Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1619: Enemy of mankind!

Chapter 1619: Human Enemy!

Jiudonggu, the sound of fighting, shakes the sky and the earth.

With the great demon of Shengxue Mountain, they soon stabilized the pattern ahead. For that matter, the impact of the tens of thousands of unicorn army is too terrible, and it has caused a lot of casualties in the army of Shengxue Mountain.

On the high side in the distance, the powerful Xueling Palace headed by Cao Haolin looked at this scene.

"Cannibalism, this picture is really beautiful." Cao Haolin laughed.

"This 10,000 unicorn army is enough to disrupt the formation of the alien beast army. My Xueling Palace Legion is ready to attack."

"Don't worry, let this group of beasts fight again."

"Hey, then..." Suddenly, beside Cao Haolin, there was a martial artist who broke the nine chains to perfection. His eyes suddenly widened a bit, looking at the distant battlefield, a figure in black clothes, hands Holding the halberd, invincible, extremely conspicuous, "How is it possible?" The warrior suddenly exclaimed.

Soon, others noticed.

"What kind of strange beast is that black dress?"

"Break the nine chains to complete the realm? When did this strange beast army come out of such a guy, it looks very sturdy, what kind of mutant beast?"

"Haha, after all, it's still a beast."

Many people sneered.

If it were a few months ago, breaking the Nine Realms of Chains to Consummation Realm would definitely be at the peak of the Heavenly Hell Realm, but now that more and more Jindan Dadao powerhouses are born, breaking the Nine Realms of Chains to Consummation Realm has become less important Up.

"No, that's not a strange animal." The warrior around Cao Haolin does not belong to Xueling Palace. However, after the outbreak of the Northern War, he responded to the call of Xueling Palace. He is called Cheng Chengcheng, from the East, and is a casual practitioner. After the evolution of the heaven and earth environment, he got the encounter against the sky. Now he is the strong man who broke the nine shackles and perfected the realm. After he went to the Xueling Palace, he immediately received attention.

"I was in Songzhou and I saw him." Cheng Chengcheng exclaimed, his eyes widened to the extreme, "He is not an alien, he is a human, the Eastern Dragon Palace, a leader of the Shenlong Legion, I have seen this in the Eastern Battlefield. people."


As soon as the words fell, many people were shocked.

For the first time, many eyes locked on the boy in black on the distant battlefield.

Cao Haolin also looked over, his eyes flashing with sharp rays, and for a moment, he slowly said, "It is indeed a human kind."

Hearing this, everyone was even more shocked.

One by one became angry.

"Bold boy, dare to openly support foreign races and deal with my humans."

"Too presumptuous, simply ignorant."

"Does he want to be a public enemy of mankind?"

Many voices screamed one after another, filled with righteous indignation, and even some people asked for a fight, and they wanted to take action personally to kill the evil for humanity.

"He is not worthy of being called a human." Cheng Chengcheng also said coldly.

On the battlefield, Tang Daer didn’t know that he had been promoted to the height of the “human public enemy”. He held the Tang halberd and suppressed a unicorn in front of him, “Wake up, what you are dealing with is My brothers and sisters." Tang Dal yelled at the unicorn in front of him. He knew it was useless, but he couldn't help but speak.

The methods of Xue Ling Palace made Tang Dal feel mean.

If Xueling Palace were fighting the Holy Snow Mountain army dignifiedly, Tang Daer would not despise them so much.

"All of them are hypocrites." Tang Dal couldn't help cursing.

"You want to save them, isn't it impossible." At this moment, suddenly, Ling Xiao's voice came from Tang Dal's ear.

The movements in Tang Daer's hands suddenly stopped, and he was startled, "Old Qi, what did you say?"

"This group of unicorns is controlled by Xue Ling Palace. The method they manipulate is to plant a magic seed in the soul of the unicorn. This method is extremely evil and is left by the ancient demons." Ling Xiao said. The voice sounded, "Once the demonic seed is planted, it will take root in the depths of the soul, and the soul will be completely controlled, and will only obey the master's commands.

A sharp light flashed through Tang Dal's eyes.

In the **** state, the four great king-level forces, Xue Ling Palace, claim to be the king-level forces that tamed the alien beasts the most, but it was unexpected that the Xue Ling Palace tamed the alien beasts actually used the magic seeds left by the ancient demons.

"Not to mention alien beasts, it is human beings. If a demon seed is planted, it will also take root and the soul will fall." Ling Xiao's voice then sounded.

"Is there any way to eliminate it?" Tang Dal asked immediately.

"For others, there is no way, but you are born to shake demons." Ling Xiao said.

Tang Dal was puzzled, "What do you mean by that? Why don't you say that I look good enough to ward off evil spirits."

Ling Xiao, "..."

After some explanations, Tang Daler became clear.

He is not only the sacred body of the ancient barbarian king, one of the ten sacred bodies of the ancients, but also the supreme barbarian king, the ancient barbarian king, can suppress demons.

"You can try, use a drop of blood to hit this unicorn's mouth." Ling Xiao suggested.

Without hesitation, Tang Dal cut his finger directly, a drop of blood flew out, and the unicorn mouth that had been suppressed by him was forced to open.


Before long, the unicorn's body shook violently, and black smoke filled it out.

The blood light gradually faded from those blood-red eyes.


The unicorn regained his sanity, but when he saw the scene before him, he wailed sadly.

"Big ears!" Ling Yao Yao was the first to discover the strangeness on Tang Da'er's side, and was extremely excited, "Can you dissolve the soul imprisonment of the unicorn?"

"Hehe, of course it's okay, I am your big ear." Tang Dal smiled at Ling Yaoyao, and at the same time, he moved quickly.

Drops of blood hit the unicorn's mouth.

On the battlefield, the situation reversed instantly.

The unicorns that had madly rushed into the army of the Holy Snow Mountain came to awaken one by one, roared sadly, and turned their heads madly towards the army of Xue Ling Palace that had already rushed into the battlefield.

"Despicable humans."

"Let’s die together!"

"Go to hell!"

The unicorn army is completely crazy.

"Chong!" Tang Dal knew that he could not lose his chance, roaring, the big demons of Shengxue Mountain reacted from the shock, glanced at Tang Dal, his eyes skipped the excitement, and immediately led the army. , Screamed frantically, "Kill!"

"What's the matter?" In the distance, the experts in Xue Ling Palace lost their attitude one after another, and their eyes showed disbelief.

"How can a tamed unicorn suddenly turn around?"

"Oops, it's dangerous!"

Many people's faces were shocked.

"Everything is because of that black-clothed boy, he really wants to become a public enemy of mankind."

No one noticed. At this moment, Cao Haolin's eyes flashed past the sinister cold light. He pointed to Tang Dal, "He must die!"

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