Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1755: The three secret tribes!

Kunlun, Bu Zhoushan.

Luo Feng didn’t know what was happening outside. At this moment, he was immersed in the world of the spiritual master. There were already many objects that could evolve in one thought. Although he hadn’t reached the point where he wanted, he transformed overnight. , Luo Feng is already very close to the point where one thought transforms everything.

The further forward, the more difficult the pace.

The Primordial Mist monster seemed to never be cut off, and the farther inside, the stronger the cloud monster's strength, even these cloud monsters will be attacked by spiritual masters, which sometimes makes Luo Feng impossible to defend.

"How many assessments are there on Buzhou Mountain?" Luo Feng complained a little bit. In case the second stage is just the beginning, then how difficult it would be to accept the complete Buzhou Mountain heritage.

Luo Feng felt that he had reached the limit faintly.

Ahead, the mysterious palace is looming.

However, there is always no way to get close.

"Could it be that a spiritual master at the'apprentice' level is not qualified to accept Bu Zhoushan's inheritance?" Luo Feng couldn't help but guess that his current mental power amplitude is less than three thousand, and he is still at the next level. A long distance.

However, Luo Feng was not in a hurry to leave, and his spiritual strength was steadily improved by practicing on the mountain.

Especially the methods of the spiritual masters have become more and more skillful.

"I don't know, can that omnipotent stone work on these cloud monsters?" Luo Feng thought on a whim, his eyes lighted up, if it was useful, he still had a great chance to break through these cloud monsters.

Without much hesitation, Luo Feng directly took out the mysterious stone.


An unexpected scene happened to Luo Feng.

The entire space of Bu Zhoushan seemed to shake.

Mysterious stone, bright light.

call out!

It suddenly turned into a streamer and rushed to the depths of Buzhou Mountain.

At the same time, that palace appeared again.

Luo Feng clearly saw that the mysterious stone flew into the palace, and then... there was no sign of it again.

"I go!"

Luo Feng was dumbfounded, unable to speak for a long time.

He was stunned.

"Does this count as... picking up a rock and hitting... your own foot?"

Luo Feng wanted to cry without tears. He wanted to use the mysterious stone to break through the second test of Buzhou Mountain. He did not know that the mysterious stone had undergone such a big mutation and flew directly into the palace in the distance.

"How could this happen?" Luo Feng's mind was full of questions.

On Buzhou Mountain, he once took out the mysterious stone and smashed the mysterious field in front of the tombstone. However, at the time, the mysterious stone was nothing unusual. But today, Luo Feng just took it out and the mysterious stone ran away. Up.

"Is it because there were too many chances for the mysterious stone to'swallow' during this period, which led to Su Fu, or was it very close to the mysterious palace and it sensed the atmosphere of the mysterious palace?" Luo Feng couldn't think of it, nor could he guess it, he only knew a little bit. , This omnipotent stone...flew away because of his own work!

Luo Feng is really a dumb eating Coptis at the moment, and he cannot tell.

You know, this mysterious stone has always been a big hole card in his hand.

For some enemies that were too strong to deal with, Luo Feng smashed them with a stone and knocked them out!

But now, this unprofitable artifact is lost!

"Too bad." Luo Feng had the urge to swear at the mysterious palace. The assessment was too difficult, and even his own mysterious stone was attracted away.

The only way to get the mysterious stone back is to pass the test.

From the current point of view, it is still very difficult to achieve this goal.

After the successive battles, Luo Feng withdrew from the safety zone and sat cross-legged.

The spiritual power diffused slowly, extending towards the front, being invisiblely blocked, Luo Feng could only go backwards, and the spiritual power diffused out, covering Kunlun.

Two figures appeared in Kunlun Snow Mountain.

"Luo Feng!"

Qian Yilan shouted, looking anxious.

Tang Dal and the others walked in a hurry, and there was an unknown risk in the heavenly prison, so they naturally wanted to inform Luo Feng the first time.

"Where did Luo Feng go?" Xiao Yu also frowned, anxiously.

Not Zhoushan.

"En?" Luo Feng suddenly widened his eyes. He noticed two very familiar mental power fluctuations. "Why are they here?" Luo Feng had an unknown premonition in his heart, and he strode out immediately.

"What's the matter?" Luo Feng appeared in front of the second woman.

"Something went wrong." Xiao Yu said quickly, "The big demons of Shengxue Mountain were ambushed on their way back, and their lives were uncertain. Da Er and the judge had already set out to support."

"What!" Luo Feng's face changed drastically, Guo said, "You go directly to Tengcheng, you don't need to participate."

"Be careful." The second woman exclaimed.

Luo Feng's figure has turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the distant sky.

Hell state.


Five hundred miles from Shengxue Mountain.

It is also a snow-capped mountain with snow all year round.

However, at this moment, many places on the snow-capped mountains were stained red with blood, and there were still some corpses.

Among them, a huge white elephant corpse, lying on the snow mountain, covered in blood.

"I didn't expect that Jinpeng still had a hole card hidden." A yellow-robed middle-aged man said with a cold expression and frowned. "Our three secret tribes joined forces in an ambush and only succeeded in hunting down a white elephant. The counterattack before death also killed a few of us in Zongsizong."

"Hmph, they have been locked in this gorge by us, and they are all wounded and cannot escape." A person sneered beside him, "The field formation inside is brought by a strange pattern soldier. , Our Tianbei Pavilion’s field experts have already begun to try to break the formation. I dare say that within a few hours, the field formation can be broken. At that time, the beast king inside, their inner alchemy, let it be We divide it up."

"So, how do you deal with this white elephant?" Another strong man from Huangjimen frowned. "When this white elephant was desperate, he blew the golden core. Now it is useless. Next, we will deal with the rest. When those strange beasts, you must start quickly, and you can't give them a chance to explode the golden core."

The three secret tribes, Cangsizong, Tianbei Pavilion, and Huangjimen.

Many powerhouses have sealed off this snow-capped mountain. In front of the Grand Canyon, there are field masters who are trying to crack the field formation.

"Who said this white elephant is useless?" The strong man of Beige smiled on his face that day. "I haven't eaten white elephant meat yet. Come and make a fire. Today, our three secret tribes will be in front of the Grand Canyon. The noodles of a group of savage animals, roasted white elephants, tsk tsk... the fragrance, will it attract them?"

"good idea."

"Haha, I just meant it."

"The white elephant meat of Jindan realm must taste very good."

The powerhouses of the three secret tribes laughed brazenly.

Deep in the Grand Canyon.

The voice came in...

A group of big monsters, their eyes filled with hatred, clenched their fists tightly.

"This group of dog thieves who are not as good as beasts!"

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