemy together.

After the First World War in Fujijo, on the third day, outside Songzhou, the army of the Purple Shrine descended!

Prior to this, Cangsheng asked Dao to set off six battlefields, and the one with the most powerful people was Songzhou! Therefore, this army of the Purple God Palace is personally led by the Palace Master of Tianshu. The strong under his command are like clouds, and there are many strong ones who have broken the nine shackles. Among them are the peaks and Tianjiao. They will also grow up in the flames of war. , Quickly became the core of the Purple Temple.

The Songzhou war broke out instantly!

The Golden Lion Corps in Songzhou, plus some of the previous survivors and warriors who defected, can still be called a hundred thousand army, but the group of dragons has no leader, Qiu Yi was killed, the nine golden elders who came to support were beheaded and Songzhou was newly appointed. The inspector also died in the Battle of Tengcheng. In this state, the Golden Lion Legion faced the white army led by the Palace Lord of the Purple God Palace. There was only one ending, completely defeated.

The army of the Purple Palace, regain Songzhou!

The news came out, inspiring, and the people in the east were extremely excited.

After all, in many people's minds, the Purple Shrine is orthodox, and Cangsheng Wendao and Oupge are both rebels who provoked war!

The first battle in Songzhou was very happy!

Finally ushered in a big victory!

"In this battle, Cang Sheng asked, the loss of 100,000 troops! The Purple God Palace really won a great victory."

"Tsk tusk, in fact, is this a slap in the face of the Purple God Palace? Everyone knows that this big victory in the Purple God Palace is due to the strong people who asked the people in the Fuji City battle a few days ago. , Were all beheaded by the God of War Luo Feng, ten golden elders! There are still many strong men who broke the nine chains, all of them died in battle! And Luo Feng is a traitor to the Purple God Palace!"

"Their victory was given to them by the so-called traitor."

"The face of the Purple God Palace is swollen, and now the Purple God Palace, I am afraid I can't regret it. They have missed what a devilish Tianjiao."

Many warriors who know the insider talk hotly.

One after another sighed.

Songzhou, Huangcheng.

On the top of a sacred mountain, Palace Master Tianshu, looking at one direction.

That is the direction of Fujijo.

At this moment, the eyes of Palace Master Tianshu were extremely complicated.

The wizard of Tianzong, but by mistake, went against the Purple God Palace.

Now, it is impossible to persuade him to return to the Purple God Palace.

"In the face of today's war, the Purple God Palace was able to quickly stabilize the situation, and I want to thank him for his first miraculous achievement in a thousand years." Palace Master Tianshu sighed, the war broke out, with a hundred thousand lines The soldier shield played a huge role, and at the same time, Ding Fuyu continued to compile the engraved soldier shield day and night, so that the defense force of the army of the Purple Palace was improved.

But the Palace Master Tianshu also heard that in the Battle of Fuji City, the Dragon Legion was not only a shield, but also every soldier in the Dragon Legion had a lance.

This means that Luo Feng once said that his idea of ​​developing an offensive pattern soldier has been successful!

"He is the only one in this world, who truly masters the tattoo." Palace Master Tianshu couldn't help sighing again, especially in troubled times. The importance of Luo Feng, even if it is a hundred thousand army, cannot be compared. .

A figure quickly walked towards the mountain.

"Report to the palace lord, all the cities in Songzhou have been successfully recovered." A woman in a pale red gown, with her hair curled up, her eyes clear, wearing battle armor, and a woman who looks like thirty or forty years old. People who don’t know would never think that this is the third Nishang Peak elder, Yan Tong, who broke the evolutionary stage of the nine chains.

During this trip, Yan Tong led the disciples of Nishang Peak and followed the palace lord of Tianshu to battle Songzhou.

This maiden army, in the war, also left a prestigious name.

Yan Tong paused, and hesitated, "Only...Tengcheng is left."

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