Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1792: Bodhi chanting!

"All of this is Luo Feng's own search." Yan Moxie's fingertips, a few drops of girl's baby blood floated in the air, **** and rich, Yan Moxie's eyes were shining with blood red light, suddenly luck, girl baby's blood Swallowed it in.

"It's simply the most delicious food in the world." Yan Moxie's face showed a smile.

"How about another thing?" Yan Moxie said slowly again. "In Tengcheng, it is too easy to inquire about Luo Feng." Yang Le smiled, "Luo Feng comes from a plane called'Earth'. This plane connects to the heavenly **** realm. It is in Tengcheng. There are many warriors from the earth in the Tengcheng, Shenlong Legion, among them there are not

Shaoluofeng's friend, brother. It can be seen that Luo Feng is a guy who pays great attention to affection. "

"Love and justice, the fatal weakness of Human Race." Yan Moxie squinted.

"Perhaps Luo Feng had instructed him a long time ago. The vast majority of people who have something to do with Luo Feng have not been out of the mountain at all these days." Yang Le continued, "It seems that Luo Feng is worried that we will be around him. People shot."

"Since he is worried, I can't make him worry in vain." Yan Moxie's mouth lightly raised, "Pay attention to cover up whereabouts, and keep an eye on the mountain. Once someone close to Luo Feng appears, think of a way to get here alive."

"Yes, young master." Yang Le and Yang Fen both took their orders at the same time.

This night, Fujijo was not calm.

"In Zhaojiazhuang overnight, ten girls and babies were killed, and all their hearts were poached." Wutonglin, Yan Liumo brought the news back, his face twisted and extremely angry, he still could not calm his emotions.

Following Yang Le and the two, they did not expect to get rid of them.

Later, Zhaojiazhuang was traced, but it was already a step too late and the disaster had already happened.

The devil is coming!

This is the Zhaojiazhuang survivor shouting in horror and despair.

The grief and crying voices of the families of ten girls and babies made Yan Liumo's heart more painful.

"Devil!" Yan Liumo roared angrily, "This matter was done by the two followers of the Demon Race Young Master. They are demons with no humanity at all."

Master Yan also clenched his fists tightly, his body trembling.

"The thing Luo Feng worried about the most happened after all."

Master Yan's eyes flickered with hatred and rage. The young master of the Demon Race appeared in Tengcheng. It was an untimely bomb that would bring disaster to Tengcheng at any time. "Unexpectedly, they would be so cruel, annihilating humanity, and cruel to ordinary people."

"I have heard that some of the exercises practiced by the demons are so utterly conscientious. They use the heart of the master, blood, etc. as a guide to achieve the purpose of cultivation." Old Jiu Dao's face was gloomy and cold, "I Suspect, what the Demon Race Young Master practices is this kind of exercise."

"The boss is in retreat." At this time, a young face walked into the Wutong Forest. It was the judge. "When I was going to report the matter to the boss, I found that the sacred tree was full of field formations. There was no way. Approaching, it should be the cultivation of the boss, it just happened to be a critical moment."

The three looked at each other.

At this critical moment, it was impossible to contact Luo Feng, and it made them feel anxious.

"Prepare with both hands." In the end, Yan Sanshi calmed down. "First, check the whereabouts of the Demon Race Young Master, mobilize the Dragon Legion, and prepare for action. Second, from now on, be careful and try not to go out. , Pay attention to Luo Feng’s movement, and hope Luo Feng can leave the customs as soon as possible."

Sacred mountain.

Under the Bodhi tree.

Luo Feng didn't know everything about the outside world.

At this moment, the early morning sun reflects the sacred tree of Bodhi, the dazzling brilliance of the tree.

The **** devil bone lay quietly in Luo Feng's palm.

"it has started."

Luo Feng's expression was firm, his heart was like a rock, and the moment he released his hand, he also released the will of the demon **** in the **** demon bone.

This blood-colored demon bone is too mysterious, containing the will of the terrifying demon **** in the ancient years. At this moment, it was like a flood lacking a bank, bursting with blood-red light, directly covering Luo Feng's body.

Luo Feng's figure was lightly shaken, and he was fully engaged, quickly running the Purple Qi Donglai magical power.

call! call! call!

From time to time, one after another **** and cruel images appeared in Luo Feng's mind. It was extremely terrifying. Waves of invisible offensives, like prehistoric monsters, opened their mouths of blood to make Luo Feng's consciousness full. Swallow.

Under such a terrifying momentum, if Luo Feng could not resist, even if Luo Feng was immortal, he would be controlled by the Demon God's will and eventually become a walking dead.

Only at this moment did Luo Feng realize how hasty his decision was.

Knowing that this scarlet demon bone contained terrifying power, he even took the initiative to provoke.

Luo Feng's heart was already complaining, and the impact of the demon god's will exceeded Luo Feng's original imagination.

What is even more shocking is that even if Luo Feng is trying to use the means of a spiritual master at this moment, it is difficult to suppress this demon will that has been released.

"Is it really going to be playing with fire and self-immolation?" Luo Feng clenched his teeth, clinging to the sea of ​​knowledge, mobilizing his whole body strength and controlling his body. Seeing from the outside, Luo Feng's entire body was shrouded in blood, but from time to time a faint purple light appeared, trying to stop all of this.

In Luo Feng's mind, it seemed that the devil's wanton laughter sounded continuously...

He knows that these are all imaginary.

Even if this is really the bone of the demon god, the demon **** has died for thousands of years.

"The old ghost who has been dead for thousands of years also wants to come to my body?" Luo Feng shouted, he really realized that there was a ray of demon god's mental power on this **** devil bone.

Every minute and every second is a great torment for Luo Feng.


Under the sacred tree of Bodhi Sound, Luo Feng finally spewed a bit of blood, which stained the ground.

And at this moment, the light of the blood-colored devil bones flourished.


A gust of wind passed.

The Bodhi tree moved.

The friction of the leaves and sand shook...

Under the touch of the luxuriant branches and leaves, there was a sound of chanting, like a Buddhist monk chanting the Buddha.

Huh huh!

A majestic and vigorous spiritual force enveloped the scope of the Bodhi tree.

Soon, the **** light covering Luo Feng's body was covered and suppressed.

Luo Feng's body faintly flashed with golden light.

Buddha, ten thousand Buddhas golden body!

At this moment, it is connected with the Bodhi Sacred Tree, reflecting each other.

The painful color on Luo Feng's face gradually faded, and replaced by a sense of peace and calm.

for a long time.

A majestic force burst out of Luo Feng.

The bottleneck burst.

breakthrough! Four steps to Jindan Avenue.

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