Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1713: Kill the stars!

Chapter 1713 Killing Stars Gathered!

In the secluded and dim warehouse, the voice of the blond man in black reverberated, and the entire space was filled with murderous air.

Around the warehouse, there are crude formations covering the atmosphere, but people who have not studied the field formations can't notice that there are nearly a hundred people in the warehouse at this moment.

Some of them stood alone, or leaned against the wall, some of them stood together in twos and threes, and their bodies were filled with the fluctuations of the cultivator's aura, which is equivalent to the earth martial arts world. There are several auras in them. It can almost be said, yes The pinnacle of the earth.

"The'Zhonglong' project is really big enough." A white young man, with dark eyes, was cutting his nails with a sharp dagger, and at the same time, he muttered to himself, "Not just to assassinate a Yanhuang The old man, it's necessary to gather almost all the top 100 killer kings in the whole world?"

The middle-aged blue eyes next to him glanced, "It seems that in the world's killing star list, all the nations are here except for the killer of China. Tsk tsk, although I always kill people without asking the identity of the employer, this Once, I was really curious about who on earth was willing to spend such a huge price to kill an old man of Yanhuang."

"Anyway, I know that the other party gave me a sky-high price that I couldn't refuse."

"Once, Yanhuang was a forbidden place for mercenaries and killers, but I think it is not anymore."

"Haha, some time ago, the environment of heaven and earth changed, leading to the birth of many strong men. But at this time, the strong men of Yan and Huang were extremely low-key and almost silent. In the new world killing star list, those of Yan Huang The killers are no longer on the list, including King Yama, who was once the world's top killer. Today, the world's top killer is Lao Zhan from the United States." The killer who said this looked at him. The blond man in black clothes ahead.

He is the first person in the world to kill stars in the world today, codenamed'Lao Zhan'.

"The day after tomorrow, the goal will be to celebrate our birthday at the Golden Sky Hotel. That will be our chance to make a move." Lao Zhan's gaze swept away everyone, and said slowly, "You all use your own methods to mix into the hotel and wait. Timing, kill with one blow. Whoever kills the target, I will double the reward I originally promised."

In the dark warehouse, many people's eyes released a **** light.

They are people who are active in the dark world. In their dictionary, only wealth can measure life.

"The old guy's life, I'll take it." A brawny bald man, with a ring on his hand with a mysterious light, he is the top five existence in the world today.

The murderous intent of the dark night is spreading.

The assassins left one after another, all into pieces.

In the gloomy warehouse, only'Lao Zhan' was left.

"Do you think that this unprecedented killing game of the top killers from all over the world can kill the old man Jun Weidong." Behind'Lao Zhan', a figure slowly appeared in the dark, as if Having practiced a special stealth technique, she was a woman in red, who looked very coquettish.

"Jun Weidong himself is not a warrior, but he has a pivotal position in Yanhuang. Among the several patrons in Xuanyuan Pavilion, he even faintly means that Jun Weidong is the head."'Old Zhan' Xu Sheng Said, “Nowadays, evolutionary civilization is gradually recovering. Yanhuang has unearthed big secrets in several sites in the south. According to reports, these secrets are all in the hands of Jun Weidong. Killing Jun Weidong is equivalent to letting Yanhuang Xuanyuan Pavilion, broke off an arm. This is just the beginning of the'stop the dragon' plan."

The corner of'Old Zhan''s mouth rose slightly, "The world is restored, and the evolutionary civilization reappears. How can we allow this once oriental dragon to be uprooted? This time, the united forces of all parties will definitely be able to make Yan Huang The era of evolutionary civilization is eclipsed."

"Kurai Hime."'Lao Zhan' turned his face to look at the woman in red, "You have the strongest inheritance of the Japanese royal family, and is already the number one in the country. This time, the top 100 world's top killers convened by me, plus You, as well as several powerful races in the West, I can hardly imagine, how can Jun Weidong not die?"

A hint of proud smile was smeared on'Old Zhan' face.

"Thunder strike, don't let Yanhuang have any chance. The day after tomorrow, on the side of Zhejiang and Hangzhou, Faradi will act with us at the same time. His goal is the first sect of Yanhuang evolution civilization, Dragon Palace."'Old Zhan' laughed loudly. "As long as Yanhuang can't stand up, then, from now on, the evolution of civilization in Asia will be the head of Kurai Hime."

A magical light flashed across the eyes of the woman in red, Kurai Hime.

She also looked forward to it.

The night is shrouded in the entire capital, with bright lights. This modern city is full of neon lights.

The royal family in the capital can be said to be very hot now. After more than a year of silence, the old man regained power and erected its majesty, making the family faintly the first family in the capital.

The Jun family is planning for one thing.

Master Jun's eighty birthday.

According to the intention of the old man, it is enough to eat a casual meal, not to be extravagant, but it was strongly opposed by his children and grandchildren, so he decided to hold a banquet at the Golden Sky Hotel.

In the study.

Compared with the hustle and bustle of the outside world, the study of the old man is always so quiet.

Unlike in the past, the old man sitting on a wicker chair, holding in his hand is not a book but a photo.

In the photo, there is a girl with a beautiful smile.

"Meng'er, Grandpa really misses you." The slightly muddy eyes of the old man were shining with tears, and his face was full of wrinkles. In the final analysis, he was just an old man, and different martial artists. His physique, his cultivation is going against the sky, fighting for his fate with the sky. He is an ordinary old man who can’t compete with God. The upcoming 80th birthday is indeed a happy day, but it also makes the old man realize that he Time is running out.

In the depths of the old man's heart, the person who can't let go is naturally his most beloved granddaughter, Jun Lianmeng.

At the beginning, for the Jun family, sent Jun Lianmeng to Zhujian Peak, this decision, even if it was not made by the old man, but every time he thought, the old man would feel a pain in his heart.

He didn't know what happened afterwards, he only knew that since then, there has been no news of Meng'er.

Even if the pattern of the Eastern martial arts world has undergone tremendous changes, the three sects of the martial arts world once overlord no longer exist. Today, the entire Yanhuang and Dragon Palace are the only ones, but the old man still can't inquire about Jun Lianmeng.

"Meng'er, can grandpa still see you in his lifetime?" Mr. Jun murmured.

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