Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1775: The storm is about to rise again!

This night, on the top of the sacred mountain, the flute sounded melodiously and continuously. White

Drinking clothes, a toast to invite the moon, the past is like a song. One

The night passed.

Early the next morning, the cold air fell on the heavens and the earth, the spirit flowers bloomed, and the breeze blew by, shaking with crystal dew. Big

After a night of drunkenness, Luo Feng woke up, feeling radiant. After feeling it, his expression couldn't help but be surprised. The amplitude of his spiritual power exceeded the three thousand mark, and he rushed to more than three thousand eight hundred in one fell swoop.

That means that overnight, Luo Feng's mental power amplitude increased by nearly a thousand.

This is a situation that has never happened before.

"Reminisce about the'Beauty Debt', there is such an effect?" Luo Feng's mouth twitched lightly. This

One night, he seemed to untie a knot in his heart. even

He himself didn't realize that when he mentioned the ‘beautiful debt’, Luo Feng’s heart was no longer blocked, he had cleared his mind, and everything went according to the flow.

Some things hidden in the bottom of my heart were turned out and dealt with directly.

Accompanied by the melodious flute sound, he entered a realm of mystery, Luo Feng's mental power amplitude, due to inconsistencies, has been greatly improved, which can be regarded as an unexpected gain. Luo

Feng took out a high-order spar, and five minutes later, a brand new Lei Nian ball appeared. "

The speed has nearly doubled. "Luo Feng couldn't help but rejoice. In this way, the efficiency of making Lei Nian **** will be even higher.

Luo Feng stood up, his eyes throbbed with golden light, and between his fingers, an invisible thunder fell from the sky.

Not surprisingly, the power is even stronger.

Luo Feng's spiritual power permeated out, covering the entire sacred mountain. single

In terms of spiritual power, no one in the world can compare to Luo Feng. Of course

However, this is only an ‘apprentice’ level spiritual master.

The rising sun rose, and the morning sun shot down a bright glow and fell on Luo Feng's body.

Luo Feng sat cross-legged, slowly circling the Purple Qi Donglai magic, as if bathed in a faint purple light, sacred and inviolable.

With seven stars on his back, the purple gas comes to the east.

Even if he possesses the methods of a rare spiritual master, Luo Feng is not slacking in the Purple Qi Donglai magical power. can

It can be said that everything he has today is brought by the Purple Qi Donglai magical power. Back

Negative Seven Stars, a fusion of six beads, with the Purple Qi Donglai magical technique as the core, derives other great skills, including powerful stains, pill codes, formation urns, patterns and so on.

This is Luo Feng's greatest secret and the trump card he relies on most. Luo

Feng was very much looking forward to what the last bead could bring to him.

The seven stars gather together, will there be any special chances?

Of course, Luo Feng also knew that all of this can only be done with the flow.

He believed that the seventh bead would appear sooner or later.

Walking down from the summit of the mountain, Luo Feng took a bath and changed his clothes, and came to the courtyard, where flowers bloomed and fragrant everywhere. "

It smells so good. "Luo Feng took a deep breath, his eyes glowing, and his gaze looked over. On a stone table in front, there were two stunning ladies on the table with a rich breakfast.

"The delicious food is fragrant, and the beauty is fragrant." Luo Feng walked over and smiled.

Xiao Yu glanced at Luo Feng, "What are you doing wrong?" Luo

Feng was stunned. "

If not, come and praise us early in the morning? "Qian Yilan hit the nail on the head, "There must be a ghost in her heart. "Luo


The woman's mind is too delicate. from

I didn't say anything at all.

However, Luo Feng is still a bit unnatural, there is a ghost in his heart that can't talk about it, but last night, he recalled the "Beauty Debt" that night, this, no matter how thick-skinned Luo Feng is, he is not embarrassed to speak out.

Fortunately, the two daughters didn't mean to ask questions, Luo Feng hahahahad over, and the three had breakfast together.

After chatting for a while, Luo Feng bid farewell to the two daughters and went to Wutong Forest.

"There is a letter." As soon as Luo Feng stepped into the Wutong Forest, Master Yan said solemnly.

Luo Feng glanced at the Third Master Yan and smiled slightly, "Is it because the Anti-Magic Alliance is moving."

Luo Feng has been waiting and he was mentally prepared. all

The world is waiting for the reaction of the Anti-Magic Alliance. Luo Feng slaps the Anti-Magic Alliance in such a fair face. The Anti-Magic Alliance will never give up. "

This letter came from the Chu Dynasty, eagerly impatient. "The third teacher Yan said solemnly.

"Big brother sent it?" Luo Feng took it, glanced at it, and smiled lightly, "Sure enough, I didn't expect it."

The letter sent by Chu Liuxing, now, the entire East, except for Songzhou, almost all the other cities are in the Chu Dynasty.

In the letter, Chu Meteor told Luo Feng that the envoy of the Anti-Magic Alliance had arrived in the east, headed by the two five-step Jindan Dadao strongmen, the master of Tianbei Pavilion Huabei, and the master of Huangjimen Zhu Fubao.

Travelers, there are two ancestors of Jingyunzong, four steps Jindan Avenue. "

One more person, Yuwen Yunfan? Luo Feng narrowed his eyes lightly. "It seems that Yuwen Yunfan's confidence has doubled again after entering Penglai Fairy Island'gilded' back, is he going to take revenge for that day?" "

"The other party must have come prepared." Yan Liumo said in a deep voice, "We should also prepare early so that they will come back." Yan

Murderous intent surged past the eyes of the Six Demons.

He is afraid of the Anti-Magic Alliance, but fear does not mean fear. Correct

Once Fang came to kill, then, fight with all his strength, nothing more.

"Perhaps I was afraid of the Tengcheng Shenlong Legion. They did not go straight to Tengcheng immediately, but went to Jingyun Sect." said the old Jiu Dadao, "It is mainly the children of Jingyun Sect, and then in the name of the Anti-Devil Alliance, calling on the world warriors, To punish..." The old Jiu Chi glanced at Luo Feng, "The traitor Luo Feng."

Traitor? "The corner of Luo Feng's mouth curled up coldly, "What a ‘traitor’, the Anti-Magic Alliance, as expected, those who follow me prosper, and those who oppose me die. "

"With the current momentum of the Anti-Magic Alliance, it must be a hundred responses." Seeing Luo Feng's expression calm and confident, Yan Sanshi calmed down, his brows raised lightly, and he said slowly, "I estimate that they may eventually form a five A team of about 10,000 people." Luo

Feng looked at Master Yan, "Can you swallow it?"

Yan Sanshi weighed it for a moment, and looked at Luo Feng, "Lei Nianqiu..."

"Supply in sufficient quantities." Luo Feng replied, "I had some insights last night, and the speed of making Thunderball can be doubled."

Really? "The third division of Yan was ecstatic, and immediately said confidently, "Then, let the world take a look at the power of the upgraded Dragon Legion!" "Luo

The peak nodded.

Today, the power of the Anti-Magic Alliance has swept the **** realm. he

It must be clear to the world that the Dragon Palace still exists and is still an inviolable existence!

Three days later, Luo Feng received another letter. Come

From Songzhou Huangcheng, Tianshu Palace Master. "

The team of the Anti-Magic Alliance has entered Songzhou territory. "

The storm is about to rise again!

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