Chapter 1626 Seal!

In a short moment, Yuwen Yuanxiu wanted to scold his mother. He couldn't contain the anger in his heart. His anger attacked his heart. He held a patterned soldier to block the strange attack on the stone steps. He wanted to climb the mountain of Buzhou. How could he think that he would Was attacked by someone.

Wow, a mouthful of blood gushed out, Yuwen Yuanxiu stabilized his body in embarrassment, raised his head, unable to see the face of this figure at all, he was too fast, and came in an instant, his fist was filled with terrifying energy, like a mountain. , Towards Yuwen Yuanxiu, he slammed it over.


Yuwen Yuanxiu also reacted and quickly blocked. The stone steps of Bu Zhoushan were not suppressed by the environment of the world. Yuwen Yuanxiu was able to exert the power of the second step Jindan Dadao, but Yuwen Yuanxiu was more and more heart-warming. Surprised, he felt that the opponent was only a step in the Golden Core Realm, but his strength was not below him.

"Who are you?" Yuwen Yuanxiu couldn't hide his horror. You know, this person never descended straight from Zhoushan.

"Who are you? How dare to break Zhoushan without permission." Luo Feng shouted, because Yuwen Yuanxiu didn't know him anyway.

Yuwen Yuanxiu's heart was shocked.

Is this person the guardian of Bu Zhoushan?

Yuwen Yuanxiu put away his mind, and while responding to Luo Feng's attack, he said in a deep voice, "In Xiayuwen Yuanxiu, in the realm of hell, the descendants of the earth's ancestors, and the patriarch of the Yuwen clan."

Hearing this, Luo Feng's eyes could not help but burst out with a bright light.

I guessed that the person in front of me had an extraordinary identity, but I didn't expect that he was the patriarch of the Yuwen clan.

A big fish will be delivered automatically.

"I'm satisfied." Luo Feng thundered out his fist, and suddenly, a pale golden light flashed past his eyes, his mind turned into a magic weapon, and the amplitude of his mental power suddenly shot out.


Caught off guard.

Yuwen Yuanxiu felt the ten thousand needle pierce his head, and there was a sharp pain.

The soul trembles violently, Yuwen Yuanxiu's body is knocked into the air, and his heart is like an overwhelming river. "The means of a master of the mind!" Yuwen Yuanxiu stared at Luo Feng suddenly, and a name flashed across his mind, and couldn't help being horrified. "You are Luo Feng!"

"A group of traitors, are they worthy to take in the inheritance of the earth?" Luo Feng stared at Yuwen Yuanxiu with cold eyes, thinking that the existence of the Yuwen clan really put him under great pressure, but now, unless people from Penglai Immortal Island come, Otherwise, Luo Feng is not afraid of any opponents within the realm of hell.

After more than a dozen moves in the fierce battle, the flagon-shaped pattern soldier in Yuwen Yuanxiu's hand exploded, his arm and tiger mouth seemed to have been split, his body was stained with blood, and he fell on a stone step.

"You..." Yuwen Yuanxiu was anxious and angry, a mere Tianjiao with seven stars on his back, he didn't put his eyes on his eyes at all, who knows, today he suffered such a big loss on the earth, on the stone steps of Kunlun Buzhou Mountain.

Yuwen Yuanxiu realized that it is no wonder that the strength of this son is so terrible, it turned out to be inherited from the glorious evolution of the earth in the past.

This makes Yuwen Yuanxiu feel jealous.

"We are all of the earth, why be aggressive?" Yuwen Yuanxiu said in a deep voice, embarrassed, "We should work together to fight the enemies of the hell."

The corner of Luo Feng's mouth rose slightly, "The shamelessness of the Yuwen clan is indeed inherited."

Yuwen Yuanxiu clenched his fists and said in a vigorous voice, "You can enjoy it alone and waste resources. As long as you agree, we will join hands and the Luo family and the Yuwen clan will definitely be able to create the glory of the past. "

"Old Piff, you really have the face to say such things." Luo Feng's eyes throbbed with pale golden light, and he fisted away. His tyrannical martial arts blasted out with infinite power, and he bombarded Yuwen Yuanxiu to defeat one after another.

The second step golden pill, now Luo Feng can deal with it as simple as abusing food.

If there were no three-step Jindan Dadao powerhouses born in the world in the **** state of the world, then Luo Feng would be the veritable first person on the Ling Tian list!

"Luo Feng!" Yuwen Yuanxiu yelled loudly before he was reconciled, "Don't think you are invincible in the hell, do you know the reason why my Yuwen clan has not been contending for world hegemony? One of them is because of the Chu Dynasty. Split, but more importantly, if we become the overlord of the hell, then we will face the impact from the creatures of the dead, how terrifying the power of the dead, it is simply unimaginable, only when we join forces can we attack and resist ."

"Death?" Luo Feng raised his eyebrows lightly. "The place where only people go in but no one has ever come out?"

"That was once." Yuwen Yuanxiu said anxiously, "The environment of the world changes, and the dead creatures will come out one day to slaughter the human beings in the world."

Luo Feng nodded, "For the sake of the world, we should indeed join hands."

"Yes." Yuwen Yuanxiu's eyes lit up and he hurriedly spoke.

"Well, so, you should give up resistance and be honestly sealed by Fu Zhoushan." Luo Feng said with a smile, "I will lift your seal and become your master. I will take you to deal with death. Creatures."

Yuwen Yuanxiu's face turned black for a moment, and he suddenly roared, "Go to death!"

The ancestral blood of Luo's line!

Yuwen Yuanxiu merged in an instant, his power exploded, and he bombarded Luo Feng.

"I'm squandering my Luo family's ancestral blood again?" Luo Feng's eyes were cold. When Yuwen Yuanxiu secretly took out the ancestral blood, he had already noticed it and kept on guard.

At the bottom of the stone steps, the two peerless powers fought a **** battle.

At the risk of being injured, Luo Feng suppressed Yuwen Yuanxiu and blasted back to the stone steps.

He did not give Yuwen Yuanxiu a chance to leave the stone steps.

Because Bu Zhoushan's sealing power is always carved on the stone steps, Yuwen Yuanxiu can't exert his true strength at this place, which is why Luo Feng can easily suppress Yuwen Yuanxiu.

Bang bang bang!

Yuwen Yuanxiu was shot by Luo Feng again and again.

The blood stained his clothes red, and he was embarrassed, his eyes showed despair and rage.

"Luo Feng, let me go, our grievances will be gone." Yuwen Yuanxiu shouted angrily, "Otherwise, once people come to Penglai Xiandao, you will definitely die."


Luo Feng blasted Yuwen Yuanxiu flying and landed on a stone step, which happened to be the stone step containing the power of thunder. In an instant, Yuwen Yuanxiu's mind was bombarded, his whole body convulsed, and he took a few steps back.

Become a soldier!

In that instant, Luo Feng even more vigorously pursued Yuwen Yuanxiu.

Yuwen Yuanxiu spewed out several mouthfuls of blood, and went into a coma directly on the stone steps.

The sealing power of Bu Zhoushan came in an instant, sealing Yuwen Yuanxiu's body.

"If there is a chance to lift the seal, I can still use you as a test item." Luo Feng was very satisfied. He squinted, and the corner of his mouth was slightly tilted. I'm afraid, no one would have thought that the patriarch of the Yuwen clan was already sealed. The earth is not full of mountains.

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