Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1634: Potential crisis!

Chapter 1634 Potential Crisis!


For thousands of years, an absolutely taboo term in the world of hell.

Entrants must die.

On the edge of the dead place, there will be whining sounds from time to time, which makes people feel horrified, but the area of ​​the entire hell, the area of ​​the dead place is wider than the other places combined.

"Dead creatures." Yan Sanshi couldn't help but shudder, "Does it really exist? What level will their power reach? If one day, dead creatures break out, will it really be like Yuwen Yuanxiu's place? In other words, bring disaster to the world of hell?"

"The environment of heaven and earth evolves, what Yuwen Yuanxiu said may not be unbelievable." The Jiu Chi Old Taoist expression is also very solemn, and said in a deep voice, "A while ago, in the south, in the domain of the Pill Formation Palace, someone has seen it before. There is a strange change in the depths."

"Since this period of time, with the changes in the heaven and earth environment, many weird events have occurred in the heaven and hell." Yan Liumo said slowly, "There are also many people who have gotten adventures and stepped into higher realms."

Master Yan nodded, "Sacred Mountain Sufu has appeared in many places recently."

"Speaking of strange things, there is one more thing." Jiu Chi said, "The entrance to the Secret Realm No. 9 has disappeared."

"What." Luo Feng couldn't help being surprised again, a little unbelievable, "How could it disappear?" Secret Realm No. 9 is a treasure mountain. Although Luo Feng has only entered once, he has obtained a lot of treasures inside, Luo Feng Still thinking about it, someday if there is a chance to get the pass symbol of Secret Realm No. 9 again, he will enter the search again.

"There were not many pass tokens in the Secret Realm No. 9. At the beginning, after the army of the evil king occupied Zizhou, they wanted to find the Secret Realm No. 9 Pass Talisman immediately, but naturally there was no. The evil king gave an order to attack the Secret Realm No. 9 and finally , Return without success." Jiu Chi said in a deep voice, "Next, many warriors tried to enter the No. 9 Secret Realm, and suddenly one day, the No. 9 Secret Realm disappeared so strangely."

Jiu Chi Lao Dao sighed, it's a pity that such a good place.

Next, the three of Jiu Chi Lao Dao told Luo Feng a lot about the things that happened in the heavenly prison in recent time.

"There are also changes in the sea." Jiu Chi Lao Dao's expression suddenly became dignified. "The power of the sea has always been an existence that has been ignored by many forces in the Hell Realm. I heard that there are strong seas landing ashore and challenging the strong everywhere. I am worried. , Here, will there be the shadow of Penglai Xiandao."

Inside the phoenix tree forest, fell into silence.

After a long time, Luo Feng took a deep breath, "Heavenly hell, the chaotic situation is getting more and more severe. This pool has been completely muddy. We, Tengcheng Dragon Palace, must hurry up and improve our strength."

In a turbulent situation, only absolute strength is the foundation of survival.

Halfway after leaving the Wutong Forest and returning to the Shenshan Temple, Luo Feng saw Jun Lianmeng.

Jun Lianmeng looked at Luo Feng with his eyes up and down. For a long time, he couldn't help but sigh, "Once upon a time, my grandpa sighed, you are the king in a certain field that makes the whole world tremble. At that time, I didn't believe it."

"Now?" Luo Feng couldn't help but smile.

"I don't believe it either." Jun Lianmeng gave Luo Feng a blank look. "Why are you a king who makes the whole world tremble? Even the alien planet in the heavenly prison is trembling by you."

Luo Feng, "..."

The two walked side by side.

"My master, there is news coming back." Jun Lianmeng smiled, "Guess what the result is?"

Luo Feng pondered for a while, "The results are nothing more than two, one is to let you go north, and the other is to go home."

"Neither." Jun Lianmeng said with a smile, "My master said in his reply, let me stay in Tengcheng and wait for orders."

Luo Feng couldn't help being slightly startled, and looked up at Jun Lianmeng in disbelief.

Jun Lianmeng stretched his hands, "It's true, I also think it's a bit weird." As she spoke, Jun Lianmeng's eyes and brows couldn't hide the joy. This was the best news for her.

Luo Feng's brows wrinkled lightly.

Upon seeing this, Jun Lianmeng's smile immediately solidified, and her tone was sour, "You don't want me to stay here?"

"Of course not." Luo Feng blurted out, raised his head and looked at Jun Lianmeng, "I was thinking, will there be anything in this? Do you think there is something strange in the alchemy palace before you set off? "

"Similar?" Jun Lianmeng said puzzledly, "I'm in the Pill Formation Hall and I don't know anything about foreign affairs."

"Sister Meng, think about it, you are one of the most outstanding princes of the Pill Formation Palace. You are ordered to go out and conquer the north." Luo Feng said in a deep voice, "How could it be possible that with a letter, your master would directly order Are you staying in Fujijo? Don’t you think it’s strange?"

Jun Lianmeng thoughtfully.

After a while, Jun Lianmeng suddenly widened his eyes, "By the way, I seem to have heard that, in the recent period, many Tianjiao in the Pill Formation Palace, including the first Tianjiao and the fifth frivolous, have been sent out to perform tasks."

"A lot of Tianjiao, all sent out?" At that moment, Luo Feng's heart could not help but feel lightly shaken, and an extremely unbelievable crazy idea emerged in his mind, which grew wildly uncontrollably, but Luo Feng finally did not say anything. .

This idea is a bit absurd.

He felt that the Pill Formation Palace was arranging the back road.

However, as in today's prison, even if it is a group of heroes, the one known as the first power is still the Pill Formation Palace.


Luo Feng flashed this word in his mind and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The mutation of the dead place is in the domain of the pill formation hall.

Among them, is there really any connection?

Jun Lianmeng looked at Luo Feng who was in deep thought with a puzzled face, "What are you thinking?"

"It's okay." Luo Feng slowed down and didn't think too much. If the Pill Formation Palace really spreads out the heavenly arrogances in the Pill Formation Palace because of the potential threat of death, then this means that the threat of death is more than his The imaginary is even scary.

"In this case, stay here." Luo Feng smiled.

The night fell quietly.

In the world of hell, in the south, in the area of ​​the Dan Zhendian, near the sea, there is a mountain range, with a mist lingering all the year round, and the mist is poisonous. The whole mountain range is dead and weed.

The night wind blows, the towering mountain peaks, the red rocks are rolling, flying sand and rocks, like a hurricane sweeping.


Under the night, a huge footprint suddenly appeared, which was 100 meters long, and flew toward the depths of this mountain range in a blink of an eye.


In the depths of the mountain range where there is no grass, there is no vitality, but there is the sound of wolf howling in a sudden, and the air is filled with a breath that makes people feel extremely frightening.




The huge footprints walked step by step towards the depths of the mountains...

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