Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1928: Was teased!

The drizzle was hazy, dressed in tight black clothes, displayed a marvelous body technique, and walked along the'Tianhe' all the way, during the period, encountered obstacles from the field formation, Master Weikong could crack it.

Master Beikong's field formation skills are by no means under Yu Wenyu.

Go deep.

Master Wei Kong gradually screwed it up, and the more inside, the field formation became more complicated, and it took more time and energy to resolve.

"No, if it goes on like this, even at dawn, it may not be able to reach the end of Tianhe." Master Beikong hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to leave temporarily.

"Bodhi Mountain is not limited to the mysterious Tianhe." Master Beikong decisively turned around. During the day, the various'secret places' where Master Beikong walked with the iron mask are not limited to Tianhe. Master Beikong would naturally not choose to hang himself on a tree.

Relying on the memories of the day, Master Beikong tossed around several so-called secret places, as you can imagine, nothing was found.

The more so, the more mysterious and unpredictable Bodhi Mountain is in the heart of Master Beikong, with huge treasures hidden.

"The front is the location of the mysterious bird's nest, right." Master Beikong looked over, and his gaze wiped a glow. "The kid said that there is a mysterious bird's nest on the tree with a field formation on it, which is suspected to be the place where the Phoenix Nirvana passed."

Master Beikong couldn't wait, and his figure came forward suddenly. When he approached the big tree, Master Beikong's expression became solemn, cautious, and stepped forward.

Looking up, I saw the mysterious bird's nest, and the atmosphere of the field formation faintly spread from it, but what made Master Beikong feel a little puzzled is that this mysterious bird's nest is compared to the secret places such as'Tianhe' that he has explored. The field formation on the top seemed...a lot weaker.

However, Master Beikong did not dare to take it lightly. Everything on Bodhi Mountain represented mystery.

Approach carefully.

Close to the mysterious bird's nest.

Master Bei Kong suppressed the excitement in his heart, and began to crack the field formation around the mysterious bird's nest. He quickly cracked it, "Success."

Master Beikong clenched his fist subconsciously.

Tonight, I finally gained something.

"If it is really the place where the Phoenix Nirvana passed, even a branch may contain innate spiritual treasures." Master Beikong looked forward to it and stretched out his hand, "Huh?" The expression of Master Beikong revealed a burst of doubt. Staring blankly at the things in his hands.

It is a few small cards.

What caught Master Beikong's eyes was a picture of a stunning woman.

There are a few more lines on it...

Dorsett Leisure Club.

Especially recommended, white-collar workers, young women, school girls.

Passion Hotline: ******

Master Beikong was dumbfounded.

Suddenly, the brain didn't react.

He flipped through several cards one after another, and they all had almost the same content.

Master Beikong was stunned.

This... is far from what he guessed.

"What is the purpose of these cards?" Master Beikong looked blank and observed carefully. He always felt that the things that appeared on Mount Bodhi would not be ordinary products.

However, how can Master Beikong, who grew up on Thousand Buddha Island, be able to crack the mystery of these little cards?

In the end, Master Beikong could only put away these small cards and continue to move forward.

"Wole Pavilion Grass." Master Beikong approached again, and at the same time thought of the introduction of Tiemian.

"The real mystery lies in the middle of this Wole Pavilion grass." Master Bei Kong took a deep breath and quietly approached.

However, when he was about to reach the middle of the grass, Master Beikong hadn't found any field at all.

It's just an ordinary grassland.

In the middle of the grass.

Master Bei Kong found a stone with a piece of paper pressed on it.

At this moment, Master Bei Kong's heart suddenly sank.

There was a vague guess in his heart.

His fist clenched suddenly, and he felt teased.

a long time.

Master Bei Kong took a deep breath, picked up the stone with one hand, and at the same time, stretched out the other hand and picked up the paper lying in the middle of the grass. There was a line on it, "Don’t hold it with your hands. This stone...has **** on it." Master Beikong said lightly.

Startled for a while.

Half a meeting.

On the lawn of night, the angry roar of Master Weikong came.

"I'm going to kill you."

The monstrous murderous intent hits the sky.

Master Wei Kong was extremely angry, his face was hideous, and his murderous intent was revealed. There is no doubt that if the iron face is in front of him now, he will definitely be slapped to pieces.

"Unexpectedly, dare to tease me." Master Beikong clenched his fists, his body was released, and between the rumblings, thick smoke rolled up and deep pits appeared.

"Okay, this is what you forced me." Master Beikong swept his body and rushed in one direction, "I think, Penglai Xiandao, and the ancient dragon and lion sacred body on Xianxian Island, in their hearts , Must also be holding a breath, tonight, I will release them to make a fuss about Bodhi Mountain."

Master Beikong's body was as fast as lightning, and rushed into the woods. From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the palm of his right hand. There seemed to be a faint smell floating in the air, making Master Beikong want to vomit.

Just a while after Master Beikong left, several figures walked out of the dark.

"This method is simply too cruel." Tiemian couldn't help sighing, and shook his head. "Flowers, flowers and grass are also alive." "I didn't expect that this Master of Sadness had a way. After entering Bodhi Mountain, he broke through. This person is not easy to deal with when entering the Seven-Step Golden Core Realm." Luo Junchen also sighed, turning his head and glanced at the iron face, "I didn't expect that a super powerhouse in the Seven Step Golden Core Realm would actually be planted in

In your hands. "

"The old bald donkey, the IQ needs to be recharged." Tiemian smiled, "Since he already knows that I am teasing him, then he actually believes that we have really locked the prisoner in the depths of that jungle. At this time, he wants to come out, I am afraid it will not be so easy."

That piece of wood is a truly secret place in Bodhi Mountain. The field formation inside is extremely high and deep. In normal times, no one would walk into this piece of wood.

Including Luo Wencong.

"The field inside this forest is even more mysterious than the field outside the mountain. If I stray into it, I am not sure I can come out." Luo Wencong smiled.

At this time, in the depths of the jungle, Master Weikong's roar and roar of incomparable anger had been heard.


Everyone could clearly feel the monstrous resentment across the heavy field.

One by one looked at the iron face...

It is a great shame that a dignified generation of eminent monks was played with applause by a junior he did not care about.

"Don't blame me." Tie Mian stretched her hands, "This old bald donkey is too greedy, and only the treasure of Bodhi Mountain can get the bait so easily." "Come and have a talk." Tang Da Er walked out and put the Tie Mian on On the shoulders, lowered his voice, "Are there still those little cards?"

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