Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1727: Fairy scattered flowers!

Chapter 1727 Fairy scattered flowers!

Global focus.

Over the Pacific Strait, there seemed to be a huge dark cloud that obscured the sky and the sun, making this world gloomy. Unwilling to quiet the waves, wave after wave, the sound is loud and deafening.

"This, I am afraid that most of the powerful evolutionary warriors of the earth have been gathered." The iron face looked relaxed, laughed, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. "The so-called World Evolution Alliance is nothing more than a group of coveting me Yanhuang. Outer thief of evolution civilization."

"With the strength of my flames and yellows, what's the matter with sweeping the evolutionary warriors around the world?" Luo Feng smiled.

Surrounded on all sides, staring at him, with a monstrous aura. However, the eight people in the center of the encirclement circle are still talking and laughing, without the slightest fear on their faces.

"What a Luofeng." In the capital, the old gentleman was full of face, red light erupted, and was extremely excited. "Well said, if he can do it, then, from now on, the civilization world will evolve and the earth will become yellow. Respect."

Many people clenched their fists after hearing Luo Feng's words.

"It's probably been found out." Jun Lingyun's computer appeared a bunch of data, his face was extremely dignified, and he said in a deep voice, "The person headed by the big ship with the flag of the United States is exactly the evolutionary alliance. The person in charge, Beveridge, is a Rothschild family from the United States. He has great strength. The two elders around him are veteran figures of the Rothschild family and are strong in the United States. The winners can be included in the top ten."

"In addition, each of the other warriors on that big ship has a lot of origin, especially in the evolutionary civilization of recent times. They are all rapidly rising existences and are very famous in the United States."

"On the other side, the old warrior wearing the weird red robes is the Egyptian ‘Pharaoh’ who has recently gained fame. Rumor has it that he has obtained the top inheritance of the ancient pyramid."

"There is also the trio over there. It is reported that they are inherited from Western angels and have wings on their backs."

Every time Jun Lingyun said a character, his face was a little serious.

These characters are well-known in the evolutionary civilization of the world today.

Some of them even got the inheritance of the gods in the ancient legends of their respective countries.

For example, there is a slender-looking woman in the United States of America. She has a graceful posture. It is rumored that she has the inheritance of the Statue of Liberty. She has terrible strength and ranks in the top three in the strong list of the United States.

"This battle can be called a violent collision of the evolutionary civilizations of the East and the West." Dongfang Yunxiao took a deep breath, "The opponent has gathered more than 300 warriors one after another, and is determined to sink Luo Feng and the others in the Pacific Ocean. Strait."

Everyone's eyes were staring tightly.

Storm is coming.

Pacific Strait.

"Everyone is here now." Beveridge swept his eyes around, his eyes became colder and colder, "The Yanhuang team, with brutal behavior, set off **** killings on a global scale. It is really a common anger and unforgivable sin. Repeatedly condemned to no avail. Today, only the power of everyone is gathered to obliterate this team from the East in the Pacific Strait."

"This battle is for the peace of the world."

"Today's feat will be included in the history of human evolution and civilization."

Beveridge’s voice reverberated, and there seemed to be some special magic in the words, making the martial arts around all around, the eyes of the martial arts erupted with blazing light, and they were eager to try. Demon, beheaded.

"In just a few days, you came from the east and caused countless killings. Do you know that you are guilty?" Beveridge stood on the big boat and looked down at the people of Luofeng. At this moment, his heart was determined, the one in front of him Even if the Yanhuang team is strong, now all major forces have gathered masters, and more than 300 top-level evolutionary fighters have joined forces. The Yanhuang Hell team is difficult to fly.

Luo Feng raised his eyebrows lightly, "Everything in the world has cause and effect. What is the reason for our actions today? You must know it in your heart, so why not talk nonsense?"

Beveridge stared at Luo Feng coldly, "The purpose of the Evolutionary Alliance is for peace, and your actions are clearly to blatantly challenge the purpose of the World Evolutionary Alliance. We don’t want to do it. The eight of you are here. In the Pacific Strait, abolish martial arts, repent and admit mistakes. Then, I can guarantee that the evolutionary alliance with peace as its purpose will not be difficult for you anymore and will send you back home."

Luo Feng smiled, "What kind of **** alliance? It's nothing more than a group of roars and thiefs who want to meddle with the gems of my Yanhuang evolution and civilization." Luo Feng pointed at everyone, "All together, today my **** team, just I will personally explain to the evolving warriors of your countries, what is a real evolutionary civilization."


"Damn it."

"No need to say more, kill them."

The angry voices all around suddenly resounded.

There are even some warriors who couldn't hold back, and were approaching the eight Luo Feng...

"Kill!" Beveridge's face flashed through the cold and angry murderous intent.

call! call! call!

Suddenly, the Pacific Strait set off huge waves.

"The war has broken out!" At this moment, the host of the International Channel Zhang also exclaimed, his heart tense, everyone knows that this battle will determine the pattern of global evolution and civilization.

The monstrous huge waves surged crazily, as if a huge vortex appeared, wrapping Luo Feng eight people as the center.

"There is still an ambush below." Luo Feng lowered his head and wiped a trace of contempt at the corner of his mouth.

"It's no wonder that you are so arrogant. It turns out that you have made sufficient preparations." At this moment, Jun Lianmeng's glazed sword was out of its sheath, and the light like a rainbow suddenly spread across the sky. The bright and colorful sword light was like the light of glazed light. , Flowing with divine light.

Jun Lianmeng took the first shot.

One style "fairy scattered flowers".

call out! call out! call out!

The sky full of colored glaze sword intent fell from the sky, booming, the sea level seemed to have suffered a huge impact, the stormy waves, rumbling, and at the same time, below the sea level, there were some lurking warriors who appeared screaming, covered in blood, and wanted to attack. Luo Feng and the others didn't know that before they could do anything, they were destroyed by Jun Lianmeng's Liuli sword intent.

"What a beautiful sword light."

"What a nice view."

"It's like an ancient fairy sword fairy."

In front of the screen, countless people could not help but be shocked when they saw this scene.

Really like a fairy, when the glazed sword is out of its sheath, the fairy scattered flowers, the beauty is breathtaking.

However, the energy contained in it shook the entire Pacific Strait.

No matter what the other party said, the sky was falling, Jun Lianmeng's sword meant to shock the audience.

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