Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1979: The rain is coming!

Night fell.

The shofar plain, the demon army arrived.

The billowing smoke swept into the sky, with great momentum.

Hundreds of thousands of troops, it is impossible to hide their whereabouts, and they have no plan to hide them. They have to set up their positions on the shofar plain and fight the human army to the death.

The moon is clear.

Less than a hundred miles away from the Shofar Plain, the Anti-Magic Alliance army rested in place.

"The shofar plain."

Inside a tent, the senior leaders of the Anti-Magic Alliance had a meeting. Yan Sanshi is in charge of the strategic arrangement of the entire war and is a military division of the Anti-Magic Alliance. At this moment, he put up a map on the desktop, with a red circle marking a position, "This is the place, about a hundred miles away from the death ground of the demons. It is a plain with a unique location, and it is also our march.

The only way to go. "

Teacher Yan San pointed out, "Now that the demon army is arranging its position on the Yangjiao Plain, it is intended to face us head-on. From the position here, it is difficult for us to use other methods except for a frontal battle."

"Then you will be upright and fight the demons." Luo Feng said, "Once, I have heard a young master of the demons say that in the eyes of the demons, the **** is only their training ground. In that case, we Let the Yangjiao Plain become the Asura Field of the Demon Race."

"You are facing shock, so don't be afraid of a battle." Tang Dal's eyes glowed with incomparable radiance.

"Senior Yan, I am not proficient in the deployment of battles, this battle will be handed over to you." Su Siyu said in a deep voice.

Master Yan San didn't shirk, and nodded seriously.

This night, whether it is the demon army or the human army, it is a sleepless night.

Tomorrow's battle is definitely the moment to be recorded in the annals of the **** world.

"Can we defeat the evil spirits?" Many people in the human army camp have this question and worry in their hearts.


In the middle of the night.

Extremely abrupt, there was a thunder in the sky.


The whole world seemed to be split by this thunder.

Almost everyone woke up under the thunder, and even some people screamed directly in their ears, causing pain.

Luo Feng walked out of the tent and looked up at the sky.

The bright moon has disappeared, replaced by endless darkness.

It seemed that it was a huge dark cloud, covering the entire sky, and the only thing that could break through the night was the earth-shaking thunder and lightning.

call out! call out! call out!

Thunder and lightning shuttled above the clouds like a python.

"The storm is coming."

Luo Junchen appeared beside Luo Feng and said in a deep voice, "At this time, there is a storm, I don't know what the omen is?"

Luo Feng's pupils shrank slightly.

Heaven and earth environment!

Luo Feng thought of what the Third Master Yan said, in the near future, the evolutionary environment of the Heavenly Hell Realm will change again... "Could it be because of this heavy rain?"

"What?" Luo Junchen looked at Luo Feng suspiciously.

Luo Feng said briefly, Luo Junchen's face immediately changed color.

"Today, the strongest realm that can be accommodated in the Heavenly Hell Realm is the Eight-Step Golden Core Realm. You, me, and Big Ear. Together, the three of us are confident that we can suppress the strong from the Demon Race, but if The environment of heaven and earth evolves at this time...that..."

"Perhaps it's just that we are worried." Luo Feng shook his head, "If this is the case, then the sky has no eyes and goes to the demon race. The environment of heaven and earth has just evolved, I think it shouldn't evolve again so quickly."

Luo Junchen was still worried, looking up at the sky, he always felt that this was not an ordinary storm.

The dark clouds pressed the sky.

Thunder and lightning.

However, the whole night passed without a drop of rain.

Time has come to dawn, but the world is still dim.

"Boss, what shall we do now?" The judge came.

"Continue marching, target, the shofar plain." Luo Feng waved his hand, "If this is a storm, then let this storm come even more violently."

"set off!"




The song of the war drum sounded as scheduled.

The army set off.

There is a dark sky above his head, as if a python is marching under the message, and layers of heat are released between the heaven and the earth.

The shofar plain.

"The news has been reported back, Master Nether has ordered, set up the battlefield, ready to meet the human army. The rest, don't pay attention to the rest." The scimitar **** is holding a pair of scimitars, and the cold light is shining, reflecting a flash of lightning that has just passed across the sky. , And then, thunder roared, deafening.

"This sound is a bit terrifying." The Scorching Sun Demon couldn't help but raised his head, "Even in the Thunder Valley in the dead, the thunder sounds there reverberate all the year round, but I think it's not as powerful as these thunder and lightning."

"I'm afraid, you can hear this thunder in any corner of the entire heavenly prison realm."

"Perhaps, it is really possible that it is the mutation caused by the evolution of the environment of heaven and earth." The expressions of the golden moon demon are hot and excited, because they are all looking forward to the evolution of the environment of heaven and earth, for the demon race, which really restrains their power. , Is the evolutionary environment of this world.

"Haha, we also look forward to it."


A group of dark shadows flew back in the distance.

"Report, the human army has set off, heading to the Yangjiao Plain."

The Jinyue Demon's spirits lifted up, "Under such circumstances, how dare they come? Ignorance, it is terrible."

"The whole army is ready, this battle will kill the human army."


On the vast plains of shofars, the army moved.

"Report, the human army, it is sixty miles away from the Yangjiao Plain."

"Report, Terran Army, forty miles away from the Yangjiao Plain."

boom! boom! boom!

Both sides seemed to be able to hear the sound of each other's war drums and charging horns.

Thunder and lightning madly cut through the clouds, bringing instant light.

"Report, the human army is only ten miles away from the Yangjiao Plain."

As soon as Black Eagle's words fell, Jin Yue's body was suspended on a high place, and slowly said, "I have seen them...coming."

"Ready to go to war!"


At this moment, there was a gust of wind between heaven and earth.

call! call! call!

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and some people even couldn't stand firm, and their bodies shook.

"What's going on?" Many people on both sides changed their faces.

About a quarter of an hour later, the gale gradually stopped.


This storm that had gathered momentum all night finally came.

The downpour was frantically slapped across the world.

"The whole army is on alert, waiting for the order in place." The third division of Yan quickly commanded and the order was passed. Under such weather, it is naturally not suitable to step into the Yangjiao Plain. "What is the rare torrential rain foreshadowing?" Su Siyu was sitting on a horse, with a faint light protection on his body, and the rain could not touch the slightest. At this moment, Liu eyebrows lightly frowned, looking into the distance.

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