Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2031: Field showdown!

This feeling was so uncomfortable that Yuwen was so frustrated that he wanted to vomit blood.

The dignified son, his fiancée personally appointed, escaped from marriage overnight, and came to this sacred mountain of the East after a long distance. What is more, the people on this sacred mountain are the greatest enemy of Penglai Xiandao.

Yuwen Fayun's face turned dark, as if sulky, staring at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng hehehe, he took a serious look at Yuwen Fayun, and was taken aback, "Your Yintang is dark, it seems that there is a disaster of blood and light today!"

Yuwen Fayun's eyes are as cold as frost, "The disaster of blood and light will definitely come today."




At this time, within the scope of the thunder domain, there was another thunder that rang.

The four guardian elders have once again triggered the minefield formation, however, they all have prepared to directly resolve it.

Seeing this scene, the warrior in the distance could not help but subconsciously let out a soft cry.

"It seems that this thunderland can't stop the strong from Penglai at all."

"City Lord Luo and the others are behind the area of ​​the thunder domain, and they are going back to the sacred mountain."

"That's natural. These four Penglai powerhouses all claim to be the peak of the Ten Step Golden Core Dao Realm, but in the Dragon Palace, City Lord Luo, who is the highest realm, seems to have only broken through the Nine Step Golden Core Dao Realm. "

"The gap is too big! Since ancient times, Penglai has been the sacred place of the Heavenly Hell Realm. Now that Penglai was born, people have seen their shocking power."

Yuwen Fayun's face is already extremely cold at this moment, "Huh! How can the so-called Shenshan field be trapped by the four guardian elders of Penglai?"

Eyes full of contempt, cold eyes.

The four guardian elders also glanced at Luo Feng at this moment, "You were very arrogant just now, I hope you will wait a while before you have time to escape!"

Almost everyone's eyes were on Luo Feng's body.

Luo Feng's face was as calm as water.

"Be careful." Luo Junchen said softly.

"Boss, slap them in the face!" Tiemian vibrated.

When Penglai and the warriors outside thought that Luo Feng and others would definitely withdraw, the people around Luo Feng realized Luo Feng's intention.

"A stick of incense!" Luo Feng's eyes suddenly wiped a dazzling light, and he stepped forward, "You will be responsible for what you just said."

At this moment, Luo Feng's whole body's fighting spirit was finally unchecked, his aura was released, and he stepped into the minefield.


"Look...City Lord Luo!"

In the distance, many warriors could not help shouting.

Each one opened his eyes wide.


"City Lord Luo, he wants to..."

"It can not be?"

A warrior felt that his heartbeat seemed to stop suddenly, holding his breath, staring at the thunder domain.

Luo Feng, step by step, walked towards the four Penglai elders.

He, is going to fight the four Penglai elders within the minefield?

Almost everyone feels incredible.

After all, Luo Feng is only within the nine-step Golden Core Avenue, but the four guardian elders are all ten-step Golden Core Avenue!

Weak versus strong!

Fight more with less!

Unexpectedly, he chose to take the initiative.

Luo Feng took this step beyond everyone's expectations!

Yuwen was surprised, and immediately snorted, "It's just looking for death!"

"Want to use the power of the field to deal with the four elders? His wishful thinking is about to be wrong." Yuwen sneered, "With the field knowledge of the four elders, it is precisely that they can exert their power in the field. when!"

The four elders including Yuwen Tianjin stared at Luo Feng.

"Are you going to die?" Yuwen Tianhuo squinted, and the cold light flashed suddenly, "Since it's here, I don't want to go out again."

The corner of Yuwen Tianshui's mouth raised, "I really can't find any place to break through the iron shoes. I won't waste any effort."

The four guardian elders were of the same mind. When Luo Feng was less than ten meters away from them, the figure suddenly violently moved, swiftly like electricity, and quickly separated, moving towards a few prescriptions, towards Luo Feng...


Almost at the same time, they also drew the thunder fire within the range of the thunder domain, and bombed it down. However, at this moment, Yuwen Tianhuo suddenly waved his arm, and flags appeared, as if thunder and lightning lingered. "Leading the thunder array!" Yuwen Tianhuo's eyes burst into sharp light, staring at Luo Feng. The array flag fell from the sky and quickly blocked Luo Feng's surroundings. At the same time, it attracted the thunder and lightning generated within the lightning domain. Pouring into the array flag, in an instant, the array flag's light shines and exudes

Powerful energy surrounded Luo Feng.

This scene shocked everyone outside the Thunder Territory. "As expected to be a field master, he was able to take advantage of the disadvantages of this minefield and directly transform it into an advantage." Luo Qigong's expression was solemn. The opponent was originally a ten-step Golden Core Realm. Both realm and quantity have an advantage. , Now, even the thunder domain is used by them to induce thunder,

Trapped Luo Feng in it.

"However, Luo Feng's formation talent is definitely not worse than anyone else." Yan Sanshi confidently said, "It seems that today's battle will be a duel between field formations."

Boom boom boom!

The thunder-inducing formation is like a giant net, trapping Luo Feng and attracting thunders, forming a devastating force, like purple pythons, opening their mouths and devouring Luo Feng.

Luo Feng will not fight an unprepared battle!

At the moment when Luo Feng's hands were covered by the thunder-inducing array, pieces of top quality spar flew out of Luo Feng's hands, and fell around Luo Feng's body, suddenly forming a picture of gossip.

"Tianmen Eight Diagrams Array!" Luo Feng decisively and swiftly, arranged an array at an incredible speed.

The ancient gossip patterns seem to come alive all at once, forming a series of gossip doors.

Bang bang bang!

The gathered thunder and lightning bombarded the Bagua Gate, all blocked outside the gate.

The sound is loud!

The people outside kept their eyes on, holding their breath, for fear of missing any wonderful details.

In the thunder domain, thousands of thunder surging, the light of thunder blasted into the sky, and the aura of destruction was everywhere. The thunder-inducing array really exerted the power of the thunder domain to the extreme.

However, Luo Feng seemed to be standing in the center of the storm, letting thousands of thunder bombs, staying still, stepping on the gossip, and using the force of the gossip pattern to overcome the infinite thunder with softness.

"It's amazing!" In the distance, a warrior exclaimed, "Thunder formations are powerful, but the strange patterns laid out by City Lord Luo seem to contain the supreme avenue. The extremely mysterious and unremarkable patterns can actually Thousands of thunder bombs were blocked."

"It really is a duel about the field!"

Within the minefield.

The four guardian elders looked slightly startled, glanced at each other, cold light flashed in their eyes, Yuwen Tianjin waved his hand, and a stone about the size of an egg flew out... "It's a deteriorating stone!" Yan Sanshi was shocked and loudly. Speaking to the ground, his eyes kept widening, watching the trajectory of the disappearance stone flying past...

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