Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2023: Take Luo's line as king!

The words of the temple elder Yu Wentao were beyond their expectations.

Su Lifan didn't have any mental preparation. He originally thought that the temple elder came to appoint him to see Su Siyu because he wanted to accept her as a disciple...

Seeing what it means now, it doesn't seem to be the case.

Su Siyu's expression is the most calm, "I don't know what the elder said?"

"Hahaha." Yu Wentao laughed and looked at Su Siyu, "I am straight to the point. Your luck is very good. My lover Yuwen Fayun likes you very much. Tonight, I am here for my lover Yuwen. Send a cloud to propose marriage."

Propose marriage!

Two words fell like thunder.

At this moment, Su Siyu's eyes couldn't help but widen and round.

Obviously, this was even more unexpected to her.

The elder of the temple, unexpectedly came to propose marriage?

Su Lifan and his wife were also stunned, and glanced at each other...

"Tomorrow morning, I will arrange for someone to give the dowry gift." Yu Wentao stood up with a smile, "Since you are Fayun's lover, then, starting tomorrow, you will go to Luoyun Peak and follow me to practice."

With that, Yu Wentao took a step forward.

"Elder, stay." Su Siyu suddenly turned around and called Yu Wentao.

In that instant, Luo Shuwen's face changed drastically, she seemed to have guessed Su Siyu's mind.

"Thinking about rain." Luo Shuwen drank softly, reminding her not to talk nonsense.

"Oh?" Yu Wentao smiled and turned back, "Is there anything else?"

Su Siyu took a deep breath, and immediately looked firm, paused every word, and said, "Thank you for the love of the elders, but now Siyu has no intention of marrying."

When the words fell, Su Lifan's expression couldn't help but change.

The other party, but a prominent temple elder.

Azure Cloud Realm exists.

Even Su Lifan, as the guardian elder, in the ten-step golden core road realm, dare not say a "no" in front of Yu Wentao.

But now, before he left, Su Siyu directly rejected his proposal!

Yu Wentao narrowed his gaze lightly, looking at Su Siyu.

"Do you really mean that?"

Su Lifan's heart sank, and he hurriedly said, "The elder calms down, little girl..."

"Let her answer." Yu Wentao looked indifferent, seemingly calm.

The eyes of several people fell on Su Siyu's body.

Su Qianxue secretly clenched her fist and was also looking at her sister. However, she knew her sister better and knew that since her sister spoke, she would definitely not change her choice.

"Elder, sorry." Su Siyu replied in a deep voice.

A cold light flashed across Yu Wentao's eyes.

After a while, Yuwentao smiled, "I seem to understand a little bit, why Fayun insists on asking me to come to propose marriage tonight..." Then, Yuwentao turned to look at the other side, "Su Lifan, I will be the bride price tomorrow. Someone will be sent to you on time in the morning, so be prepared."

After speaking, Yu Wentao glanced at Su Siyu again, then turned and left with a smile.

Su Siyu trembled and bit her lip tightly.

It wasn't until Yu Wentao's figure completely disappeared from the door that Su Qianxue strode up, took Su Siyu's hand, and said dissatisfiedly, "This is too unreasonable. My sister doesn't want to marry, so what do you still offer? Do you still want to marry forcibly?"

"Xiao Yu..." Su Lifan was silent for a moment, and walked over, "When did you meet Shengzi Yuwen?" "Who knows that Shengzi." Su Qianxue curled her lips, "When we came back this morning, he Suddenly he appeared, saying that he came to pick up his sister on purpose, and had to hold a banquet for her to pick up the dust, but her sister refused. Unexpectedly, he was so shameless and asked the temple elders to come to propose marriage.

. "

"Xiaoxue, don't talk nonsense." Luo Shuwen walked over quickly.

Su Lifan immediately set up a soundproof field.

"Father, mother, Xiaoxue is telling the truth." Su Siyu said, "I don't know the so-called Saint Son at all. It is impossible for me to marry him now."

Su Lifan and his wife looked at each other, and their eyes were sad. "Actually, Elder Yu Wentao is right. It is also a blessing to be favored by the Son of God." Luo Shuwen tentatively said, "Or, you can try it and get in touch with him. Although I haven't seen it before. Yuwen is fascinated, but to be the son of Penglai, he must be the proud son of heaven and the dragon among men

. "

"But I'm not rare." Su Siyu looked firm, "I can't be with him."

"Xiao Yu, why are you so resolute..." Su Lifan's eyes suddenly widened a bit, and he looked at Su Siyu seriously, "Could it be that you have someone you like?"

As soon as the words fell, Su Qianxue's heart was first.

Luo Shuwen also looked at Su Siyu worriedly.

She was worried that her previous guess would become a fact.

At this moment, Su Siyu's mind even more uncontrollably emerged a figure...

In front of the Nine Heavens City, raise your hands, turn the clouds and rain, and kill demons and demons.

Just like a real blazing sun, shining on the entire **** state.

Su Siyu did not answer directly, but fell silent.

But her silence has already given Su Lifan and his wife an answer.

"He is better than the Son of Penglai?" Su Lifan didn't understand.

a long time.

Su Siyu raised his head, eyes filled with determination, "Yes, in my heart, he is a hundred times better than Yuwen."

"Who is he?" Su Lifan blurted out, his eyes couldn't hide his worry.

Su Siyu took a deep breath, and then slowly replied, "He, as you say, the earth-shaking young hero, at the same time, is also the dying person."

After Su Siyu left this sentence, he also turned and left the hall.

The earth-shattering young hero!

That one, the dying man!

At this moment, Su Lifan was shocked, as if he was struck by thunder, blankly, motionless.

Luo Feng!

The person my daughter likes is actually a descendant of Luo's line, Luo Feng!

The whole hall fell into silence.

for a long time.

Su Qianxue also plucked up the courage, "Daddy, mother, sister is right, in my heart, Luo Feng is indeed a hundred times better than that saint child! Even if Yuwen Fayun is in the ten-step Golden Core Avenue Tianjiao, but I think he must not beat Luo Feng."

Su Qianxue ran to catch up with her sister.

In the hall, only Su Lifan and his wife remained.

Staring at each other.

All were silent.

"Xiao Yu, I actually like the most outstanding descendants of Luo's line." Su Lifan looked at his wife. At this moment, his expression seemed a little different from before. Between his eyebrows, there was a faint...rejoicing. "Wen'er, you say, is this a secret arrangement?"

Luo Shuwen smiled bitterly, "However, that child may not be able to escape this disaster."

"I have secretly sent someone to deliver the news. I believe it will not take long before I can reach the east." Su Lifan whispered, "I hope that the kid will hide in advance after he gets the news, so that the green hills will not be afraid that there will be no firewood."

"We Sumen line, we have been waiting all these years, Luo family line finally has the potential to rise, and we hope that God will protect the child and let the child grow up!" Su Lifan sighed long, his eyes were a little bit bright. Hope.

"But, what about Yuwentao's proposal?" Luo Shuwen worried, "I don't want my daughter to get involved with the descendants of the Yuwen clan. The enemy of the Luo family is also the enemy of our Sumen family."

"One step counts one step." Su Lifan said solemnly, "Since Xiaoyu refuses to agree, we can also push the marriage together." After that, Su Lifan smiled and glanced at Luo Shuwen, "Wen Er, your acting skills just now Not bad." Luo Shuwen tweeted, "Aren't you also acting? Is it possible that you still want to tell the whole world, I have the line of Sumen, for thousands of years, I have not forgotten the kindness of Luo's line of past. Always take Luo's line as king!"

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