Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2072: I am not the emperor!

Duan Liushui sighed lightly.

"Even if you can go out, so what? The soul returns to the body, but there is no free body."

Luo Feng nodded gently.

He understands the mood of the sword **** Duan Liushui.

They have been trapped in the Big Dream Boat for many years, and perhaps they have known it a long time ago that they can only go through the Lord of the Big Dream Boat.

But on that day, their souls will also be controlled by the Lord of the Big Dream Boat.


Is that the freedom they want?

Luo Feng was silent.

Undoubtedly, this is a force that enables him to compete with Penglai Xiandao.

When he stepped into the Azure Cloud Realm, as long as he was willing, he could firmly control this power in his hands, but, ask yourself, would you do this?

"Senior Duan, I assure you." Luo Feng raised his head, his eyes firm, as bright as the stars in the sky, "By that day, you will be free, in the sky and on the earth, unfettered, you can still continue to find one. , Your way to go."

Duan Liushui stared at the back of Luo Feng leaving.

Suddenly, Duan Liushui's eyes bloomed, and they suddenly widened to the extreme.

"He is not a mental body?" Duan Liushui was shocked, looking at the direction Luo Feng had left.

Duan Liushui hadn't noticed it, because he would never have thought of it.

"Enter the Big Dream Boat in the flesh." Duan Liushui was excited, "Brother Luo's descendants, have they successfully set foot on Mount Bu Zhou? He will be the future master of the Big Dream Boat."

At this moment, Duan Liushui's eyes burst out with the light of expectation.

No matter what Luo Feng said, whether it is true or not.

However, emotionally, if Luo Feng becomes the owner of the Big Dream Boat, in the eyes of Duan Liushui, it is easier to accept than the others. "Finally leaving this **** place?" Duan Liushui couldn't help but grinned, his smile was very imageless, without the temperament of a generation of swordsman, but this is the most true portrayal of his heart at the moment, he has had enough This **** place, even here, let him step

Entering the Golden Pill Avenue, let him step on the blue sky, but such a lonely time of spiritual cultivation will torture him almost crazy.

In Damengzhou space, such examples are not without.

Those who can survive for a long time are those who are extremely determined.

After seeing the Liushui of the Blade God Duan, Luo Feng couldn't wait even more and wanted to find his grandfather Luo Qingdi.

Passing through many isolated islands, I noticed several mental power fluctuations that were not weaker than the flowing water of the Blade God Stage.

This is definitely an absolutely powerful force.

Luo Feng went deep all the way.

Turned over the sea.

The figure stopped and looked at a place where clouds and mist gathered in front.

Luo Feng's eyes burst into light.

From the soul, there was a wave of fluctuations.

It's like the resonance of blood.

On the top of the mountain where the clouds and mist gathered, that person must be the immortal existence of Luo's line that once shocked the heaven and hell, Emperor Luo Qing.

In that era, Emperor Luo Qing belonged to an undefeated legend.

At that time, there was also the Chu Dynasty, the Luo family was still in its prime, and the Yuwen family were still servants of the Luo family.

Unfortunately, after Emperor Luo Qing disappeared, everything changed.

He might not even dream of thinking that the Yuwen clan he had taken care of would cut the butcher knife in his hand at his descendants.

Luo Feng walked step by step.

A terrifying wave of mental power enveloped Luo Feng.

Luo Feng's palm turned over, and a token suddenly appeared, with the word'Luo' engraved on it.

"Who are you? How can there be a token of the Patriarch of Luo's line?" The voice rang in Luo Feng's ears, and at the same time, the clouds dispersed, the white clothes were handsome, as bright as snow, and spotless, even if it is a spiritual body, it is like The spirit in the eyes of the gods in the painting is fluctuating, which is enough to destroy the world.

When the words fell, the figure had already descended in front of Luo Feng, his eyes fixed on the token in Luo Feng's hand.

Luo Feng looked up and looked over.

Look at each other.

At this moment, it was a meeting like a shuttle of time.

There were several eras between Emperor Luo Qing and Luo Feng.


Luo Feng knelt on one knee.

"Luo Feng pays homage to grandfather."

There is no doubt in Luo Feng's heart.

The appearance of Emperor Luo Qing gave him a completely different feeling from others.

Not only the touch on the soul, but also the emperor's aura on Emperor Luo Qing, in the past, in the world of hell, in the same era, no one can match Emperor Luo Qing.

Emperor Luo Qing's mind was shocked, his eyes fixed on Luo Feng, "You are..."

Luo Feng raised his head and told the truth about his identity, and the Luo Family Patriarch token in his hand was naturally given by Luo Junchen.

Of course, when Emperor Luo Qing disappeared in the past, even Luo Junchen had not yet been born.

It's too far away from this era.

"How long has it been?" Emperor Luo Qing looked at Luo Feng with a look of sorrow, and walked over, "Child, get up and talk."

Although he used to hold the wind and cloud in his hand, talk about the common people with a smile, and watch the world, he was still trapped in the big dream boat for countless years.

The moment he saw his younger generation appear in front of him, it hit the softest place in Emperor Luo Qing's heart.

"My son, why did you come to Buzhou Mountain?" Luo Qing asked, "Who is the king of the Chu Dynasty today? My line of Luo family..."

"Grandfather." Luo Feng couldn't help interrupting Emperor Luo Qing.

Take a deep breath.

Luo Feng looked at Emperor Luo Qing solemnly.

"The Chu dynasty has long been overthrown. And the Luo family has also suffered a disaster."

"What are you talking about?" Emperor Luo Qing's eyes suddenly widened to the extreme.

"Everything happened after my grandfather disappeared." Luo Feng spoke slowly, starting from the overthrow of the Chu Dynasty, to the destruction of the Luo family more than 20 years ago, and most recently, the birth of Penglai Xiandao.

Never miss a word, every word will punish the heart.

Emperor Luo Qing's body shuddered gently, his eyes gradually glowing with blood.

An incomparably terrifying breath diffused from his body, instantly covering the entire island, spreading across the sky.

Hunting in the wind.

Emperor Luo Qing raised his head, black hair flying wildly.

"Yuwen Clan!"

Emperor Luo Qing's eyes burst into terrible anger.

In the past, how did he treat the Yuwen clan as a subordinate?

Even when he discovered that the younger generation of Yuwen clan had good seedlings, he personally gave instructions and carefully cultivated them.

Ever thought that a group of white wolves was raised?

The line of Luo's was almost completely destroyed.

Emperor Luo Qing felt that his chest was about to be pierced by a blade, and it was extremely painful.

He felt that all these were the ‘cause’ he planted, and that there would be such an ‘effect’.

Yuwen family!

Yuwen family!

"In this life, if you don't enter Penglai, you won't destroy Yuwen, I'm not the emperor!"

Emperor Luo Qing's voice went straight through the clouds.

In all directions, mountain peaks collapsed, clouds and mist dispersed, and huge waves in the sea lifted the sky.

Countless psychic energy energies flooded this way. Soon, several figures appeared before Luo Feng's eyes.

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