Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1922: The third level!


In the depths of the cemetery of sentient beings, violent winds, flying sand and rocks, three cloud monsters fully displayed their ‘control objects’ skills.

Luo Feng was forced to retreat and retreat, adapting to the attacks of the three cloud monsters. He tried to use the amplitude of his mental power to deduce the power of "Falling the Dragon and Falling the Tiger", but he failed.


Luo Feng paid attention to the movements of the three cloud monsters and captured every detail. Suddenly, it also acted on the amplitude of mental power. The "control object" attacked, setting off huge boulders and rolling over.

For a time, smoke and dust were everywhere, and both sides acted as a means of'controlling objects' and launched a fierce confrontation.

bump! bump! bump!

"You still haven't watched enough." Luo Feng suddenly stepped forward, having mastered the skill of'controlling objects' to a certain level, and suddenly a flying knife appeared out of thin air.

Boom boom boom!

Three styles of swordsmanship!

The offensive containing the amplitude of spiritual power is infinitely powerful. In a blink of an eye, a cloud monster was shattered by a flying knife and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

"And you." Luo Feng integrated the mental power amplitude into the flying knife, learning the cloud monster's'controlling' skills, like cutting melons and vegetables, and slashing the other two cloud monsters.

In the second pass of Zhoushan's assessment, Luo Feng failed several times. However, it is certain that every time, his spiritual master's skills have improved, and this time, it is especially obvious.

call out! call out! call out!

The power of the flying knife became stronger and stronger, and the mist monsters were smashed by the flying knife.

The momentum is like a broken bamboo.

Luo Feng's speed suddenly increased, as if he had suddenly realized something, and he became more adept at mastering the skills of the spiritual master.

The farther behind were all elite-level cloud monsters, but they could no longer stop Luo Feng's pace.

Luo Feng's mental power amplitude was also steadily improving during the battle.

"It's about to pass through the cemetery of sentient beings." Luo Feng looked at his eyes, his eyes glowing. The second pass of Bu Zhou Mountain's inheritance was passing through the cemetery of sentient beings. Luo Feng could already see the edge.

At the edge of the cemetery of all living beings, there is a long river, and on the other side of the river is the mysterious palace.

Woo! Woo! Woo!

Suddenly, more than a dozen cloud monsters appeared around, each of which was an elite-level mental power amplitude, and even, for a few of them, the mental power amplitude was no longer below Luo Feng.


At this point, Luo Feng had no hesitation in his heart.

Any cloud monsters blocking him must be killed.

This time, it was an opportunity, and Luo Feng must grasp it.

The earth's world environment is in Sufu, Evolution, Kunlun, and Buzhou Mountains, the same is true.

Next time, his strength may improve, but what if the world environment here evolves faster?


The flying knife is as thin as a cicada's wings, with a full 56 handles. This is the limit that Luo Feng can now control at the same time.

"If the amplitude of my mental power can go further and step into the master level, maybe I can control thousands of flying knives at the same time. At that time, the flying knives will be all fired, that power..." Luo Feng's eyes showed expectation.

However, the current situation is not the time he can reverie.

The dozen or so cloud monsters are not messy attacks. They also have a set of combined attacks, superimposing their respective energies, and the offensive is like a wave, making Luo Feng's 56-handed flying knives helpless.

On the edge of the cemetery of all living beings, this is an extremely cruel battle.

Luo Feng didn't want to take a step back, and these cloud monsters didn't want Luo Feng to pass the cemetery of sentient beings easily.

Luo Feng tried his best to kill a few cloud monsters, but he also suffered some injuries.

"Really difficult?" Luo Feng frowned. He tried to use Xuewu fist. However, the pure fist power was even more incapable of having an effect on these cloud monsters. Luo Feng did not have the mental power amplitude to interpret snow. The ability to dance boxing.


Luo Feng's figure flickered quickly, relying on his exquisite posture, he could still remain invincible for a time.

Luo Feng carefully observed the movements of every cloud monster. In the process of passing the cemetery of sentient beings, Luo Feng learned the skills of many spiritual masters from these cloud monsters.

Try, attack, be knocked back, attack again.

again and again.

Suddenly, Luo Feng's eyes burst into a sharp light.

"Fall the dragon down!"

call! call!




Luo Feng finally used the amplitude of his spiritual power to interpret the true meaning of "Falling the Dragon and Falling the Tiger", and his power doubled.

Kill the Quartet.

One cloud monster was shattered.

Until the last cloud monster was killed, Luo Feng's ear heard that voice again.

"Congratulations, you successfully passed the second pass of the Buzhou Mountain assessment." Luo Feng vaguely caught the voice from far and near. This voice came from the mysterious hall in front.

"Who is it?" Luo Feng was even more curious, where did this voice come from?

"The third stage of the assessment of Bu Zhoushan, get on the light boat and lead to the other shore." After the voice resounded in Luo Feng's ears, he disappeared without a trace.

Luo Feng walked across the graveyard of sentient beings, holding the front.

A river with a width of about fifty meters, the river is very calm, flowing slowly.

On the bank of the river, there was a cockleshell docked with oars on it.

"Take a boat to the other shore?" Luo Feng's pupils slightly shrunk, and his brows frowned. "What mystery is hidden in this pass? Could it be that under this seemingly calm lake, there is a hidden murderous intent?"

Luo Feng naturally did not believe that the third level of Zhoushan's assessment would be so simple.

Moreover, Luo Feng believes that this should also be the last hurdle of Buzhou Mountain's assessment, because after passing this river, the other bank is the mysterious palace.

At a distance of fifty meters, Luo Feng would be able to cross it by directly using his body skills in other places.

However, this is not Zhoushan's assessment, Luo Feng naturally did not dare to neglect.

He was not eager to get on the boat immediately, but sat cross-legged on the shore, and at the same time, took a pill to adjust his body to the best condition.

Jump on board.

Luo Feng's attention had been at the bottom of the river, guarding, suddenly a cloud monster similar to the second level sprang from below.

However, Luo Feng was even more surprised soon.

He got on the canoe and found that the canoe seemed to be firmly embedded on the shore, no matter what he exerted, he could not move the canoe by half an inch.

"Is it necessary to use this oar?" Luo Feng was curious, his gaze fell on the oar, subconsciously stretched out his hand to lift, his face changed slightly, the material of the oar could not be seen, but it was extremely heavy. With Luo Feng's power, he couldn't even pick up the oar. "I wipe it." Luo Feng's eyes widened. He thought the key was at the bottom of the river, but he didn't know that the really mysterious and strange thing was this canoe and the oars on it.

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