Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1955: There is a way to heaven, don’t you go!

Luo Feng was startled.

He didn't expect that the deeds of the Battle of Nine Heavens City would spread so widely that an ordinary teenager knew his name.

Great hero, Luo Feng!

The young Xiaoyi's eyes were hot, worshipping.

When the two old men heard this, they couldn't help kneeling down again, "It turns out that it is Immortal Luo, thank you for your life-saving grace."

Luo Feng smiled bitterly and raised the two elders again.

The young Xiaoyi looked at Luo Feng with admiration, unable to control his excitement.

Luo Feng took out a spirit pill and handed it to the young man, "You can recover from your injury by taking this spirit pill."

"Hero Hero Luo." The young man threw himself on his knees toward Luo Feng, with a pious expression, "I want to worship you as a teacher, and I will have a skill to protect my parents in the future."

Luo Feng was stunned.

"Xiao Yi, don't be rude." The old man was anxious, and hurriedly went over to lift up the young man, but the young man looked stubborn and determined.

The old woman is also anxious. She is worried that Xiao Yi will anger Luo Feng. After all, some big people will not easily accept disciples. "Luo Xianren has a life-saving grace for our family. You can't ask for anything." The old woman Angrily scolded the teenager.

The young man seemed to be in awe of the old woman more, and he dared not speak out again.

However, deep in the eyes, that touch of longing could not be concealed.

"Everyone will have their own path, Xiao Yi, I hope that your path will be extraordinary in the future. I also hope that you can truly be a brave man and protect your parents." The words fell, Luo Feng's figure flickered and disappeared out of thin air.

The young man clenched his fists, nodded his head heavily, his eyes were firm, "I will definitely."

His eyes swept away, and suddenly he was shocked.

Where Luo Feng had stayed before, there was still a bottle of spirit pill and a book.

From a distance, Luo Feng's voice came.

"Cooperate with these spirit pills, practice this technique, and walk your own path of evolution."

The young Xiao Yi shuddered all over, like a treasure, kneeling in front of the spirit pill and book.

Piously, he kowtowed his head in the direction where Luo Feng left.

"I will not let you down."

That night, the destiny of the teenager in this ordinary small town changed and embarked on a path of evolution of his own.


In the sea, the waves rolled.

Luo Feng sat cross-legged in a bamboo boat.

Let the waves push him forward.

With a faint smile on Luo Feng's face, he destroyed the Mietian team, beheaded Yu Wen Bokong, and also changed the fate of a young boy. Luo Feng felt that this day was a rich harvest.

When he returned to the sea, he had to wait for a few people.

Extinguish Xiandao, Shi Hongyuan and others.

Luo Feng believed that with their speed, they should not return to the depths of the sea so quickly.

Luo Feng will not forget that he negotiated good terms with Shi Hongyuan and others.

Dawn just broke.

Luo Feng took out the map and checked the approximate location of Miexian Island.

The light boat breaks the waves.

Before long, Luo Feng noticed a few familiar auras.

On the sea level, a soldier with a bamboo boat pattern is walking along the waves.

Shi Hongyuan and others looked solemn on the bamboo boat pattern soldiers.

In front of Bodhi Mountain, they watched the battle between Luo Feng and the five great powers of Penglai Xiandao, and they were shocked to the extreme. They all knew that if they wanted to rescue Shi Fang, they could only agree to Luo Feng’s conditions. .

"I don't know, the island owner has three inner cores in the eight-step Golden Core Realm." The person next to him was extremely worried. The three of them are all in the eight-step Golden Core Realm, which fits this condition very well. When they were asked to sacrifice and rescue Shi Fang, they couldn't resist.

Shi Hongyuan was worried about the same problem.

Take a deep breath.

"There will definitely be." Shi Hongyuan could only comfort himself so.

"You said...Luo Feng, will one day really go to the depths of the sea to explore the land of hidden dragons?" Another big demon in the eight-step Golden Core Avenue realm said.

Shi Hongyuan snorted coldly, "I hope, he really dares to come and die."


In the distance, a small boat appeared.

At the same time, there was a burst of hearty laughter, like an old friend meeting.

The three were shocked at the same time, their eyes widened.

A person they never dreamed of appeared.

"It's really where I don't meet in life." Luo Feng smiled and appeared in front of the three of them, "I have just arrived in the depths of the sea. Although I have a map in hand, I am still a little lost. I can't find the entrance to the Hidden Dragon. Fortunately, I met the three of you."

The three looked at each other.

Shi Hongyuan instantly suppressed the ecstasy deep in his heart.

He really came! Shi Hongyuan's pupils widened, looking at Luo Feng, his face arched with a smile, "It turned out that it was the Dragon Lord who came to the sea. You are right. Wherever we never meet in life, it is fate that we meet in the vast sea. The dragon lord can’t find the entrance to the land of hidden dragons, so why not walk with us?

Back to Destroy the Fairy Island, prepare the gifts for the dragon master, and then go to the land of hidden dragons. "

"It's so good." Luo Feng didn't seem to have any precautions, and he smiled and nodded directly.

The bamboo boat broke through the air and moved fast in a direction deep in the sea.

Shi Hongyuan seemed worried that Luo Feng would go back and go back as quickly as possible.

Luo Feng looked careless, sitting on the bamboo boat, standing with his hands in his hands, calmly looking into the distance.

Both sides have their own minds.

Shi Hongyuan turned his back to Luo Feng, his eyes flashed with ferocious cold light, thinking in his heart, there is a way to heaven, you won't go!

In Destroying the Immortal Island, there are three superpowers in the nine-step Golden Core Dao realm. Shi Hongyuan is confident that any one that comes out is enough to destroy Luo Feng.

What's more, now Luo Feng went deep alone and broke into their territory.

It is simply seeking a dead end.

If Shi Hongyuan knew that Luo Feng had just beheaded the Hunyuan Xianti Yuwenbokong in the Nine-Step Golden Core Avenue the night before, I am afraid, his thoughts would be completely different at this moment.

Was Luo Feng seeking his own way, or Shi Hongyuan led the wolf into the house?

Both sides have their own ideas, calmly, and go deep into the sea.

Although the sea area map that Shi Hongyuan gave to Luo Feng was marked with the location of Miexian Island, but now he went with Shi Hongyuan and the others, and Luo Feng discovered that the position on the map was a bit deviated. If he were to go alone If you are looking for Mie Xiandao, I am afraid it is really hard to find.

The closer you get to Miexian Island, on the sea level, some field formations will occasionally appear to cover up the breath and make people lose their way.

"Lord Dragon, please wait a moment." Shi Hongyuan took Luo Feng to an island, "I'll go back and report that you are our distinguished guest on the island of extinction. Naturally, the island owner should come out to welcome him."

"Then it will work." Luo Feng responded with a smile, and walked onto the island, stepping on the soft sand. This island has a pleasant scenery. Shi Hongyuan smiled, "You wait, soon, the island owner will come to greet you."

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