Chapter 1612 Trophy!

call! call! call!

The sea breeze roared, the raging waves hit the shore, and the thousands of heavy waves that rolled up quickly flooded their sights. The four Jindan Avenue powerhouses who pulled the coffin completely disappeared to the sea level.

Yuwen Yuanxiu's eyes closed, his face was so gloomy, Yuwen Yunfan would either die in the sea or truly transform into a dragon and become a super power that shone in ancient and modern times.

"Yunfan, you must be able to." Yuwen Yuanxiu muttered to himself slowly, "The remnants of Luo's line with the seven stars, what right do you have to be above you."

Yuwen Yuanxiu turned around and walked into a secret room.

The secret chamber of the stone cave, all kinds of secret books, manuscripts, ancient books, piled like a mountain.

There are some specific classifications, such as martial arts, alchemy, formations, etc., but Yuwen Yuanxiu just turned a blind eye. He strode to the end of the secret room. There are a lot of ancient books here, some are recorded in books, and some even have a very distant age. On the stone, it is blurred.

Yuwen Yuanxiu stayed here for a day and a night.

In his hand, he held a handbook. It was a pale yellow sheepskin scroll with a lot of dust on it. The traces of the years were very dense. The text on it was even more ancient. Yuwen Yuanxiu was the patriarch of the Yuwen clan. I can barely understand it by studying.

"The spiritual master has an extremely respected position in the ancient glorious evolutionary history." Yuwen Yuanxiu murmured softly, "However, in the era of the Great Disappearance, the evolutionary civilization was destroyed and inherited a wide range of evolutionary methods. All of them have been lost. The Master of Divine Mind exists as rare as a phoenix, and it is directly extinct. Luo Feng has actually obtained the means of Master of Divine Mind."

Yuwen Yuanxiu's eyes flashed with incomparable light.

"The legend says that the way of the spiritual master is supreme, but no one knows how to make it happen." Yuwen Yuanxiu's face was gloomy to the extreme. After Yuwen Yunfan came back, he informed Yuwen Yuanxiu of the situation of the battle. What attracted Yuwen Yuanxiu's attention was the method of the spiritual master.

"In the old days, the strongest person on the mother planet earth was a spiritual master." Yuwen Yuanxiu's eyes were filled with light. These messages, he learned from some objects left over from the ancient times, the old earth evolved civilization and was brilliant. A hundred schools of thought contend, great abilities come forth in large numbers, various legendary physiques, and powerful traditions. However, the strongest is a spiritual master. It can be seen that the spiritual master is powerful.

"It is rumored that Longgong Luofeng came from the mother planet Earth. Could it be that the ruined plane still has the inheritance of the spiritual master?" Yuwen Yuanxiu frowned tightly, their line, Inherited on the earth, it belongs to the ancestors of the earth. However, the heaven and earth environment of the earth plane is no longer in its former glory. Gradually, the descendants of these earth ancestors have long forgotten their home planet earth.

At this moment, Yuwen Yuanxiu's thoughts were renewed, "It seems that there is a chance to go back to the home planet Earth and explore." Yuwen Yuanxiu said to himself, and then another question popped up in his mind," What is the mysterious stone that can be broken even by the amulet left by the ancient Buddha?"

Not to mention Yuwen Yuanxiu, Luo Feng also had doubts at this moment.

He took out the mysterious black stone more than once and did various researches, but this mysterious stone, which can be said to be smelly and hard, did not give Luo Feng the slightest response.

Only when Luo Feng enshrined it on the lotus platform again, there was a faint light flowing on the mysterious stone.

After placing the mysterious stone, Luo Feng began to organize his trophies.

In front of Huangcheng, a battle with Yuwen Yunfan eventually maimed Yuwen Yunfan and cut off his arm. Luo Feng found a finger on Yuwen Yunfan's broken arm with a meson space inside. As for the spiritual mark left by Yuwen Yunfan on it, Luo Feng easily erased it.

"Tsk tusk, you really deserve to be the proud son of the Yuwen clan, with rich wealth." Luo Feng's mouth turned lightly, smiled, and quickly sorted various treasures.

A pile of spar, many of which are the best spar.

A pile of natural treasures can be used for Luo Feng's alchemy.

Put all kinds of pattern soldiers in a pile, and Yuwen Yunfan has a lot of inventory in this area.

Finally, Luo Feng took out a stone box, his eyes could not hide a touch of surprise and wiped it away.

The breath of ancestral blood!

He carefully checked Yuwen Yunfan's meson space, and his biggest goal was to obtain ancestral blood.

Inside the stone box, the breath of ancestral blood permeated.

This is the ancestral blood that should belong to the line of Luo's.

Luo Feng couldn't contain the excitement in his heart, and it took a moment to calm down and carefully opened the stone box.

A total of three drops of ancestral blood, contained in special equipment, reflected light golden light, filled with a breathtaking breath.

At this moment, Luo Feng felt a faintly boiling blood.

The resonance of ancestral blood.

Soon, Luo Feng suppressed this feeling, and collected the three drops of ancestral blood if he obtained the treasure.

Whether it was the previous Yuwen Yuanxia or Yuwen Yunfan, they inspired the power of ancestral blood, forcibly merged, and all displayed super strength. And Luo Feng, as a descendant of Luo's line, these three drops of ancestral blood, The fit with Luo Feng is even higher, and this will be another trump card for Luo Feng.

"It's a pity that a drop of ancestral blood was wasted by that bastard." Luo Feng was in a good mood, shaking his head and sighing, "Huh? What is this?" Luo Feng looked at the stone box, which contained three drops of ancestral blood. Below, there is a piece of paper.

As flawless as white jade.

At first, Luo Feng thought it was just ordinary paper that Yuwen Yunfan used to padded the ancestral blood vessels. However, Luo Feng’s powerful mental power nowadays can't penetrate this piece of paper, as if there is an invisible layer. Obstacles block him.

Luo Feng picked up the paper, square and square, not stained with dust.

Luo Feng exerted his force and couldn't tear this paper apart.

"What kind of paper is this?" Luo Feng was stunned, he had never seen such a material, it was too rare.

After studying to no avail, Luo Feng had to put the piece of paper back into the stone box, then packaged it together with the stone box and put it in the meson space.

Next, continue to count the spoils.

Luo Feng's current location was a mountain not far from Huangcheng.

He was waiting for Jun Lianmeng.

Jun Lianmeng wants to follow him back to the mountain, but before that, Jun Lianmeng wants to settle the 100,000 army she brought.

Until dusk, the figure of Jun Lianmeng appeared in the distance. By her side, Hua Tianhu and Situ Mingfeng were also followed, and their expressions were obviously very excited.

"Boss." Seeing Luo Feng from a distance, Hua Tianhu shouted.

They are also members of the 100,000 army. They thought they would follow Jun Lianmeng to the north to support Xueling Palace, but Jun Lianmeng suddenly informed the 100,000 army that due to some changes, the 100,000 army will stay in Songzhou. Stand by.

This news undoubtedly excited the two of them.

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