Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2010: Envy others!

Deadly, Nether Peak.

This place originally belonged to the cultivation place of the Netherworld Demon. In the dead place, it belonged to a place of cultivation and well-being.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Many powerful demons have reached the top of Nether Peak.

Looking up, above the sky, faintly visible, a domain road, looming.

There seemed to be thunder resounding inside.

"The evolution of the environment of heaven and earth is not only the outside world, but also the dead land." Wutian Demon God's eyes revealed a blazing light, and he looked up at the hidden road in the sky, "The dead land is sealed, then again How? When domain roads appear, we have the opportunity to get out of the world."

"Let me break through." The Wuxiang Demon God couldn't wait, rushed up and disappeared at the entrance of Yuyu Road in an instant.

A well-known demon soldier came upon hearing the wind.

No one knows that at this moment, somewhere in the dead place, there is no heaven.

A behemoth, do not know how many years slept, finally, at this time, slowly moved.

Suddenly, golden scales shone with light.

It is impressively golden scales.

The eyes opened, as if going to penetrate the world...

"Heaven and earth evolve, domain roads are renewed...Is the mission of my 梼杌 clan finally completed?"


The golden scales directly turned into a golden streamer and disappeared into the distance.

Nether Peak.

Boom boom boom!

In the depths of the domain road, lightning and thunder, permeated an extremely terrifying breath.

Not long after, the Wuxiang Demon God came out of Yulu, his figure a little embarrassed.

"How?" Wutian Demon God hurried up.

"There is a way to the outside world!" Although the Wuxiang Demon God was wounded, his eyes were blazing, "Moreover, not only one, this domain road, but also connects many planes, I believe that one of them may be Hell."

"Good!" Wutian Demon God was also excited.

The emergence of Yulu undoubtedly saw the dawn.

Even if they can't break through the domain road now, it doesn't matter, at least, they have a goal. It is much better than being trapped forever.

Moreover, the two great demon gods are confident that with their strength, they will be able to cross the road in a very short time.



The sky is bright.

Luo Feng stood on the balcony of the restaurant, looking into the distance.

Also waiting.

Time passed by every minute.

Luo Feng was ashamed, and kept looking back at the room, the door closed tightly.

Early in the morning, the second daughter drove Luo Feng out, saying that she was going to dress up and see Luo Feng's father with a good image.

But, this... is more than just a moment?

Luo Feng waited for an hour.

Hope for the stars, hope for the moon, finally, the door opens...

Luo Feng's eyes were about to protrude, and he stared blankly.

The second girl was originally a rare beauty, otherwise, she would not stand out in the beautiful Bauhinia Middle School and become one of the top ten school flowers.

Nowadays, after being carefully dressed, she is even more like a peerless beauty.

Coupled with the unique temperament of the female sword fairy, the two women are full of fairy spirit.

"How is it?" Liu Mei smiled and turned slightly.

"Beautiful." Luo Feng admired sincerely.

Liu Mei whitened him, "One word, it's too perfunctory."

Luo Feng nodded, staring at the two girls with a serious expression, "beautiful bubbling."

The second daughter, "..."

ten minutes later.

In the center of Bahuang City, a mansion with magnificent decoration.

A carriage approached slowly and stopped.

Lifting the curtain, the young man in white jumped off the car.

He took out a high-level spar and handed it to the coachman, "Thank you, uncle."

The coachman's eyes were staring out, and he shuddered directly, "No, this young man, don't need so much..." He is just an ordinary coachman, who has never seen a high-level spar in his life.

"Because you are a good person and worth it." Luo Feng smiled. From the restaurant to here, the coachman was very talkative and a man with a good heart. A high-grade spar is inconspicuous to Luo Feng, but it can improve the coachman's family. Human life.

At the same time, Luo Feng also removed the mental power amplitude lingering around. From the beginning, due to the influence of the mental power amplitude, what the driver saw was not Luo Feng's true face.

The coachman had just taken the spar, and when he saw Luo Feng, his body suddenly shook, his lips trembled and he hurriedly went down and knelt on the ground, "paying respect to Lord Dragon."

Luo Feng, the lord of Fujicheng Dragon Palace!

The savior of hell.

In today's prison, almost no one does not know, especially in Bahuang City.

Luo Feng has saved the Bahuang City more than once.

"Uncle please get up soon." Luo Feng helped the driver up and walked to the car. "Two beauties, you can get off the car."

After a while, Zheng Wei and Liu Mei came out, making the driver even more shocked.

He hadn't noticed that it was Luo Feng, the dragon lord, and two beautiful ladies sitting in his carriage.

This time, even if he left in vain. What's more, the dragon master also bestowed him a high-level spar.

The coachman felt that this day was the happiest day in his life.

At this time, several figures strode out from inside.

As soon as the carriage stopped, it attracted the attention of the people inside, and the news of Luo Feng's return immediately spread in.

Luo Junchen, Luo Qigong, sisters Su Siyu, Tang Dal and others came out one by one.

Suddenly, many people gathered at the door of the originally quiet mansion.

"Brother Feng is back."


"Lord Dragon Lord."

"Nephew Luo...Oh!" As soon as Su Qianxue's words fell, Su Siyu who was next to her raised her hand and patted her on the head, and she dared not speak again.

After that, one after another eyes fell on Luo Feng's side, and he suddenly felt amazing.

Luo Qigong was even more happy, and looked at the second daughter, always nodding his head with great comfort.

I knew from the judge Tiemian and others that the second daughter was a sword immortal in the Azure Cloud Realm. Now that the first time he saw the second daughter, Luo Qigong felt extremely satisfied, and secretly gave a thumbs up to Luo Feng, as expected. The most outstanding descendants of Luo's family, the women around him are all peerless beauty.

The two female sword fairies in front of me are no exception.

Luo Junchen also smiled and stepped forward.

"He is my father, Luo Junchen." Luo Feng introduced directly, "Dad, she is Zheng Wei and Liu Mei." Luo Feng introduced the two daughters separately.

Zheng Wei's Liu Mei felt a little nervous, and at the same time he saluted Luo Junchen, "Hello Uncle."

"Okay, very good." Luo Junchen's face showed a smile, "Don't just stand outside, let's go in and talk. Big ears, you go and tell the kitchen to get something delicious."

Tang Daer nodded immediately, "Okay, no problem." At the same time, Tang Daer took a deep look at Luo Feng and several people, and exclaimed, "It's really enviable...Uh, iron face, there is one What do you say?"

The iron face meditated, "Envy others."

"Yes, envious of others!" Tang Dal sighed. Suddenly, Tang Dal felt a pain in his ears. Ling Yaoyao didn't know when she walked to his side, and looked at Tang Dal with a smile, "Is it envious?"

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