Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1696: News from mother!

Chapter 1696 Mother's News!

Su Qianxue, a young girl, caught the look in Luo Feng's eyes, and finally sensed a trace of unkindness, and she couldn't help muttering, "The uncles outside, are all so fierce?"

Luo Feng looked at Su Qianxue, feeling helpless in his heart.

He is absolutely hostile to Penglai Xiandao.

If the girl in front of you is arrogant, arrogant, and arrogant, then Luo Feng does not hesitate to take the shot, three steps of golden core, Luo Feng goes all out, this girl who has never been in contact with the outside world may not necessarily be Luo Feng's opponent. However, Su Qianxue looked innocent and smiled at Jun Lianmeng from time to time. They talked very happily, and Jun Lianxue seemed to like this girl more and more, making it difficult for Uncle Luo to make up his mind all at once. Do it on the girl.

"Since they have to take a day off before leaving, why don't you wait for them?" Jun Lianmeng asked.

"I'm different from them, I have another task!" Su Qianxue blurted out and covered her mouth again. Obviously, she felt that she had missed it.

Luo Feng's eyebrows could not help but lifted slightly, "What task?"

"This... I can't tell you." Su Qianxue refused decisively, hesitated for a while, and looked up at Jun Lianmeng, "Sister, what do you call it?"

"My name is Jun Lianmeng." Jun Lianmeng smiled. At the beginning, she was testing Su Qianxue and wanted to inquire about Penglai Fairy Island. However, during the chat, she found that the girl in front of her was as pure as she was. A blank piece of paper, such a girl is too likely to be cheated out of the house.

"Sister Meng." Su Qianxue slapped the shark's head and motioned it to come closer, then couldn't help but ask, "You are from land, immediately in the world, who is the strongest person on land?"

"It's far in the sky, right in front of you." Luo Feng said without shame, "I."

Su Qianxue laughed loudly, "Uncle, you are so funny."

Luo Feng, "..."

Jun Lianmeng smiled slightly and said, "The strong on land are not worth mentioning because they are no better than your seas."

Su Qianxue opened her mouth and seemed to be hesitating. For a moment, she couldn't help but speak, "Can I ask you someone?"

"You said." Jun Lianmeng smiled.

"His name is Luo Junchen." Su Qianxue said seriously.

In that instant, Luo Feng's forehead exploded.

It seemed to be plunged into a blank.

It was as if a bolt of lightning struck him.

Luo Junchen!

The girl from Penglai Xiandao wanted to inquire about Luo Junchen.

What is her purpose?

Luo Feng suddenly stared at Su Qianxue, his eyes filled with evil spirits, "What are you looking for Luo Junchen for?"

"It's fierce again." Su Qianxue was dissatisfied, screaming, "You don't know Luo Junchen, why should I tell you."

"He knows Luo Junchen." Jun Lianmeng said, holding Luo Feng's hand, she could feel that the waves in Luo Feng's heart at this moment were no weaker than the stormy waves outside.

Luo Feng's parents, Jun Lianmeng heard him talk about it.

Luo Junchen is Luo Feng's father.

After the First World War that year, Luo Junchen disappeared, and Luo Feng's mother Lan Yafu was sent to Penglai Fairy Island, whose life or death is uncertain.

Nowadays, the girl who came out of Penglai Fairy Island talked to Luo Junchen, which easily reminded Luo Feng of many things.

Su Qianxue couldn't believe it, looking at Luo Feng, "Uncle, do you really know Luo Junchen?"

Luo Feng took a deep breath, tried to calm his mind and nodded slowly.

"Then where is he?" Su Qianxue's eyes lit up. She came out on this trip with a ‘special’ mission. She thought it would take a lot of trouble, but she didn’t expect news of Luo Junchen soon.

Luo Feng shook his head, "You tell me first, why are you looking for him?"

Su Qianxue frowned lightly.

"That's right." Jun Lianmeng said, "Didn't you just come out of Penglai Fairy Island? How do you know Luo Junchen? Is there someone in Penglai Fairy Island who wants to deal with Luo Junchen?" Jun Lianmeng tentatively.

"No, they don't even know Luo Junchen." Su Qianxue shook her head quickly, "Even sister does not know about this."

Luo Feng and Jun Lianmeng glanced at each other.

Concerning Luo Feng's father, Luo Feng could only look at Jun Lianmeng with pleading eyes. Jun Lianmeng understood what he meant, took a breath, and continued to say what the girl Su Qianxue said.

However, the girl seemed to have been asked. In this matter, she kept her mouth tight whenever she talked about key points, and refused to say anything more. Why should Luo Feng tell her the whereabouts of Luo Junchen first.

"You are entrusted by others, look for Luo Junchen." Luo Feng said suddenly.

Su Qianxue said, "How do you know?"

Luo Feng couldn't help showing excitement in his heart, his voice trembled faintly, "That person is a woman."

Su Qianxue's eyes couldn't help widening, and she said, "How do you know?"

Luo Feng's hands trembled slightly, "Is she surnamed Lan."

Su Qianxue was almost stunned, "Uncle, are you a fortune-teller? You...how do you know Aunt Lan?"


Luo Feng's body leaped and came to the shark's back with a trembling voice, looking at Su Qianxue, "Is she... okay?"

Su Qianxue was startled, and immediately stepped back, "Uncle, what's the matter with you?"

Jun Lianmeng also came to the shark's back, "You believe now, he really knows Luo Junchen, right? We also know that Luo Junchen is the lover of Aunt Lan in your mouth."

Su Qianxue's mouth became O-shaped, "You...how do you know everything?"

Too unscientific!

Su Qianxue thought that no one knew about her ‘special’ mission, but she did not expect that she would run into two people before she walked out of the sea, not only knowing Luo Junchen, but also Aunt Lan.

In the end, Su Qianxue confessed that she was entrusted by Aunt Lan to find Luo Junchen and handed him a letter.

"What about the letter?" Luo Feng asked impatiently.

Su Qianxue stepped back vigilantly, "That's a letter to Luo Junchen."

"I am his son!" Luo Feng blurted out.

"What!" Su Qianxue was shocked directly.

For a long time, Su Qianxue questioned, "Why should I believe you."

"He is really Luo Junchen's son, Luo Feng." Jun Lianmeng said, "If you have a good relationship with your Aunt Lan, you should know that she has a child who was forced to separate from her when she was born. "

"Are you really Aunt Lan's son?" Su Qianxue believed a little bit, but also found it a little weird, which is too coincidental.

Luo Feng took a deep breath, suppressing his excitement, "My mother, is she... okay?"

Su Qianxue hesitated, "Okay, not good."

Soon, Luo Feng learned about his mother's situation in Penglai Xiandao.

She was placed under house arrest next to a lake on Penglai Xiandao. No one could approach Penglai Xiandao, and she could not go out for half a step.

As for Su Qianxue, she had a special status in Penglai Xiandao, after sneaking in several times, she met Lan Yafu.

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