Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2089: Come and die!

Tang Daer's voice echoed in Bodhi Mountain.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

The Bodhi Mountain in the darkness was covered by the breath of death, but there was no shadow of death in the hearts of everyone in the Dragon Palace.

Laugh to life and death.

"Okay, very good." Yu Wentao grinned, his eyes flashing with anger.

What he wanted to see was the image of everyone in the Dragon Palace kneeling down and begging for mercy with despair.

However, he couldn't see it.

Everyone, with their heads upright, is not afraid of the threat of death.

This feeling made Yu Wentao feel very upset. "Kneel down." Yu Wentao waved his fist, and Tang Dal's body, who was already injured, flew out. With a mouthful of blood, his body fell heavily to the ground. However, Tang Dal's body's ability to withstand pressure was obviously beyond. After Yu Wentao's expectation, a stubbornness flashed through his eyes, and Tang Dal's slowly

He stood up, grinned, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, "Let your grandfather kneel down? It's really rebellious."

"A group of stubborn things." The **** scimitar in Yuwen Amaterasu's hand flashed a dark red light.

That being the case.

Well, all die.

Bloody sky.

Like death's sickle, at this moment, it officially descended.

Silence fell on Bodhi Mountain.

Unable to contend, only to die peacefully.

"The biggest regret in this life is not being able to save Fu'er, which made her suffer." Luo Junchen sighed lightly, calmly facing life and death.

"Unexpectedly, they have already reached this point. The so-called Dragon Lord Luo Feng can still calm down and never show up." Yuwen Yunlang smiled, "Is it because he is timid by nature, or he has already abandoned the Dragon Palace. , Run away alone?"

The six blue cloud realms of the Yuwen clan all laughed wantonly.

Unscrupulously belittle Dragon Lord Luo Feng, they want the spiritual pillar of the so-called Dragon Palace to completely collapse.

"Look, even his woman, now suffering from the pain of flame burning, he can ignore it." Yu Wentao laughed and looked at Xiao Yu, who was already unconscious on the ground, surrounded by clusters of light blue flames. The flame is beating.

Life or death is uncertain.

No one can get close to Xiao Yu. With her as the center, within a hundred meters, the heat is boiling, and the flame seems to swallow everything.

"You one by one, dying for him is simply stupid, the biggest joke in the world." Yu Wentao's eyes swept across the crowd coldly, and suddenly he smiled, "You, which one will die first?"

"It will only be you!"

Suddenly, three figures launched a crit attack at the same time.

Chu Meteor, Tang Dal, and Su Lifan, the three of them rushed in and blasted out with all their strength, and they were determined to die with Yu Wentao.

In that instant, Yu Wentao's face also changed drastically.

The three Azure Clouds realm, even in the state of being seriously injured, once desperately, the power that bursts out cannot be ignored.

However, Yu Wentao is not alone.

Yuwen Yuanfei and Yuwen Yuanzhi both shot at the same time, and together with Yuwentao, they once again blasted Tang Daer into flight.

The spear in Yuwen Yuanfei's hand left a few blood holes in Su Lifan's body, and the blood flowed continuously.

"A group of remnants, natives, dare to fight with Penglai?"

Yuwen Yuanfei shot out with a long spear and hit Tang Da'er, who fell on the ground nearest.

Tang Dal's eyes wiped his stubbornness, and he stubbornly waved the Tang halberd in his hand.

Would rather die than yield.

Never lower your proud head.

In fact, if it wasn't for a few people from the other party to join forces, if it were to fight alone, Tang Daer's strength would not be afraid of any Azure Cloud Realm present.

Tang Daer's strength is also the most feared by Yu Wentao and others in the Dragon Palace.

So, the first one, take Tang Dal's operation.

"Even if there is a talent comparable to the Son of God, what about it? There is no life of the Son of God." Yuwen Yuanfei laughed, and murderous intent emerged.

The gun of death came at this moment.

Everyone trembled.

His eyes revealed sadness and anger.

No one can save Tang Dal.

And he himself, dragging the wounded body, can still stop this death?

"Brother, Big Ears go one step ahead." Tang Dal laughed loudly, with a fierce face, he rushed towards Yuwen Yuanfei.

The spear turned into many phantoms, and pierced Tang Da'er...

Lightning flint!

Above the sky, a purple thunder and lightning descended from the sky.


It was deafening and loud.

Without warning, he hit the spear in Yuwen Yuanfei's hand.

too suddenly.

Yuwen Yuanfei was caught off guard and backed away for a while.

Taoist thunder technique!

At that moment, Tang Da's ears were dumbfounded, and he was ecstatic and excited, "Brother Feng is back!"

Whenever there is Brother Feng in Tang Dal's heart, there will be no danger.

Even if the opponent's strength is terribly powerful, the six blue clouds are in the formation, but this purple light and lightning directly restored Tang Dal's confidence.

Brother Feng is back!

In a short while, the eyes of everyone in the Dragon Palace on Bodhi Mountain were wiped with a light.

Dragon Lord Luo Feng!

That is their belief, the soul pillar of the Dragon Palace.

As long as he is still there, no one will be afraid and desperate.

"I'm back, Junior Brother." Chu Liuxing also laughed, and Luo Feng has never disappointed them.

"This silly boy." Luo Qigong couldn't help laughing and cursing, with tears in his eyes, but another warm current flowing through his heart.

Reasonably warned them that Luo Feng should not come.

However, in the line of life and death, the same figure appeared in everyone's mind.

In the distant sky, golden light swept across.

Sky and horses traveled in the sky, fast as lightning, suddenly descended on Bodhi Mountain.

The warriors at the foot of Bodhi Mountain also noticed this scene, and their eyes widened.

A glimpse!

The moment the Golden Boot Tianma came, his body was as tall as a loose body, standing upright.

He is back!

"It's the Dragon Lord!"

Someone chanted.

"It turns out that the Dragon Lord has never been on the sacred mountain, so it's no wonder that he has never appeared."

"I really want to know the current situation on the mountain." Everyone is itchy, but he dared not step into the mountain.

In front of Bodhi Mountain, in front of the temple, white clothes descended on the blue clouds.

"Blue Cloud Realm." Luo Junchen's eyes lit up, looking at Luo Feng excitedly.

He didn't dare to dream that Luo Feng had also stepped into the Azure Cloud Realm in such a short time, and tonight, when everyone in the Dragon Palace was in danger, he returned quickly.

"Boss!" Several members of the Hell Team couldn't help shouting.

Qian Yilan's eyes flashed with excitement.

Luo Feng's face was extremely cold.

Before reaching Bodhi Mountain, he felt the **** breath.

Looking around, one by one, familiar relatives and friends, suffered heavy injuries, and their blood stained Mount Bodhi.

When the flames on Xiao Yu's body were burning and could not be extinguished, Luo Feng's anger completely broke out!

Murderous insanity surged.

His eyes turned blood red, standing in the air, and the Jiuli Sacred Sword ran across the sky and the earth.

Black hair was frantic, white clothes reflected the dark sky, and purple light and lightning lingered all over his body.

The King of Yama! Staring at the six Yuwentao murderously, their voices thundered, "Hurry up and die!"

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