Chapter 1683 Savior!

The situation changes!

Luo Feng's palm seemed to be shining with the blazing sun, and the blazing white rays of light shone all over the sky in an instant.

At this moment, Luo Feng mobilized all the ancestral power in his blood.

The majestic energy is released like a mountain.

Huh huh!

The endless white light enveloped the silver scales rushing at this moment.

All eyes are focused.

Holding his breath, fearful, clenched his palms tightly, his face faintly pale.

No one knows what the outcome of this battle will be.


The sound of the sky cracking.

The river was raging, slapped on both sides, and the water wave shook.

The ground cracked, and abruptly, a shrill cry of silver scales rang out.

Each of them stared wide and round...

That layer of white light actually contained extremely terrifying lethality.

The silver scales on the silver scales fell one by one, blood splashing and staggering.

At the same time, Luo Feng's body jumped up, his eyes staring coldly at the silver scales, and between raising his hands, another drop of ancestral blood appeared and quickly merged. The unparalleled energy filled his whole body, Luo Feng held his hands. Holding the Jiuli Saint Knife, he cut it off suddenly.

The wounded silver scales were even more terrifying, assaulting Luo Feng frantically.

boom! boom! boom!

A fierce battle!

A masterpiece!

Attracted the sight of the entire Jiutian City...

call out!

The sword is like a rainbow.

Cut off the silver scaly head.


The blood gushing up dyed the entire sky red.

The silver scaly head rumbling down, it was extremely heavy, and a building collapsed.

The billowing smoke spreads and rises...


Luo Feng didn't stop his movements. He flew away while taking advantage of the surplus of this drop of ancestral blood. He swung his sword towards the struggling Golden Wolf and the eight-legged insect. In the end, these two beast kings, Also beheaded by Luo Feng.


As the corpses of the two big beast kings landed, the audience suddenly fell silent.

Hengdao in white clothes has attracted much attention.

a long time.

The vibrating sound, earth-shaking, resounded, directly overwhelming the sound of the Grand Canal, and lifted the sky.



The feeling of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe made many people weep with joy. This sudden catastrophe caused them all to fall into despair. Finally, it was over.


"Luo Feng!"

"Luo Feng!"

"Luo Feng!"

The whole audience was chanting Luo Feng's voice, and his eyes were hot and full of worship.

The demons descend, the beast king slaughters the city.

It was Luo Feng, who made his own effort to turn the tide.

On this day, Luo Feng is the savior of Jiutian City.

In the eyes of many people, Luo Feng is already regarded as a god.

He is the **** of Jiutian City.

Is the patron saint of human race!

Luo Feng put away the Jiuli Sacred Knife, and the power of the ancestral blood in his body has dissipated. In an instant, Luo Feng's figure could not help but stagger. There was a feeling that all his bones were broken, and he could not help but shiver in pain.

Relying on ancestral blood to force one's strength to rise, this will naturally cause some harm to oneself, just like a container, which could only hold the energy of the next step of the Golden Core Realm, but forcibly stuffed it into the three-step Golden Core Realm. energy.

However, it is worth the small sacrifice to be able to slash the six beast kings.

After a day or two of rest, you can fully recover.

"Luo Feng, are you okay." Jun Lianmeng came over.

"It's okay." Luo Feng took a spirit pill. After a little adjustment, his face showed a smile, "First pack the spoils."

Six Beast Kings!

Among them, five are in the three-step Jindan Avenue and one is in the four-step Jindan Avenue. Their inner alchemy is undoubtedly a huge wealth.

As long as he can collect the corresponding matching materials, Luo Feng can completely refine these two levels of Beast King Spirit Pill, which can raise the peak strength of Dragon Palace to several levels.

Including Luo Feng himself, he took a fancy to the silver-lined inner alchemy, which at least allowed him to step into the three-step golden alchemy realm.

Soon, the inner alchemy of the silver scales, the golden wolf and the eight-legged insect all fell into Luo Feng's hands.

No one has objections.

Because, it can be said that these six beast kings were killed by Luo Feng himself. If it were not for Luo Feng, they would have been the food in the mouths of these beast kings. There is no chance to watch Luo Feng collect the beast king’s inner alchemy into the meson. Space card.


A voice rang.

Hearing the sound, many people's faces changed a few times.

This is... the voice of the fifth He Yuan!

Luo Feng also looked up.

In the distance, the fifth He Yuan stepped forward, carrying a giant sword on his back, the scabbard was dark gray, and it seemed a little dusty, but at this moment, it directly attracted everyone's attention.

This huge sword, even if it is hidden in the scabbard, makes people feel a terrifying edge.

It can be imagined, once out of the sheath, what kind of power it possesses.

"This is... Divine Sword'Nine Heavens'?" Palace Master Xin Yue couldn't help blurting out, her eyes widened.

Many disciples of the Pill Formation Palace burst into light from their eyes.

"The God Sword'Nine Heavens', the **** soldier of the pill formation hall, the mythological soldier."

"It is rumored that it was the weapon of the first person in the old alchemy palace and the fifth master, but later, the fifth master left the divine sword'Nine Heavens' and left alone to pursue the avenue. There was no word."

"I thought this was just a legend, is this... really the Divine Sword "Nine Heavens"?"

Everyone's eyes fixed on Fifth He Yuan.

Each one looks complicated.

"It seems that I am a step late." Fifth He Yuan carried the divine sword'Nine Heavens', strolling in a leisurely courtyard, less than ten meters away from Luo Feng, looking up at Luo Feng with a smile on his face, and said sincerely. I misunderstood you and thought you were with the demons. Today, thanks to your timely action to kill the Beastmaster, if not, wait for me to fetch the divine sword'Nine Heavens', I am afraid that the casualties of the Nine Heavens City will be even more serious."

Luo Feng raised his eyebrows lightly.

There are two meanings in the fifth Heyuan words.

First, instead of fleeing the battle, he went to get the divine sword "Nine Heavens".

Second, even if Luo Feng didn't make a move, he had the divine sword "Nine Heavens", he could still destroy the six beast kings, but during this period, the number of casualties in Jiutian City would be more.

"Between us, maybe there were some misunderstandings before." Fifth He Yuan bowed slightly, "I'm here to apologize to you."

When the words fell, many warriors around were relieved.

Especially some disciples of the Pill Formation Palace, their heart knots suddenly opened.

"It turns out that the Lord of the Palace was not fleeing, but to get the divine sword'Nine Heavens' and return to kill the enemy."

"Hall master had misunderstood Luo Feng before, and it shouldn't be true. However, the hall master is also broad-minded, so he put down the shelf and apologized to Luo Feng."

Luo Feng's expression was calm and calm, looking at Fifth He Yuan, "If there is nothing else, we will leave first."

"No hurry." Fifth He Yuan looked serious and said solemnly, "Everyone has heard what the silver scales said before. They are just the vanguard of the Demon Race, and they have such a powerful strength. Once the Demon Race really comes, That was a catastrophe."

Everyone's complexion changed, and they seemed to have forgotten this point just now.

"We have to make preparations in time." Fifth He Yuan said with a serious face, "The first thing is to improve the strength of our land martial artist! The inner alchemy of these six beast kings is too timely. Let's pick a few people out and take them together. The inner alchemy of the six beast kings will definitely be able to increase their strength in great strides."

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