Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2069: Dragon Palace Death Tribulation?

On Bodhi Mountain, everyone still has hope in their hearts.

Even in the face of the oppression of the six strong Azure Clouds, there is no despair.

As long as Luo Feng is still there, there is hope.

Qian Yilan hugged the child with a quiet smile on her face, "He has never let us down."

"I believe that he will be able to return the king before the Bodhi Mountain field is breached." Xiao Yu is also extremely firm.

There is no fear in their hearts.

boom! boom! boom!

The smoke billowed and the boulders split apart.

The six great Azure Cloud Realm powerhouses launched a swift attack towards that mysterious golden lotus.

With golden light everywhere, accompanied by mysterious Sanskrit sounds, this golden lotus of the Buddha family seems to be the core of the entire Bodhi Mountain field, controlling the operation of the field and dissolving the offensive of the six great blue clouds.

For a time, the six blue cloud realms were unable to suppress this Buddhist golden lotus.

"It's really a treasure." The red dress flashed, and Yuwen Amaterasu's figure stopped in the air, but his eyes burst with vigorous light, "If you can take down this sacred mountain, take this golden lotus from the Buddha It must be called a big killer."

"Strikes are not easy." Yu Wentao looked at Yuwen Yunlang.

Yuwen Yunlang hesitated.

The treasures in his hands are too precious. Before leaving, the master also instructed them not to use them as a last resort.

"Brother Tianzhao, how is it?" Yuwen Yunlang asked.

"It is really not easy to forcibly capture this sacred mountain." Yuwen Amaterasu's eyes flashed with mysterious red light, "give me three days, I will definitely explore the field of this sacred mountain thoroughly."

"This sacred mountain field is indeed the strongest that the old man has seen." Yuwen Yege also laughed loudly, "But it's good, we can all take this opportunity to temper our field skills."

The expressions of the six are still relaxed.

The depths of Bodhi Mountain.


Many precious spiritual flowers and different fruits are full of fragrance and gleaming.

In front of a pavilion.

Chu Liuxing sat cross-legged, his body was filled with a pale white light.

"Nine-step Golden Core Dao realm." Chu Liuxing opened his eyes, his talent has always been not weak, but in the Heavenly Prison Realm, Luo Feng's light was too bright, overshadowing the edge of the other Tianjiao.

Chu Meteor also successfully broke through to the nine-step Golden Core Avenue.

"Junior Brother, if you are not here, I will do my best to protect this sacred mountain." Chu Liuxing's eyes wiped a decisive expression.

In the palm of his hand, a dark fruit appeared.

"Soul Devourer." Chu Liuxing stared at this fruit. It was obtained by accident. The aura contained in this fruit was so strange that Chu Liuxing had not dared to take it lightly. He looked up a lot of information and learned about this fruit. The origin.

Soul Eater will devour the soul of the warrior.

However, it also contains tremendous energy.

This Soul Eater has a great opportunity to elevate Chu Meteor’s realm to the Ten Step Golden Core Dao realm, but the power of the Soul Eater will also erode his soul, causing Chu Meteor in the days to come. Will often suffer from the pain of soul eater.

Anyone who knows the origin of the Soul Eater would not dare to swallow the Soul Eater.

No one can afford it.

But now, Bodhi Mountain is in danger.

Luo Feng returned to the earth to step into the blue cloud realm, and he carried the hope of all people on Mount Bodhi.

Chu Liuxing understood what he had to do.

"This Soul Eater, at least, can buy a certain amount of time for Junior Brother." Chu Meteor took a deep breath.

He didn't know what was going on outside.

But he must plan for the worst.

Once the area of ​​Mount Bodhi is broken, someone must be able to resist the attack on Penglai Xiandao.

"Only step into the ten-step Golden Core Dao realm, can you comprehend the Liuyunfei sword technique left by the ancestors!" Chu Liuxing's gaze is extremely firm. The practice of the ancestors. "Soul Devourer, if you have the patience, come and devour my soul." Chu Liuxing directly took the Soul Devourer. In an instant, a powerful and majestic horror energy burst out like a mountain torrent, impacting Chu's body. , There is also an extremely cold aura, like a poisonous snake, directly into Chu Meteor

His body trembled.

A feeling of sharp pain permeated Chu Meteor's soul directly.

It is the power of soul eater!

Chu Liuxing snorted secretly, frowned, and endured the sharp pain.

Suffering from great pain.

ten minutes.

Half an hour.

"Ah!" Chu Meteor shouted suddenly, raised his head and howled, his black hair was dyed with a dark ink color, and it spread out with the wind.

A strange ink glow filled his body.

He is absorbing the power of Soul Eater.

It's like being in endless pain.

But Chu Meteor's eyes were always bright and firm.

He is a descendant of the Chu family.

The enemies of the past should not put all the burdens on Luo Feng.

He must do something.

Do all he has.

Time passed by every minute.

Chu Liuxing gradually calmed down, sitting cross-legged, a wave of majestic energy surged from his body.

"Ten steps of Jindan Avenue."


Taking a huge risk and not hesitating to endure the pain of Soul Eater, Chu Meteor finally stepped into the Ten Step Golden Core Realm.

The price that can be paid is also extremely tragic.

Chu Meteor could clearly feel that the swallowing power was already lurking in his body and would explode at any time.

In the days to come, he will endure such pain more than once.

"Liuyunfei sword technique!"

Chu Meteor couldn't wait.

The Soul Eater hurt him tremendously, but the power contained in it was true, making Chu Meteor's realm rush to the ten-step Golden Core Dao realm to completion.

The next step is to comprehend the practice and step into the blue cloud realm.

Chu Meteor at this moment seemed to be racing against time.

Hellland, the far north.

There is another person who is also racing against time.

Yaozu ancestral land.

The center of an altar with traces of extremely old years.

The black-clothed boy stands with his hands in hand.

A pair of big ears are extremely conspicuous.

He was motionless, but there was an extremely violent energy surging in him.

The Tang War Halberd was thrown aside.

The spirit incarnates as a flame, jumping on it.

"It's worthy of being the supreme area of ​​the barbarian king, it actually activated the supreme heritage of the ancient monster race." Qi Ling was extremely excited, "If it succeeds, you will definitely step into the blue cloud realm. This is a method of cultivation that is also supreme in the heritage of the monster race in the past. !"

"Big Ear, it must be successful."

Tang Dal's eyes closed tightly.

In his mind, there is also only such a belief.

Must succeed!

"Bodhi Mountain, Brother Feng, I need my help." Tang Dal also tried.

In the entire **** state, the situation seemed to have frozen.

More and more warriors flocked to the east.

Penglai was born, aimed at the Dragon Palace, and the strongest Qingyun came to the world.

In everyone's eyes, this is a death catastrophe for Dragon Palace. Unbreakable game!

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