Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1693: Robber Luo Feng!

Chapter 1693 Robber Luo Feng!

At that moment, Luo Feng thought of a classic line that had appeared on the screen of the earth...

I want to fight for a breath, not to prove how great I am, but to tell others that what I have lost must be taken back by myself.

Yes, whether it is ancestral blood or many treasures on Jianshan, they originally belonged to the Luo family line. These are things that the Luo family line has lost. Today, Luo Feng will represent the Luo family line and will be lost. Everything is coming back.

A drop of ancestral blood changes a life.

Luo Feng's words revealed the meaning. Today, he is going to kill on Jianshan Mountain.

"Their younger generation is innocent." Yu Wengui roared and yelled, "Innocents and debts are in the hands, and the experience of the Luo family in the past will be borne by our old guys."

Luo Feng crossed the sword, and the azure blue light almost filled the entire Jianshan Mountain.

"Innocent?" Luo Feng's eyes stared at Yu Wengui coldly. "The strong men of the Luo family in the past, young Tianjiao, women and children, are they innocent?"

Luo Feng listened to the old saying of Jiu Chi. In the original battle, in the end, his father Luo Junchen led a group of tribesmen to break out of the siege, hide their names, and disappear. However, there are still a group of tribesmen who have become prisoners of the Yuwen clan.

Luo Feng killed the Tianjiao of Luo's line, without the slightest sense of guilt, and there was no psychological pressure at all. This hatred was not shared.

Yu Wengui's body was trembling, he was a warrior in the Second Step Jindan Dadao realm. If it were always, this would definitely be the pinnacle of the world, but under Luo Feng's sword, there was no resistance at all.

In the end, Yu Wengui took out two drops of ancestral blood on his body. The whole body looked like a dragon that was dozens of years old, and his body was weak. "I hope you can keep your promise. I want to save these two drops of ancestral blood. Yuwen Yunzhong and Yuwen Yunshan's life."

The two people mentioned by Yu Wengui are outstanding among the younger generation of Yu Wengui, and they are also descendants of Yu Wengui's close relatives.

Two drops of ancestral blood fell into Luo Feng's hands.

Luo Feng's heart fluttered with excitement. During this trip, he had two big goals, one is ancestral blood, and the other is holy medicine.

At the beginning, Yuwen Yuanxia had a drop of ancestral blood in his hands, and Luo Feng absolutely had reason to believe that the ancestral blood of the Luo family line was very likely to be used as a ‘reward’ to be distributed to the hands of many powerful Yuwen clan.

"I have a drop of ancestral blood, I hope to protect Yuwenyun's life." Another strong Yuwen clan took out a drop of ancestral blood.

Although the ancestral blood is precious, even if it is the ancestral blood of the Luo family, the Yuwen family has followed the Luo family for generations and has some understanding of the practice of the Luo family. Through some means, they have studied the integration of the Luo family’s ancestral blood The method, even if it can't exert the strongest power of Luo's ancestral blood, still has great effects.

However, compared to their ancestral blood, the lives of their younger generation are more important.

Luo Feng is going to kill today, they must do their best to preserve the hope of the Yuwen clan.

"The remaining green hills are here, don't be afraid that there will be no firewood." Yu Wengui lowered his head, eyes flashing with sinister light, "Temporarily ask for everything, and exchange the blood of Luo's ancestors for the lives of the Tianjiao.

"The environment of heaven and earth is evolving. The ancestors of the Yuwen clan in Penglai Fairy Island will come out sooner or later. At that time, Luo Feng will surely die without a place to be buried." Yu Wengui burst out with a strong murderous inwardness.

In the end, Luo Feng received seven drops of ancestral blood.

"Only so?" Luo Feng felt a little disappointed. He looked at Yu Wengui with murderous eyes. "It seems that you Yuwen clan doesn't care about the life of the Tianjiao in the clan."

"Luo Feng, you don't have to be too tight." Among the seven arrogances who stood up, one of them roared angrily, "This account, Yuwen clan, will make it clear to you sooner or later."

They feel very humiliated!

In the process of their growth, they have long been infused with Luo's thoughts of being slaves. Today, Luo's slaves came to the door and directly broke Jianshan's field formation, making them feel extremely aggrieved.

Luo Feng glanced at the seven people without responding. He looked at Yu Wengui and frowned dissatisfiedly, "Really there is no ancestral blood?"

Yuwen was trembling with noble anger.

This is definitely the most shameless robber in history.

The ancestral blood left by the Yuwen clan has been robbed by him, but he is still dissatisfied and dislikes it.

"Ancestral blood is scarce." Yu Wengui took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "These seven drops of ancestral blood are the last few drops we have left."

"So... there are many **** people." Luo Feng's eyes flashed with cold.

"Clan elder, save me."

"I don't want to die!" Some young Tianjiao voices were hissed, their faces twisted, in a state of extreme fear, "Help me."

"Father, save me."

"Grandpa, please, save me."

Under a group of wailing sounds, Luo Feng actually harvested three drops of ancestral blood.

"Sure enough, there is still a private possession." Luo Feng's expression gave a cold glance.

Yuwengui repeatedly assured that there would be no ancestral blood in the Yuwen clan's Jianshan.

"Ten drops of ancestral blood." Luo Feng is quite satisfied. Ancestral blood is extremely rare. Among the powerful ancestors of the earth, only the ancestors of the Luo family and Chu family have left ancestral blood. Ability, Luo Feng originally planned to obtain three or five drops of ancestral blood during this trip, and he is already very satisfied.

Looking at the ten Tianjiao in front of him, Luo Feng's gaze swept over the others. After a while, he sighed with emotion, "I am not a murderous demon, although the Yuwen clan is in the same line as my Luo family, and there is a deep hatred, but the younger generation, If you don't participate, then I will give you another chance to exchange lives with the holy medicine."

The corners of the mouths of many experts in the Yuwen clan twitched fiercely.

They finally understand.

Luo Feng was a robbery in disguise, he wanted to rob the Yuwen clan.

However, at this moment, their biggest reliance, Jianshan field formation, has been strongly broken by Luo Feng, and they have no choice at all.

"This is simply a robber!"

"The God of War Tianjiao is clearly the robber Luo Feng."

"Today, I feel that he is going to dig three feet of ground to take away all the treasures of Jianshan."

Sure enough, after collecting the holy medicine, Luo Feng retreated and asked the Yuwen clan to come up with a powerful tattooed soldier.

Unfortunately, they don't have mythological soldiers.

"I'm ashamed to take out this sword? It sucks."

"This stone plate is covered with moss. It's still a secret treasure pattern soldier."

"There isn't a tattooed soldier, your Yuwen clan is too shabby."

Luo Feng's voice kept reverberating, making the faces of the Yuwen clan on Jianshan extremely angry.

He stared at Luo Feng fiercely, wishing to tear him off!

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