Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2008: Glory day!

Everyone understands that breaking into a dead place is equivalent to going deep into the Tiger's Den in Longtan and how serious the consequences are.

According to rumors, not only the ten-step Golden Core Realm Super Martial Artist, but also the Azure Cloud Realm existed.

But Luo Feng dared to go to death alone.

The hearts of Luo Junchen and the others suddenly tightened. "The boss discovered that the death barrier is a field called "Nine Sources Conferred Heavens", and he came up with a way to fill the gap, which is to use the power of the Demon God's finger bones to become one of the sources of power. At the last moment, the boss was still discovered, and the other party had ten steps in the Golden Core Boulevard.

There is even more Qingyun realm. "

"Ah, isn't Luo Feng very dangerous?" Su Qianxue couldn't help but blurt out. "Just at the very moment, the boss sacrificed the Tower of All Living Beings." With a smile on the iron face, they all learned the general process from Luo Feng's mouth. "That was the last opportunity to use the Tower of All Living Beings. The boss used it to protect the world. Under the tower of all beings, all beings are equal, and the boss abruptly sets the Azure Cloud Realm and

Ten steps of Jindan Dadao realm demons, suppressed to the same realm as him, then, kill demons! "

The eyes of everyone glowed. Although they didn't witness it with their own eyes, they could feel the fierceness of the battle from the words of the judge Tie Mian and others.

That was the battle that really determined the fortune of the heaven and earth.

"In the end, the boss won, and also successfully sealed the deadly gap."



"Death gap, has been sealed again?"

For a moment, the strong men of the Anti-Magic Alliance were excited on the city wall, and even some eye sockets widened to the extreme, some moist, unable to contain their emotions, and stared at the iron face and others.

They understand very well what it means to seal the deadly gap again.

Terran will survive a huge catastrophe that may go through thousands of years. "Do you know that after the world environment evolves, everyone thinks that there will be a fierce battle coming." Yan Sanshi was also a little excited, "We have gathered all the soldiers of the Anti-Magic Alliance and are about to set off. With the demons, once again decisive battle, all of us, holding for the sky

Prepared for the safety and sacrifice of the common people. "

did not expect!

They couldn't even dream that before the crisis came, it had been wiped out in advance.

All because of one person!

One person saves a family.

One person saved the world. "We must remember today this day." Elder Du of the Anti-Magic Alliance burst into tears and said excitedly, "I suggest that from now on, today in the world of hell, every year, today is the day of glory! We remember The catastrophe that Human Race has faced, I am also grateful to a person whose name is called

Luo Feng. "

"Day of Glory, our King of Glory, Luo Feng!"

When the words fell, everyone immediately echoed.

At the same time, the third division of Yan also passed on the news for the first time. Soon, the anti-devil alliance's millions of army directly boiled.

"Death gap, has been sealed?"

"Luo Feng, single-handedly, broke into the dead place and sealed the gap!"

"Long live the Dragon Lord! Long live Luo Feng!"

There is no organization, but the millions of troops almost spontaneously bow down.

Worship someone.

Luo Feng!

This name has never been glorious, shining in the heaven and the hell, and has become an indelible shining pearl in the history of the heaven and the hell!

All of them were boiling with excitement, and their voices shook the sky.

War, a catastrophe that is about to face, is over before it starts.

You can imagine how excited the soldiers of the Anti-Magic Alliance are at this moment.

I can't help myself!

The judge and his party had left the city wall and returned to the mansion.

"Is there anything you haven't said yet?" Luo Junchen asked, "Where is Luo Feng? Also, what's the matter with the female sword fairy you just mentioned?"

Everyone smiled.

The judge said, "There were too many people on the wall just now. We concealed the two female sword fairies. They are not pushy. After all, they are here for the boss."

"Don't sell it, just say it." Luo Qigong couldn't wait, especially, after listening to the judge and others, Luo Feng seemed to be adding to Luo's lineage again.

"After the boss successfully sealed the Deadly Gap, we couldn't wait to celebrate. Unexpectedly, at this time, two Demon Gods appeared. They both existed in the Azure Cloud Realm. They ran out before the Deadly Gap was sealed."

Hearing that, Luo Junchen and others' faces suddenly changed!

There are actually two Azure Cloud Realm demons who have entered the Heavenly Hell Realm?

"How did you escape back? Where is Luo Feng?" Su Qianxue became anxious.

Tiemian rolled his eyes, "Will we leave the boss and run away? Just as we were fighting the devil desperately, two peerless female sword immortals appeared. They are both Qingyun realm sword immortals, and they easily brought the two demon heads together. Beheaded."

"Really?" Luo Junchen's eyes glowed, "You mean, the female sword fairy of the Azure Cloud Realm has something to do with Luo Feng?"

"They are all from the earth, they are my former classmates with Brother Feng." Tang Dal said immediately, "one of them once confessed to Brother Feng."

"Okay, that's great." Luo Qigong couldn't restrain his emotions, and seemed to hear more exciting news than to seal the gap deadly. His face was flushed and breezy.

"Not bad." Luo Junchen also laughed, "This kid has inherited my fine tradition."

Everyone, "..."

Tang Dal glanced at Luo Junchen. He didn't expect that this handsome Uncle Luo would have such shameless moments.

"It's really great." Su Qianxue smiled at this time, "There are two Azure Cloud Realm Sword Immortals sitting in town. Even if they are from Penglai Immortal Island, Luo Feng will not be in danger."

As soon as the words fell, the faces of everyone changed slightly.

"Penglai Fairy Island!" Luo Junchen whispered to himself.

His beloved, trapped in that place, countless days and nights.

Luo Junchen could say that... hate the place.

"Yes, Penglai Immortal Island is more powerful than the Demon Race, and...more hateful." Luo Qigong took a deep breath. He was too happy before, ignoring the important point... After the evolution of the world environment, Penglai Fairy Island will also be born.

Luo Qigong's gaze fell on Sister Su Siyu, startled, and quickly apologized, "Sorry, I didn't mean to you, I mean the Yuwen clan in Penglai Xiandao." "It's okay, Qigong, We all understand." Su Siyu replied with a slight smile, and there was a bitterness in the corner of her mouth. In her heart, she was proud of Penglai. However, what Penglai has done these days makes her feel chilling.

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