Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1757: Big ears run away!

Chapter 1757 Big Ear Runaway!

Snow mountain.

In front of the Grand Canyon, a raging flame has already begun.

The white elephant was cleaned, tied with a shelf, and the body was divided into several pieces.

"This must be the most delicious delicacy in the world." Kunsi Zongchang teacher Kun smiled and at the same time glanced at the direction of the Grand Canyon without leaving a trace.

"I don't think it is necessarily." Huang Jizong Shan Dingkun smiled, "Next, we will eat Jinpeng meat, green snake meat, leopard meat..."

"Hahaha, what I said is absolutely true."

The laughter was harsh.

In the Grand Canyon, Jinpeng has divided the team into two waves.

"You, retreat." Jin Peng said vigorously.

"King Peng!" The old lion couldn't help crying. However, at this moment, he knew that he had no choice but to grit his teeth in the end, "Everyone, follow me."

This team hurriedly disappeared into the depths of the Grand Canyon.

However, Jinpeng understands that they are not safe.

The entire snow-capped mountain was surrounded by the three big secret tribes.

"Brothers, are you all ready?" Jin Peng said softly.

Without any extra words, the big demons left by Shengxue Mountain nodded slowly.

They didn't have a single complaint, and even if they could stay, it was an opportunity they took the initiative to fight for.

"Death also has to hold this group of chores, let the Lion King and the others escape smoothly."

"I, Holy Snow Mountain, never give up."

"Wang, will avenge us."

In the dark canyon, the figures of the big monsters are walking forward.

"Yes, Da Er, will definitely avenge us." Jin Peng stared at the front, "The three secret tribes slaughtered my Holy Snow Mountain for no reason. They will not die."

Outside the Grand Canyon.

The field masters of the three secret tribes are still studying field formations.

There are a total of five people, and everyone's expression is very relaxed, "If this goes on, it doesn't take an hour to break this field formation."

"A group of ridiculous monsters, thinking that with the patterned soldiers of a small field type, they also want to stop our three big secret races?"

call out!

The sound stopped abruptly.

The master of the field who said this, a **** arrow spurted out of his throat.

Jin Peng waved his sword, and the bright sword light carried a life-threatening breath.

call out! call out! call out!

Jin Peng came out with the strongest murderous intent. In a blink of an eye, three of the five field masters closest to the Grand Canyon had already died, and the remaining two responded in time and retreated quickly.

"Finally can't hold it back?" Grandmaster Kunsi squinted, not surprised.

"Battle of trapped beasts, the old man wants to see how these strange beasts will struggle before they die." Tianbei Pavilion Fujinhe slowly stood up.

Soon, the powerhouses of the three secret tribes surrounded them.

The war broke out!

Huangjimen Shan Dingkun raised his eyes and narrowed his eyes, "I don’t even see the old lion group of strange animals... Ha ha, do you plan to split up and break through the front and back? Tell you a very unfortunate news. You are sitting behind the snow mountain. The strength of the strong is not below us."

Jinpeng's face changed drastically.

Fujinhe laughed, his gaze swept contemptuously, "The power of the three secret tribes is simply not what you can imagine."

"Giving up resistance and being brought up in captivity obediently by us, maybe there is still a chance." A strong man laughed, and shot and wounded a big demon.

The power of the three secret tribes is too terrifying.

The big demons of Saint Snow Mountain, only Jin Peng can barely resist.

In less than a moment, several big monsters were already wounded, and the wounds were shocking.


In the distance, there was a loud and earth-shaking noise, accompanied by a sorrowful roar.

Jin Peng's face completely turned pale.

problem occurs!

The Lion King and the others were also attacked.

"Will you catch it without loosing it?" Shi Kun stared at Jin Peng, "I'm missing a mount. I can give you a chance."

Jin Peng sacrificed his golden sword, the sword spirit was like a rainbow, and he slew Shi Kun.

Shi Kun sneered contemptuously, and also wielded his sword. In an instant, the shadow of the sword covered endlessly.

call out! call out! call out!

Jinpeng was injured and retreated.

"Big ears, Yaoyao, I can't help you, I can't keep the Holy Snow Mountain." Jin Peng's eyes were red, and he stared at Shi Kun firmly, his eyes were determined and determined to die.

"Not good!" Shi Kun's face changed slightly. He noticed that Jin Peng wanted to explode the golden core.

call out!

Shi Kun made a sword like electricity.

It also takes a certain amount of time for the alien beast to explode the golden core. He wants to stop Jinpeng to accumulate strength.

"Let's die together." Jin Peng roared furiously.

The sound was shaking.

At this moment...

far away.

A sound fell.

"Uncle Peng!"

The sound seemed to fall from the sky.

Jinpeng's movements stopped.

The voice of big ears!

As his thoughts quickly turned, Jinpeng evaded Shi Kun's sword like a conditioned reflex, and in the end, it did not detonate the golden core.

Here comes the big ear!

Reinforcements are coming!

Jinpeng's spirit was lifted up and exhausted his strength, "We are here!"

call out!

The golden light falls from the sky like electricity.


The body of the Golden Blood Pegasus fell directly to the ground, and thick smoke swept up.


"The king is coming!"

At this moment, the great monsters of Shengxue Mountain were also excited, and deep down in their hearts, they rekindled hope.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Tang Dal's people jumped over.

Tang Dal's gaze fell on the white elephant's corpse tied to the shelf for the first time. His body seemed to have been struck by a thunderstorm. His eyes were suddenly red, and his breathing became rapid.

"Uncle Elephant." Ling Yaoyao's eyes were also wet.

Tang Dal's eyes widened tightly.

Yesterday, the white elephant came to give him a toast with a large bowl of wine, wishing him and Yao Yao an early child.

The white elephant also said that the big monsters in their holy snow mountain are looking forward to the birth of the little lord.

Yesterday, how happy they said.

Yesterday, everyone was together, how lively.


Tang Dal's eyes also turned red.


Tang Dal went up to the sky and roared in anger.

"You **** things!"

Tang Da'er held the Great Tang War Halberd in his hand, completely plunged into a state of anger.

"Die all to me!"

call out! call out! call out!

Tang Daer is killing!

"Hmph, a group of young people are also coming to die." Shi Kun everyone sneered.

"Or the king of Saint Snow Mountain? It's ridiculous." Shi Kun looked at Tang Da'er, "I killed this white elephant with my own hands. You can find my revenge."

call out!

As soon as the words fell, Tang Daer's Datang Halberd had already been slashed.

"Holy blood is boiling!"

At this moment, Tang Daer didn't have any reservations, bursting out the talented power of the Man King Supreme.

An unparalleled blow!

Shi Kun's eyes were still contemptuous, but at that moment, the smile on his face solidified.

Swing a sword!

At the same time, the figure quickly retreated.

However, Tang Dal had already fallen into a state of running away and killing the enemy.

It is like a barbarian king supreme from ancient times, full of evil spirits and murderous aura.

"Die me!"

Strong energy hits the past.


Shi Kun vomited blood and flew out.

In the next second, the Datang Halberd came again.

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