Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1688: An uninhabited island in the East China Sea!

Chapter 1688 Uninhabited Island in the East China Sea!

Luo Feng had already put away the Jiuli Sacred Sword, but the azure blue sword light in the sky completely disappeared after dozens of seconds, and the blood-stained white figure stood tall and straight under the sky.

"The "Space Teleportation Array" needs to have a fixed point in advance, and the distance should not be too far." Luo Feng looked into Jiutian City, "If there is no accident, the fifth Heyuan's "Space Teleportation Array" set The teleportation point should be a certain location in the Pill Array Hall."

Luo Feng hesitated, after all, he still didn't chase him down.

It's not that he is softhearted, Luo Feng can't wait to chop off a hypocrite like Fifth He Yuan. It's just that it is not easy to find the fifth He Yuan at once. By then, the effect of this drop of ancestral blood has passed. To kill the fifth He Yuan, one more drop of ancestral blood will be spent, which is not worth it.

In Luo Feng's eyes, Fifth He Yuan, no drop of ancestral blood was important.

Luo Feng held eight drops of ancestral blood in his hand. When slashing the silver scales, two drops were used. At this moment, in order to raise a sword with a sword, Luo Feng finally consumed three drops of ancestral blood.

There were only three drops of ancestral blood left in Luo Feng's hands.

Every drop is extremely precious.


On the back of the golden sky horse, the fairy-like figure stared at Luo Feng.

The power of ancestral blood is fading.

Luo Feng didn't think much, but jumped up and sat behind the Golden Blood Pegasus.

The Golden Blood Pegasus spread out its golden wings in the air and rushed straight into the sky.

The figure gradually became smaller and disappeared...

Many warriors below raised their heads, and only after Luo Feng's figure disappeared did they withdraw their sights.

The eyes still couldn't hide the shock.

There are waves in my heart.

"Luo Feng won, in the **** state, a new king was born."

"I defeated the fifth He Yuan head-on, then, from now on, he will be the top player on the Lingtian list of the Hell Realm, named Luo Feng."

"Go, go to Fuji City. First, from today, Fuji City may be the safest place in the entire hell. Secondly, after arriving in Fuji City, you may have the opportunity to become a member of the Dragon Palace. If you can get Luo Feng’s guidance would be even happier."

One by one, they set off in the direction of Fujijo.

The battle of Jiutian City began to spread, and the world was shocked!

The demons descend, the evil and brutal Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, the Beastmaster reappears.

The great change of Tianjiao arena.

The six kings of beasts wash the city of nine heavens with blood.

The Pill Formation Hall was defeated, and the fifth He Yuan escaped.

When the human race was in desperate survival, a young man bent his bow and shot an arrow. With his own power, he turned the tide and killed the Beast King.

This boy is named Luo Feng!

The news centered on the city of Nine Heavens, spreading in all directions, and in an instant, caused a shock in the entire **** state.

The blood of countless people is boiling.

"The God of War Tianjiao, the young Luo Feng, actually saved the entire human race."

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable!"

"I was waiting for the news of the ending of the Tianjiao War Post, but I didn't know that there would be such a hot news."

"Oh my God, the demons are coming, disaster is approaching."

Many people's faces have changed.

The Demon Race, a strange and remote, but representing the existence of evil, unexpectedly, once again descended.

"Heavenly Hell, are you going back to the era of demons?"

"Human race, who can turn the tide."

In the world of hell, there were heated discussions in every state and city.

At this moment, the human heroes in the eyes of many people are in the arms of beauty.

The night is full of stars, and the starry sky is charming.

Sky and horses travel in the sky, shuttle between white clouds.

Luo Feng fell into Jun Lianmeng's arms, sleeping soundly at the moment.

He is too tired.

Even if it is a golden body of ten thousand Buddhas, within a day, five drops of ancestral blood are fused, if ordinary people, the body would have long been unable to bear it, and it would burst directly.

A body can't bear a force far beyond itself.

In addition, Luo Feng still had a lot of scars on his body, including the silver scales and the sword light of the fifth Heyuan. He looked shocked and looked terrifying.

"East China Sea." Jun Lianmeng whispered, "What is he going to do in the East China Sea?"

Before Luo Feng fell asleep in Jun Lianmeng's arms, the last sentence left was ‘Go to the East China Sea’.

The East China Sea is exactly in the area of ​​the Dan Zhendian.

With the feet of the Golden Blood Pegasus, several hours can be reached, but under this starry night sky, Yun Lin seems to have deliberately slowed down, and rushed towards the East China Sea.

The sky is getting brighter.

In the East China Sea, angry waves are surging.

Since the evolution of the environment of heaven and earth, the sea seems to be very different from usual. The turbulent waves on the east coast have a height of tens of meters in each wave, which looks like a tsunami.

It slapped the shore frantically.

The Golden Blood Pegasus flew over the sea level and landed on an uninhabited island.

"The environment of the world in the sea seems to be better than that of the land." Jun Lianmeng felt it and said to himself.

Looking down at Luo Feng, who had slept all night, Jun Lianmeng couldn't help but feel heartache.

Jun Lianmeng's red lips pressed lightly, subconsciously stretched out his hand, and gently stroked Xia Luofeng's face.

At exactly this moment, Luo Feng opened his eyes.

Jun Lianmeng let go of her hand like an electric shock, her face was extremely unnatural, as if she had done something bad and was discovered, she was uncomfortable, and her face turned red.

"Sister Meng, sleeping really soundly in your arms." Luo Feng looked at Jun Lianmeng's expression and couldn't help but smile, holding Jun Lianmeng's hand, "Thank you."

Jun Lianmeng was a little overwhelmed at once and lowered his head.

From the back of the Golden Blood Pegasus, Yun Lin immediately turned into a human form.

Overlooking the sea.

"Facing the sea, the warmth of spring blossoms." Luo Feng showed terrifying physical talent and recovered too quickly. After a night of rest, his injuries healed a lot, and he was full of energy, standing on a high cliff. , Looking into the distance, with a smile on his face, and a good mood.

"Luo Feng." Jun Lianmeng couldn't help but said, "You, are you going to find Penglai Fairy Island?"

Hearing this, Luo Feng was startled, then smiled and shook his head, "Penglai Fairy Island is looking for it, but not now."

The demons are coming!

Luo Feng has no obligation to guard the common people, but he has the responsibility to protect the people around him.

The most urgent matter at the moment, he must make full use of the six alien beast pills in his hand to enhance the strength of the few Jindan Dadao experts around him.

As for, why come to the East China Sea?

Luo Feng smiled and circled the island.

"It's indeed an uninhabited island." Luo Feng took out the alchemy furnace, "I'll be in this place these days, open the furnace for alchemy." Luo Feng took out the paper money and wrote a series of lists. , "Yun Lin, give you a task. You take a trip and bring all these people here."

Luo Feng looked in one direction...

In the distance on the seashore, there is a mountain as steep as a sword, straight into the sky.

"That's it." Luo Feng muttered to himself, and a light flashed through his eyes, "When everyone comes, and the overall strength is improved, I will do a big vote."

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