Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1581: Killing God is here!

Chapter 1581 Killing God Coming!

Luo Feng also felt a little impatient.

As he himself said, passive defense, he has never liked it.

Since everyone thought that the Phoenix Army could only defend passively, then tonight, I will give everyone a big surprise!

Tang Da'er had walked to the side of Yao Yaoling and took a look, "Hey, Yao Yaoling, I think after you watched Liao Zhai, the whole tiger has become melancholy, I have lovesickness, do you also have lovesickness? Sick?" Tang Dal smiled and sat beside the demon demon spirit, looking at the demon demon spirit, "Which tiger do you like?"

"That's right!" Tang Dal thought suddenly, and couldn't help but turn his head to look at the demon demon spirit with curiosity, and said in doubt, "I heard that the alien beast can break the five chains and transform into a human form. Why haven't I seen you? Human body."

Yao Yaoling glanced at Tang Daer, but did not respond.

Tang Dale understood immediately, patted the demon spirit, "It doesn't matter if you look ugly, I am not a person who judges people by appearance. When you dare to face yourself, it is not too late to transform into a human form."


With a paw, the demon demon slapped Tang Dal into the air. With a plop, Tang Dal fell directly into the Phoenix Lake.

"Damn, you have a violent temper!" Tang Dal yelled, staying in the water for a while, couldn't help but mumbled, "Why is the water in Phoenix Lake so hot? You can soak in a hot spring!"

Hearing this, Yao Yaoling's pupils couldn't help but shrank slightly and looked towards Phoenix Lake.

Here, there is a legend from a long time ago.

No one can tell exactly what it is.

However, a common saying is that there is Phoenix Lake first, and then Phoenix City.

Its existence is too old.

At this time, someone next to him exclaimed, "It's strange, did I have hallucinations?"

"The water in Phoenix Lake has become hot."

"It's usually very cold!"

Many people noticed and couldn't help shouting.

Tang Da'er had already come up from Phoenix Lake, and luckily steamed the soaked clothes directly, and then sat down beside the demon spirit without worrying about it, "I’ve gotten a little bored lately, right, since the war, you’ve been Without a shot, there is a chance to perform well tonight."

Tang Dal told Luo Feng's plan.

"Brother Feng said, in the world of hell, Tengcheng is our home." Tang Dal's eyes flashed, "These guys want to invade our home, we will definitely not let them succeed! "

Hearing this, Yao Yaoling's body couldn't help but shocked strongly.

She looked at Tang Dal, her eyes smeared with a touch of complexity.

"We, just wait for the dark to come!"

Tang Da'er's voice echoed in Yao Yaoling's mind.

However, Tang Da'er, who was so nervous, didn't notice the strangeness of the demon spirit at all.

Night fell quietly.

Near Phoenix Lake, many people have noticed that the water in Phoenix Lake is getting hotter and hotter. It has even gradually begun to bubble and is about to boil.

Attracted countless people onlookers.

However, apart from the constant bubbling, there was no other change. As the night darkened, the shore of Phoenix Lake gradually became empty.

No one noticed that at this moment, there were faint colored ripples in the depths of the lake bottom.

Visible from time to time.

Outside the city, the coalition camp.

Two golden-robed elders in Oupuge received a secret letter in their hands.

"The patriarch is not satisfied with the current situation. He has urged him to take down Luo Feng as soon as possible." Pang Shanggang spoke slowly.

"Although our coalition forces have suffered more losses during this period of time, they are within the tolerable range, but the Phoenix City is already full of soldiers. In a few days, it will be no problem to easily win the Phoenix City." Xiao Soul frowned. "However, the patriarch gave this order. We can no longer adopt this tactic. We must capture Huangcheng as soon as possible and capture Luo Feng alive."

"The common people asked over there, there should be no problem." Pang Shanggang said, "Wu Kun has long been unable to hold back and wants to launch a general attack."

"The young master is about to come out. It won't be long before the Heavenly Hell Realm belongs to the Chu Dynasty!"

"Actually, I still want to keep watching for a few more days. The defenders of the Phoenix City are frightened, and they are all soldiers. It is ridiculous."

The night is dark.

Both inside and outside the city have become quiet.


Behind Huangcheng, a mountain peak, a silver-winged sky tiger, spread its wings.

Whoosh whoosh!

It was still those seven people who fell directly behind the Silver-Winged Sky Tiger, with the power of the demon spirit, this was naturally nothing.

With a lightly raised wings, the silver-winged tiger soared up into the sky by the night.

The wind is bitter.

The eyes of several people wiped out their expectations.

"It's finally time for us to take the initiative!"

"Turn him up to a million troops and make an upside-down."

The iron face also laughed.


Suddenly, the demon spirit fell sharply.

Its speed is too fast, and in a short span of time, it has reached the back of a million army, and it is here now.

Under the night, the killer descended!

"Kill!" Tang Da'er directly waved the Datang halberd, "If anyone commits crimes against my homeland, kill without mercy!"

call out!

The Tang War Halberd is infinitely powerful.

At the same time, the demon demon spirit also became powerful. When the seven jumped from behind her, the demon demon spirit waved its wings like two sharp blades and plunged into the army.

Many people slept soundly and lost their lives inexplicably.

They never thought that the enemy would dare to fall from the sky and attack their barracks.

"Enemy attack!"

Finally, a voice yelled in panic.

A corner of the entire barracks was instantly turbulent.


What can greet them is a cold light. In just a few breaths, countless coalition soldiers fell in a pool of blood.


Boom boom boom!

Xiao Jun's method was much simpler. He raised his hand directly, and thunder fell one after another, and the effect of Taoist thunder technique reached a very high level.

Luo Feng cooperated with Xiao Jun, also waved his hand to cast Taoist thunder magic, and the power was superimposed.

Suddenly, Luo Feng raised his head and looked into the distance. The corners of his mouth were slightly the same, "Come here very quickly."

Luo Feng decisively and directly, "Withdraw!"

Whoosh whoosh!

A few people leaped behind the demon spirit, soaring to the sky!

This battle came quickly, unexpectedly, and went quickly. If it weren't for the corpses and blood all over the floor, some people might even think it was just an illusion.


The strong are here!

Pang Shanggang of Opu Pavilion and Wu Kun who asked the common people arrived almost at the same time.

However, the demon spirit had soared up into the sky, and there was no sign of it.

"Can't sleep tonight, brothers come out to relax, see you next time!" Luo Feng's voice rang through the clouds and passed down.

In an instant, Wu Kun and others vomited blood.

Everyone turned dark!

Shaking with anger.

Several killing gods descended from the sky, although it was only a few breaths, but it caused a lot of casualties.

see you later?

See your sister!

Everyone gritted their teeth with hatred and cursed Luo Feng to fall from above.

But thinking of the terrible scene just now, I couldn't help but shake my legs.

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