Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1953: Disappeared!

"Turn over the sea, and I want to catch him too." Yuwen Painter's spiritual consciousness spread out, searching for the sea area covered by purple gas beads.

"A full three hundred miles!" The figure of Yuwen Painter moved quickly. These distances are not a big deal for a strong man at his level, but they must be within three hundred miles and rely on their own strength. It is not easy to find a person.

"Fortunately, there are not many places to hide in the sea area." Yuwen Huachen narrowed his eyes, "Unless you go to the sky or disappear out of thin air, you have nowhere to hide, and you will definitely die."


At dawn, Yuwen Painter had arrived in front of an island, and purple light suddenly descended under the weak light.

Yuwen Huachen's eyes swept the island coldly, his spiritual consciousness was permeated, and he didn't find anything. Yuwen Painter directly raised his hand, his fist imprints covering the world, and the stormy waves were set off. In an instant, the island was torn apart by the attack and slowly sinking.

Yuwen Huachen's eyes are as sharp as a torch, and he has not missed any detail.

After nothing was discovered, Yuwen's painting minister left, and not long after, he appeared in front of another island. Following the same method, he adopted the simplest and rude means to directly destroy the islands. "Even if you have a special treasure or set up a field to block the detection of the divine sense, but the entire island is broken, I want to see if you don't show up." Although two islands were destroyed in a row, There is still no trace of Luo Feng, but Yuwen Huachen believes that if the search continues like this, one

Luo Feng will be able to be found! "Purple Qi Beads can allow me to stay in this sea area for at most one day, but it is enough." Murderous intent surged deep in Yuwen Painter's eyes. The sea area of ​​three hundred miles, even if it is all the islands. Sinking, for Yuwen Huachen, is just a few hours

It can be done.




In the depths of the sea, mushroom clouds seemed to rise slowly, and then disappeared.

At the end of the sea level, a ray of golden light appeared, and the waves rolled, as if they were shaking the golden lines and rippling.

One after another deserted islands were cracked and sunk. The stones, trees, flowers and grass on the deserted islands almost all sank into the ocean. There were also many arrangements that seemed unwilling to fate. They were still rolling in the waves, struggling, and occasionally floating. , And was forced to sink.

One of them has a dead branch, which is also swaying with the flow.

The shape of this dead branch is too ordinary, and it is still tumbling in the sea waves, appearing from time to time, and will not attract anyone's attention.

Including Yuwen Huachen.

He never dreamed that the person he was looking for along the way had been floating in the sea not far from him.

It's the dead branch.

Such a special treasure, naturally, the fewer people know the better. Even in Penglai, very few people know the existence of this dead branch, not including Yuwen Painter.

After feeling that terrifying power came, Luo Feng wanted to withdraw for the first time, but if he couldn't withdraw, he sank directly toward the bottom of the sea.

Of course Luo Feng does not expect to be able to avoid the other party's search in this way, but he has recently gained a lot of'trophies' from Penglai children. Among them, this dead branch can play a huge role in this situation. .

"It really is a magical treasure." Luo Feng is now in a special space with dead branches, feeling its magic.

"No wonder that tattooed soldiers, even the highest level of mythological tattooed soldiers, cannot be compared with the most common treasure." Luo Feng sighed. At the same time, he was extremely curious. The most important core of the treasure was It is the inherent spiritual treasure contained in it.

Xiantian Lingbao is an extremely mysterious existence in the world. It is extremely precious, contains many forms, and its value is unspeakable.

"The congenital spirit treasure contained in this dead branch treasure has been consumed since I entered this space." Luo Feng thought, felt it for a while, and immediately judged the congenital spirit treasure contained in this dead branch. Maybe it can only make him hold on for a day and a half.

"One and a half days, it should be enough!" Luo Feng secretly estimated, while also guessing, "The other party must have used some special means to be able to appear in this sea area."

Luo Feng sat cross-legged, his expression calm and calm, and at the same time, the Purple Qi Donglai magic power was slowly circulated. This is the ‘basic chapter’ left by Xia Xuewu.

He is waiting patiently.

Golden sunlight flooded the sea, and between the bangs, one desert after another was sunk.

Yuwen Huachen's face gradually changed, gloomy and chilly.

Not found!

Not found!

In the beginning, Yuwen Painter didn't believe that Luo Feng could escape to the sky, but now Luo Feng truly disappeared out of thin air.

Make Yuwen painting minister going crazy. "Could it be that as soon as he killed his junior brother, he took the'Thousand Miles Shuttle", refined it, and then walked thousands of miles away? "Yuwen Huachen couldn't help but clenched his fists. He had already traveled almost three hundred miles in the sea, blasting out the deserted islands, and there was nothing about Luo Feng.

Traces of shadow.

"How could such a big living person disappear?" Ou Shan was also unwilling. He had been following far behind Yuwen Painter, wanting to witness the moment when Luo Feng was beheaded, but he saw Yuwen Painter. Almost the entire sea area has to be set off directly, but Luo Feng is not seen

"Luo Feng, aren't you very arrogant?" Ou Shan couldn't help but yelled at the vast sea, "show up if you have the ability, come out!"

Ou Shan's voice rolled like thunder, spreading everywhere, and at the same time, he spoke with a very high level of speech, once again, reminiscing about the past, the tragic years.

Deliberately wanted to lead Luo Feng to show up.

However, another quarter of an hour passed.


Another island is torn apart.

The smoke billowed up into the sky, and soon calmed down.

Yuwen Huachen's face is as deep as a thousand-year-old ice.

His estimate is wrong!

At this moment, within a radius of three hundred miles, all the islands were sunk and torn apart, but there was no trace of Luo Feng at all.

"Where is it?" Yuwen Huachen's eyes flashed with an extremely cold breath, and he could not contain the anger in his heart.

Half a day passed!

There is still no trace of Luo Feng.

"It's not a way to go on like this." Yuwen Painted his brows furrowed, and if the other party continues to hide like this, he can do nothing.

However, Yuwen Huachen has no other way! "Perhaps, this is destiny." A cold light was quickly wiped from the depths of Yuwen's eyes, and then disappeared. "No matter, I should go back and report all this to the master, and then he will decide."

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