Chapter 1725 Sniper!

United States of America.

There is a family named Rothschild.

This is a family with the longest history in the United States. There are rumors that the wealth of this family is as rich as that of a country. At the same time, this family is also a family with a history of evolution and civilization. As the earth's environment is gradually restored, the Rothschild family is gradually returning to its former glory.

The World Evolution Alliance is led by the Rothschild family to unite all forces to form a large group of evolutionary civilizations. Beveridge, the head of the World Evolution Alliance, is exactly one of the Rothschild family. member.

In the Rothschild family, Beveridge's power is not high, but only serves as a ‘diplomat’.

At this moment, Beveridge's face was full of anger.

Within one day, seven consecutive statements of condemnation were issued, which showed the anger in his heart, his strong dissatisfaction and angry condemnation against the brutal behavior of Yanhuang Hell Team.

However, it didn't work.

The Yanhuang Hell team headed by Luo Feng set off from that island and swept over half of the earth in just three days. "As of now, there have been more than forty forces that have suffered the poisonous hands from the Yanhuang Hell team. A power has suffered heavy losses, and these are all members of my evolutionary alliance."

"Damn bastard!" Beveridge slapped the table angrily.

For the past three days, Beveridge has been in a state of anger every minute and every second. Since the first day of seven consecutive condemnation announcements, he has been condemning, angering, and wanting through various channels. Putting pressure on Yanhuang and accusing Yanhuang of his brutal behavior violated relevant international agreements. However, Yanhuang's response was that these were international terrorists who committed atrocities in Yanhuang, and Yanhuang special forces acted for the country.

"Damn it, really **** it, do they think they are the'world police'?" Beveridge was furious. It has always been the United States that has played the role of the'international police' in the world, but now they But it can only be condemned again and again.

"The strength of that squad is really terrifying. It belongs to the top power in the evolutionary world on earth today." On the side, a person said with a wry smile, "Moreover, it's very arrogant and terrible."

Beveridge clenched his fists tightly.

He knows that if this goes on, if this matter cannot be resolved, his throne as the general leader of the World Evolution Alliance will not be retained. The Rothschild family cannot allow a useless person to assume such an important position.

"It seems that Yanhuang has thoroughly investigated the 69 forces." Beveridge's eyes flashed with extremely cold light, "They will set off a revenge action sweeping the world, and Yang Yanhuang will evolve. If the power of civilization is allowed to be broken one by one, then the core of the future global evolution of civilization will be concentrated in Yanhuang. This is simply a huge humiliation to our great nation."

"Unite all forces, do not blindly defend, unite, take the initiative to attack."

Beveridge's eyes burst with crazily sharp light.

"According to their route, they will pass through this strait in the Pacific at noon tomorrow." Beveridge pointed to a place on the map and narrowed his eyes coldly. "Participating in the forces of the'Dragon Project' Among them, there are three forces in our country, and two of them may be the goal of Yanhuang Hell Team."

There is another, the Rothschild family.

However, in the United States, this is a powerful family with the oldest history. The wealth and power in its hands are immeasurable. It is even known as the world's first family. Beveridge does not believe that that A team of eight people dare to take action against the Rothschild family in the United States.

Unless they don't want to live anymore.

"Immediately unite the remaining forces and quickly concentrate on the Pacific Strait to block the Yanhuang Hell team."

Beveridge gave orders decisively.

A storm of the power of evolutionary civilization sweeping the world seems to have triggered a tsunami.

Caused a worldwide sensation.

The restoration of the earth and the re-emergence of evolutionary civilization have made many people realize the endless potential of human beings.

For those who are at the pinnacle of evolutionary civilization, more people worship them.

Yanhuang, almost all the streets are hotly discussed.

"This is a battle belonging to the evolutionary civilization."

"The **** team swept the hemisphere."

"Who is invincible, who will compete."

"When I saw where the Hell team pointed out on TV and left the words'Although far away must be punishable', I felt that my blood was boiling, and I seemed to have awakened a certain power."

"The evolutionary power in my body has been out of control."


Elder Jun was sitting in the hall, with the high-level Xuanyuan Pavilion beside him, and they were all watching TV.

Because of this storm caused by the Hell Team, the sensation has been unprecedented. Nowadays, some well-known national and regional TV stations are tracking reports on live broadcast. An international channel of Yanhuang is now broadcasting the Hell Team destroying an underground force. Picture.

"Luo Feng and the others are incredibly powerful." Dongfang Yunxiao couldn't help sighing.

"This underground force is notorious and full of evil in the local area. It originally belonged to a dark organization, has evolved civilization and inheritance, and is very powerful. Under their sphere of influence, many people can say that they are suffering every day. Now they are being hell. The team, uprooted." Jun Lingyun smiled.

The look of the old man also showed relief, "The sword of the country must fight for justice."

On TV, after Luo Feng and his party left, the footage showed some people's pictures.

When the people knew that this underground force was uprooted, they all expressed disbelief. They cried with joy and couldn't help themselves. Some even couldn't help chanting "Long live the Yanhuang".

"Quick, too fast."

The voice of the host in charge of the live broadcast couldn’t help exclaiming, “It’s difficult for satellites to catch the Hell team. Each of them is faster than the speed of sound. What is this concept? It’s unbelievable to tap into its full potential."

"They are crossing oceans."

"I have captured their shadows. They are passing through a strait in the Pacific Ocean. What a magical bamboo boat can carry them, and the speed also exceeds the speed of sound."

"If they hadn't stopped here, our satellites would have barely caught them...Huh? Someone on the sea level."

"My God! Someone appeared on the other side."

"Come on! Come! I guessed that the Hell Team will definitely be sniped by the locals. Now, the sniper has finally appeared!"

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