Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1608: Become the ruler of the world?

Chapter 1608 Become the Ruler of the World?

The cold wind was bleak and the fire was overwhelming.

The beating flame reflected Luo Feng's face, resolute, focused, and his eyes contained a touch of firmness.

The body is straight like a javelin, looking straight ahead, this military salute, which crosses the boundary between the earth and the hell, is dedicated to the soldiers who died on the eastern battlefield.


The weapon in the judge's hand was thrown aside, and at the same time, his right arm was quickly raised, his eyes focused.

Iron face!

Leopard Shadow!


Leng Feng!


Hell team, salute the soldiers who died in battle.

There was a solemn atmosphere in the air.

Soon, the Shenlong Legion, most of them were Dragon Palace disciples from the earth, saluting one by one.

Jun Lianmeng also raised his right arm.

Chu Meteor's eyes are solemn and salute!


Huh! Huh!

The Half Moon Legion, the Heavenly Dragon Legion, and finally, the White Army, also saluted forward.

Send off brothers, on the road.

"Every soldier who died in battle is the greatest person." Luo Feng's voice slowly said, "Judge, we must do a good job in the aftermath. Every brother who died in battle, in the future, their relatives, We raise."

"Yes, boss!" The judge's voice was loud, and the vibrating voice fell.

Chu Liuxing took a deep breath, his voice resolute, "The same goes for the Heavenly Dragon Legion."

"Half Moon Legion, so is it."

"The White Army, the same is true."

At this moment, even though there are four legions in front of Huangcheng, they are all connected together because of the existence of one person. After the war, they all seem to be integrated, and their eyes are all looking at one person.

He was supposed to be at this time, all the stars arched over the moon, wantonly celebrating, cheering, watching the common people, king over the world, he has this qualification, but, at this time, he has made a move that everyone unexpectedly did. Down the battlefield, send the soldiers who died in the battle, the last journey.

At this time, he made the promise of'Never Fight for Hegemony'.

In the eyes of many soldiers, he is already the overlord of the world.

"I don't care how long the war will spread in this world, but starting today, I want Songzhou to be warless." Luo Feng's gaze looked at Chu Meteor, Jun Lianmeng, and Palace Master Tianshu.

Luo Feng's eyes were clear and firm.

Today's battle, the corpses everywhere, shocked him too much.

Human life has never been so humble.

Luo Feng's heart has never been so firm.

He longed for greater power.

Wanting no war is not just talking. You must have enough strength to make people afraid to violate.

He couldn't control the entire Heavenly Hell Realm, but Luo Feng wanted to use his strongest strength to make Songzhou a home without gunpowder.

Luo Feng also knew that this was difficult.

With regard to the current legions, Luo Feng couldn't guarantee that they would fight a battle in the future.

Purple Shrine, will you be content with the status quo?

Big brother, bears the mission of restoring the Chu Dynasty.

Teacher Jun, she is the head coach of the pill formation hall army.

"I promise, the army of the Chu Dynasty will never make a fuss in Songzhou." Chu Liuxing looked at Luo Feng with a solemn face, "The Chu Dynasty will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Junior, you can witness."

Luo Feng smiled and struck his fist hard with Chu Meteor.

"Purple God Palace, there has never been a heart to fight for hegemony." Palace Master Tianshu also said, "This world, let others toss and go, we white army, stay in Songzhou, it is enough."

After the words fell, behind the Palace Master Tianshu, the commanders and soldiers could not help showing excitement and excitement, clenching their fists tightly.

Except for a small number of war madmen, no one wants to face that **** battlefield.

Jun Lianmeng was equally straightforward and smiled softly, "I'm just passing by."

Luo Feng smiled.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

To make Songzhou no war and no war in the world, these ideas are too idealistic and unrealistic, but at this moment, it is enough to be able to guard this place.

To hold Songzhou is to hold the earth home.

Luo Feng never forgot.

No one noticed that when Jun Lianmeng said that it was just passing by, on one side, Ling Yaoyao gritted his teeth and almost rushed out. However, Tang Da's hands were quick and quick, and he grabbed her and winked at her quickly.

Ling Yao Yao pouted, and finally stood aside obediently.

The skyrocketing flames gradually dimmed.

In the world of hell, the chaos is not over.

In the Eastern battlefield, the decisive battle ended, but there were still many Yuwen clan troops in the entire East.

Chu Liuxing led his army and left. He was the third prince of the Chu Dynasty. Some missions were inherent and he had to undertake.

"Brother, if you have anything you need in the future, even if you send someone to inform me." Before leaving, Luo Feng offered a glass of wine to Chu Liuxing and smiled, "Brothers have nothing to say where they can help."

Chu Liuxing laughed, drank a glass of wine, turned on his horse, and looked back at Luo Feng, "It is not impossible to want a world without war. As long as you become the ruler of this world, order, and the inconvenience is up to you? "

After all, Chu Meteor rode away.

Dominate the world!

Luo Feng's heart was shocked.

"Meteor's words are also what I want to say to you." Jiu Chi Old Taoist held a gourd in his hand, and walked over drunkly. "In the past of the Chu Dynasty, the Chu family was in the veins, and the Luo family was hidden. Control the Chu Dynasty. One order must be executed in the entire **** state. This is order."

Jiu Chi Lao Dao looked at Luo Feng with a smile but a smile, "You don't have the heart to fight for hegemony, but you have the'ambition' of no war in the world. Then, there is only one way to become the ruler of the world, with one word and no one dare to rebel ."

In the depths of Luo Feng's eyes, there was also a flash of light.

There was a wave of shock in my heart.

Become the ruler of the world?

"There is one person, you can imitate one or two." Jiu Chi said slowly, "your grandfather, Emperor Luo Qing. In the past, no one knew his true identity, only if he was a random cultivator with no discipline, but He is the number one person on the Ling Tian list, and his words have the power of imperial edict."

Luo Feng clenched his fist subconsciously.

"Don't forget, the greatest enemy is still on Penglai Immortal Island." Jiu Chi's muddy eyes swept away, and replaced by solemnity, "Behind the Yuwen clan, there is Penglai Immortal Island. The prison is the strongest existence. Before the power of Penglai Immortal Island is born, if you can summon the forces of the entire heaven and prison, you may have the opportunity to fight against one. Of course, there is still a way to become no The master of Zhou Shan, however, this path may not be easier than becoming the master of the heavenly **** realm."

"The world has seen this big victory in the Eastern Battlefield, but how can you know that there is a greater crisis in the future?" The old Jiu sighed.

Luo Feng could feel the mood of the old way of nine idiots.

Penglai Fairy Island is truly a god-like existence.

for a long time.

Luo Feng took a deep breath and wiped his eyes firmly.

Smiled softly, "So, do they tremble too?"

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