Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1661: The battle of Tianjiao begins!

Chapter 1661 Tianjiao battle begins!

Broke up unhappy.

He didn't know the mood of Fifth He Yuan, but at this moment, Luo Feng had a strong feeling of being disgusted, and he left the pill formation hall overnight. He couldn't stay in this place.

"It's no wonder that outside Jiutian City, being so tough to protect me, it turns out that I am interested in the mysterious inheritance left by the so-called home planet Earth." This point can be relieved by Luo Feng. After all, he has risen too fast. The fifth Heyuan of Heyuan knows some secret history of the earth, so guessing from this is not surprising.

But the so-called "inheritance and sharing" proposed by Fifth He Yuan made Luo Feng feel like stepping on a foot.

"I don't have the physique?" Luo Feng couldn't help but snorted, "Sure enough, the crows in the world are as dark as the Pill Formation Palace." In the past, the Chu Dynasty suffered internal rebellion. Those three forces were the Pill Formation Palace, Xue Xue The Spirit Palace and the Evil Tomb Sect, the latter two have been destroyed, and now only the Pill Formation Palace remains.

Luo Feng didn't have any thoughts of destroying the Pill Formation Palace, not to mention the relationship between Jun Lianmeng, so he chose to leave.

"A catastrophe is coming?" After Luo Feng threw away some uncomfortable thoughts, he reconsidered the words of Fifth Heyuan, his expression became solemn, "Will the demon really invade the **** realm? Where will they come from, the dead place? But I heard that no creature has ever come out of the dead place."

Dan Zhendian.

The spar lights illuminate the hall brightly.

"Luo Feng has left the Pill Formation Palace?" Fifth He Yuan's expression was calm. He shook his head for a while, "After all, he is a young man who is too selfish and doesn't think about the overall situation."

In front of the fifth He Yuan, Palace Master Xin Yue hesitated for a moment, and sighed slightly, "In this case, Luo Feng's mind is indeed too narrow."

"After all, young and frivolous, there is no overall view, it is just when the spirit is high, naturally unwilling to hand over the inheritance of the home planet Earth." Another sub-temple master frowned, "I am selfish and selfish."

"What's ridiculous is that he actually wanted to get the fifth frivolous inheritance mystery. It's just idiotic dreams and overpowering."

"Xin Yue." Fifth He Yuan looked at Palace Master Xin Yue with a calm expression, "Jun Lianmeng has an unusual relationship with Luo Feng. You can talk to Jun Lianmeng and let her talk to Luo Feng. I hope I can wake him up."

"Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it." Palace Master Xin Yue nodded, "Unfortunately Luo Feng can't feel the kindness of Palace Master at all."

"He understands sooner or later," said the host of the next sub-temple, "Tomorrow's battle, Hailan Island is bound to win. No matter how strong Luo Feng is, he will be alone. He wants to defeat the siege of Hailan Island's many arrogances. almost impossible."

"Tomorrow is an opportunity." Fifth He Yuan whispered to himself.

The night is extremely dark.


In the wild and ancient place in the far south, ten thousand wolves roar together, the mountains shake, the rolling rocks roll, and the wind and clouds change color.

So far no one knows that hundreds of thousands of strange beasts have gathered in the "little dead place", a deserted land. Looking around, it looks like the ocean tide is rolling. In the dark night, there are fierce lights in the eyes, dark green, blood red. , Different blue and so on, at this moment, the herd is restless, roaring loudly.

They all looked in the same direction.

In the stone wall of the dead place, the black holes gleamed with dark and cold light.

Suddenly, a silver-robed figure swept out like lightning, with a fierce anger soaring, and the sound of wild laughter, shaking the earth.


He directly turned back to the appearance of a silver rim, his body more than doubled, as if covered with long silver thorns, sharp and terrifying.


During the sudden steps, a mountain was directly turned into powder, and the sky was full of smoke and dust.

At this scene, the Golden Wolf on the side could not help showing a shock. Before entering the dead place to get the chance, Yin Lin Ying's strength was weaker than him, but in just one month, he caught up.

"As expected, I am the king of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts." The Golden Wolf also quickly accepted this fact. After all, the Yinlin 梼杌 is the fierce beast in the top ranks of different beasts. Beyond the silver scales, once the talents of the silver scales are unearthed, they must still be the king of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, the absolute king.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Behind the silver scales, a few more beast kings appeared, magnificent, and in a moment, the fierce aura filled a hundred miles.

"The tide of beasts is about to appear, Ten Thousand Beasts Valley takes the lead, recreating the glory of the past demons."



At dawn, nine days city.

The Grand Canal that runs through the city, the river is rushing, resounding loudly.

Looking from the Wangjiang Tower, the Tianjiao arena, thousands of meters long and wide, is magnificent and majestic. It faintly has the momentum of the world's first ring. The edge of the ring is crowded with people. Every angle that can see the ring is crowded with people. , One by one eagerly waiting.

Last night, the battle at Shiliting in front of the Jiutian City Gate had spread throughout the entire Jiutian City.

Many warriors are looking forward to today's battle.

"I believe that Luo Feng can defend the glory of Lu Tianjiao. I bet on one hundred middle-grade spars."

"Same as above, although there are not many spars on my body, they are all pressed on Luo Feng."

"It's silly and ridiculous. Just be sober. If you are not sure, Overseas Tianjiao dare to threaten to step on Luo Feng in today's ring? Although I support Luo Feng, I bet on Overseas Tianjiao to win."

"The strong is respected. In my heart, there is no difference between overseas and land. Whoever wins is the king."

All kinds of controversy, the words excited, some people even quarrel blushing.

The battle on the ring has not yet started, but they took the lead.

"The powerhouses of Hailan Island are here." In the crowd, a voice of exclamation suddenly resounded.

One after another, he looked sideways.

Hailan Island and his party came directly and strongly, appearing on the side of the ring, one by one with turbulent aura, without concealing the fierceness of the eyes, extremely domineering, and equally proud.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The eight Tianjiao rushed up at the same time, lined up, standing on the ring.

"Luo Feng, you can come out and die." Ji Zhuyun's face was indifferent and calm, and in the depths of his eyes, a killing intent flashed away.

Soon, the pill formation hall powerhouse appeared, led by the fifth He Yuan, the master of the pill formation hall himself.

Fifth He Yuan's gaze swept away, his eyebrows slightly twisted unconsciously.

Luo Feng, did not appear.

Fifth He Yuan couldn't help but glance at Palace Master Xin Yue.

Palace Master Xin Yue spread his hands lightly, "After I went back last night, I also talked to Meng'er. Early this morning, I lost sight of Meng'er's whereabouts."

"Hall master rest assured, judging from Luo Feng's past deeds, this son is a very proud and conceited person. Tianjiao Arena, he will definitely come." A branch hall master said.

The fifth He Yuan nodded slightly, his body jumped out, and he floated in the sky above the ring, announcing the start of the Tianjiao battle!

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