Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1839: Not that great!


This extremely depressing breath filled the entire front of the Bahuang City Gate.

If the demon army is attacking them, they will feel flustered and fearful, but there will never be a lot of anger. It is superfluous. The people of the Eight Desolate City are incompatible with the demon race.

But now, it is the army of the Anti-Magic Alliance that blocks all the main roads, snipes, captures, and kills them!

This is supposed to be ‘my own’!

Did not die under the butcher knife of the Demon Race, but was suddenly stabbed by the Anti-Magic Alliance.

This feeling, how aggrieved and angry.

All eyes were on Luo Feng.

As long as Luo Feng gives an order, they will desperately follow Luo Feng and break out of the siege.

Luo Feng's eyes flashed with cold light.

After a long time, he jumped up and stood on the wall.

"Everyone, please listen to me." Luo Feng's gaze swept across the crowd slowly, and suddenly, he bowed forward, "It's me, Luo Feng, that drags everyone down." Luo Feng raised his head again, "anti The Magic League is coming at me."

The audience was quiet.

Immediately there was a voice shouting, "Our lives were saved by Shenxian Luo. How can it be said that Shenxian Luo dragged us down?"

"Yes, there is a grievance between God Luo and the Anti-Magic Alliance. We have all heard of it. However, the Anti-Magic Alliance has always been able to take Luo Shenxian. It is not so much that Luo Shenxian drags us down, but it is us. Immortal Luo is exhausted."

"With the Golden Blood Pegasus, it is easy for Shenxian Luo to leave the Bahuang City. However, the Anti-Magic Alliance has used these three kinds of methods to force Shenxian Luo to submit."

Voices from the crowd sounded from time to time, and many people who didn't know the truth suddenly realized it.

This move of the Anti-Magic Alliance was to force Luo Feng and not let Luo Feng leave.

If Luo Feng ignored the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the Eight Desolate City and left by himself... I am afraid that Luo Feng himself would not be able to pass the hurdle in his heart.

"Something despicable and shameless." The judge also calmed down, clenching his fists. In this case, he rushed out and there was only a dead end. He believed that no matter which way it went, the Anti-Magic Alliance would have the strong. .

More importantly, Luo Feng was seriously injured, and his strength recovery was less than 20%. He was unable to compete with the Anti-Magic Alliance.

How to do?

The members of the Hell Team all looked at Luo Feng.

If Luo Feng could ignore these people in front of him, he could leave at any time.

However, they all knew that Luo Feng would never do this.

In front of the Bahuang City, there was silence.

Luo Feng's gaze swept across slowly.

"Everyone." Luo Feng's voice was loud, "Everyone should go back to the city for the time being when the incident happened suddenly, let me find a solution for this matter."

Everyone was silent and nodded gently.

Have returned to the Eight Desolate City.

At dusk.

In front of a room in the City Lord's Mansion, Luo Feng pushed out the door.

"Why are you all here?" Luo Feng was stunned, the judge Tiemian, Liu Qingshi, Shi Yunhai and others were all at the door of the room.

After returning from the city gate, Luo Feng stayed in the room until he came out at dusk.

Everyone glanced at each other.

The iron face chuckled and said nothing.

Luo Feng understood, and immediately rolled his eyes, "Are you worried that I am alone, looking for Yuwenranjian, and throwing myself into the trap, in order to save the people in the Eight Desolate City?"

No one said a word, they did have this worry.

"You guys think too much." Luo Feng leaned against the door, "I'm not that great yet."

"Ah." Liu Qingshi couldn't help asking, "This matter... is there a countermeasure?"

"What else can I do?" Luo Feng stretched his hands. "The Anti-Magic Alliance is eyeing and won't let us off easily. Mr. Liu, the alchemy furnace I asked you to find earlier, is it here?"

Liu Qingshi was startled, and immediately nodded, "It's ready." "That's good." Luo Feng swept the crowd and said with a smile, "I've been in the room for so long to check the trophy, Jiuyoufeng 13 In the meson space card of the magic commander, there are many spiritual herbs and elixir, and even a few holy medicines. I will open the furnace to refine the pill immediately and refine a healing pill.

It can quickly recover 80% of my injury. "

"Really?" The judge and the others were suddenly surprised.

Liu Qingshi didn't dare to slack off, and immediately led Luo Feng to an alchemy site.

The alchemy furnace designated by Luo Feng is ten meters high.

"I'm going alone." Luo Feng waved his hand and motioned everyone to leave.

"Boss, we are looking forward to your good news." The judge and the others left a sentence and turned around one after another without disturbing Luo Feng.

Luo Feng raised his head, looking at the alchemy furnace, a wry smile appeared on his face.

The injury suffered this time is unprecedented.

With a pot of spirit pills, it is impossible to recover to 80% unless there are many holy medicines.

"I'm afraid... it will be able to restore 30% of the strength." Luo Feng sighed slightly, and Luo Feng was only deliberately comforting everyone by what he said just now.

In fact, the judge and others really guessed Luo Feng's mind.

Luo Feng did intend to go to the Anti-Magic Alliance alone.

"I am Luo Feng, not a great person, but it is impossible to watch so many people die because of me."

Luo Feng took a deep breath and wiped his eyes firmly.

The news heard on the wall today is not only that the people in the Bahuang City were sniped. Now, all the people who speak for Luo Feng are arrested for Luo Feng's party.

Anti-Magic Alliance, Nine Heavens City, Luo Feng, will definitely go.

One plant after another was thrown into the alchemy furnace.

The raging flame was burning.

Before long, Luo Feng sat cross-legged in front of the alchemy furnace.

The eyes closed lightly, and soon, a faint white light filled Luo Feng's body.

At this moment, Luo Feng was not running the Purple Qi Donglai magical art, but was comprehending the Dragon Palace's unique skills...regeneration magic!

Among the many unparalleled studies in the Dragon Palace, Luo Feng can master many of them, but Luo Feng has not been able to master the magic of regeneration. "It is rumored that the regeneration magic technique can regenerate the bones." Luo Feng thought to himself. If he really realized the regeneration magic technique to such a situation, then his defense would be even more against the sky, ordinary injuries, instant recovery, and even , An injury similar to today’s, maybe, it can be extremely fast

Degree of recovery.

The white light was full of vitality, covering Luo Feng's body.

Night fell quietly.

Jiutian City, on a mountain peak.

The fifth He Yuan sat cross-legged, with news coming back from time to time by his ear.

"The spies reported that the plan was very fruitful. No one can escape from the Bahuang City. Now all of them are shrouded in the Bahuang City.

"The spies reported that Luo Feng's expression on the Bahuang city wall was very angry, but in the end he turned around and returned to the city." Fifth Heyuan's face showed a smile, "Luo Feng, this time, we have to have a good time. played."

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