Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2061: God withered fruit!

The heavy fog blocked Luo Feng's steps, and Luo Feng felt more and more that the closer he got to the stone wall, the more mysterious aura he felt, which made him feel a kind of tremor that originated from the soul.

What is inside the stone wall?

Luo Feng couldn't restrain the curiosity in his heart, and gradually approached.

Through the heavy fog, close to the stone wall.

The divine light is permeated, shining dazzling light, the entire stone wall is smooth and flat, like a colorful flowing water from top to bottom, endless and continuous.

A strong and majestic force blocked Luo Feng.

Can't go any further.

Luo Feng's eyes were beating with golden light, his eyes were golden, two beams of golden electric light burst out, but the moment he touched the stone wall, they were bounced back.

Can't get close.

Luo Feng's pupils shrank lightly, and the mental power amplitude slowly diffused out and penetrated.

Still no use.

This mysterious colored light completely cut off the stone wall from the outside world.

Only the low roar of Ruoyouruowu was still coming to Luo Feng's ears from time to time.

"Kunlun Mountain, there is such a mysterious place?" Luo Feng watched earnestly, trying to find out the flaws in the mysterious stone wall.

"It seems to be a field, but it feels like it is not." Luo Feng curled his eyebrows, he could not break the stone wall.

call out!

Luo Feng's thoughts moved, and suddenly the blank sheet of paper appeared on the palm of his hand.

The mysterious white paper **** soldier suddenly rotated at high speed and flew over the stone wall.

Luo Feng's eyes were fixed.


The strong vibration echoed.

"What!" Luo Feng was shocked. This was the first time a white paper magic weapon was defeated.

This white paper magic soldier, even Xia Xuewu from the past, didn't know its origin.

Luo Feng also relied on it several times to resolve crises again and again.

But now, he was blocked by the mysterious stone wall in front of him.

Luo Feng did not believe in evil and launched an offensive again, with the same results.

"Kunlun Mountain, within the scope of the thirteenth session, there is such a mysterious place." Luo Feng couldn't help but sigh, and in the end, he had to leave with regret.

Luo Feng's figure gradually disappeared from the fog.

Soon after Luo Feng's figure disappeared, the mysterious stone wall suddenly moved.

A huge head is formed.

At first glance it looks like a tiger.

A pair of eyes opened wide, looking at the direction where Luo Feng's figure disappeared...

There seemed to be confusion in his eyes.

"How can he breathe in this son's body?"

This pair of eyes seemed to contain the breath of endless years.

Muttered to himself.

Luo Feng couldn't hear it at all.

In the end, the huge head slowly disappeared.

The mysterious stone wall is calm.

Kunlun Mountain, the fourteenth field scope.

Luo Feng's figure flew up.

"Compared to the mysterious stone wall, there is nothing special in the fourteenth field." Luo Feng picked some elixir spirit flowers in it and continued to walk up.

The more he went up, the more Luo Feng felt the transformation of the sacred mountain field.

The aura of oppression Luo Feng's body endured was getting heavier.

This is exactly what Luo Feng wants.

He wants to stimulate himself through the strength of the Kunlun sacred mountain field, and then break through to the ten-step Golden Core Dadao.


As Luo Feng walked up step by step, a piece of news in front of Kunlun Mountain caused a shock.

Hongye King, Ye Hong!

One of the five kings of Eastern evolution civilization.

During this period, one of the most dazzling people in the Eastern evolutionary civilization.

Today, the King of Red Leaves blocked the sixth field of Kunlun Mountain. Although many warriors also have dissatisfaction in their hearts, no one dared to criticize it.

But now, the Red Leaf King unexpectedly appeared in front of Kunlun Mountain and announced in public that the Red Leaf Palace would be dissolved.

"From today, the Red Leaf Palace will no longer exist." Ye Hong bowed deeply to many warriors, "There is no Red Leaf King in this world." After that, the Red Leaf King Ye Hong turned around and soon disappeared into the distance.

Everyone didn't react, until the Hongye King's figure disappeared completely, and then gradually shook his mind, all of them were shocked.

"What? Hongye Temple disbanded?" Someone felt that they had misheard, and couldn't help but look at the person next to them.

A warrior smiled bitterly around him, "I thought I had heard it wrong."

"The Red Leaf King is arrogant and domineering, so he can't be forever, why suddenly..."

"What happened in Kunlun Mountain?"

One by one puzzled.

Huh huh!

At this time, a group of figures in red appeared in the Kunlun Mountain.

"It's the messenger of Hongye Palace!"

Everyone focused their eyes on the past.

His eyes were questioning.

All very curious.

When the Hongye Temple envoy came out, many warriors almost surrounded the Hongye Temple envoy.

The Red Leaf King announced the dissolution of the Red Leaf Palace in public. They really wanted to know why.

Faced with many questions, in the end, one of the Hongye Temple envoys finally couldn't help but speak.

"In the whole world, who else can make Hongye Wang willing to make such a decision?"

After speaking, the Hongye Temple envoy squeezed the crowd away and hurried away.

Who else is in the world?

Everyone was stunned.

Suddenly, someone's eyes suddenly widened and exclaimed, "Long Lord Luo Feng!"

The audience exploded at once.

The gaze burst out with brilliant light.

Dragon Lord Luo Feng!

The belief and soul of the Eastern martial arts world.

"It turns out that the dragon lord is back again."

"The Dragon Lord has appeared on Kunlun Mountain more than once. It seems that there are too many secrets on this sacred mountain that we don't know."

The eyes of each warrior became frenzied.

Flocked to Kunlun Mountain one after another.

Kunlun Mountain.

On a strangely growing dead tree, there was a green fruit hanging impressively.

"God withered fruit." Luo Feng's eyes burst into light.

Shen withered fruit belongs to the category of high-grade holy medicine.

The divine fruit that grows from dead wood is a magical medicine for healing.

The moment Luo Feng saw the **** withered fruit, a figure appeared in his mind...

On that one, he had never seen a face like that.

His mother.

My mother is suffering from pain and torment on Penglai Fairy Island. This divine withered fruit must have a miraculous cure for her injuries.

Without hesitation, Luo Feng rushed forward.

Suddenly, an electric light shot out.

A long snake, with the same color as a dead tree, hovering on the dead tree, it is difficult to distinguish.

Ten meters long!

The long snake spat out, and the blood flashed by its fangs.


Luo Feng used the free and easy way to avoid it quickly.

Some rare holy medicines will always attract the attention of strange animals, they will always guard, waiting for the holy medicine to mature. Right now, this divine withered fruit is no exception.

There are a lot of bones around Shenkuuo. It can be seen that many strange animals have participated in the battle for Shenkuuo.

The environment of heaven and earth evolves, and it is not just the human race who get the adventure of evolution, but also some unknown animals. This long snake has not known how many years it has lived, its scales are extremely hard, and its eyes flashed with fierce light. As soon as Luo Feng approached, it launched a crazy attack.

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