Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2113: Unable to suppress!

Yu Wenfeng's laughter faded away.

In the cold stone room, on the blood-dissolving demon stone, Lan Yafu's eyes were full of worries. At this moment, she had forgotten the pain in her body, and she was extremely eager to know what was happening outside.

"My child." Lan Yafu's eyes were filled with crystal tears.

She hoped that everything was still too late, and she hoped that the secret of Secret Realm One could be used in exchange for the life of her son.

Lan Yafu didn't want to mention her own life experience, and she didn't want to think about the great world of cultivation that is far more powerful than the heavenly prison, but for her child, she had no other choice.

"Luo Feng, it will be safe and sound." Su Qianxue said softly, "How powerful the demons invaded, but in the end, it was not re-sealed by Luo Feng, and the world was peaceful. He can do it so that others can never Things that can be done."

"I hope so."

In a hurry, he walked out of the temple.

Yu Wenfeng's face showed a satisfied smile.

Over the years, Lan Yafu has never been willing to mention any secrets about herself.

Penglai Fairy Island, both soft and hard, are useless.

Today Luo Feng broke into Penglai Fairy Island, but instead gave the Yuwen clan a great opportunity.

Yu Wenfeng caught it.

Secret Realm One.

Mysterious domain road.

Practice the big world.

Complete practice everywhere.

Words flashed in Yu Wenfeng's mind, and his eyes grew more intense.

If you can grasp this opportunity well, the Yuwen clan will take off completely.

All the stains of the past will disappear and disappear with the prosperity of the Yuwen clan.

"This woman is too valuable. If necessary, why not leave her son alive?" Yu Wenfeng quickened his pace, and after walking out of the temple, he swept away.

As soon as he approached, and before he saw a figure, Yu Wenfeng heard the sound of fighting.

Yu Wenfeng was relieved immediately.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, "Unexpectedly, that woman's son is quite tenacious. The Saint Son has broken through to the second stage of the Azure Cloud Realm. It is really rare that he can hold on for so long."

Yu Wenfeng smiled and approached, looking up.

The smile on his face suddenly stiffened, looking ahead.

The white-clothed young man controls flying knives all over the sky. It is invincible and brilliant. A flying knives with a handle seems to be spiritual and moves at will. His opponent is not Yuwen Amaterasu.

"What's the matter?" Yu Wenfeng was dumbfounded.

She naturally recognized at a glance that Yuwen Anshen, the master of Shengzi, was fighting Luo Feng now.


Where is the Son?

Yu Wenfeng's gaze swept around, and the whole person was as if thunder and lightning hit.

A headless corpse, wearing a bright red robe, lying on the ground, with blood flowing out.

Shengzi was beheaded?

Yu Wenfeng couldn't believe it for the first time. She really couldn't imagine how, in front of so many temple elders, how the son Yuwen Amaterasu was beheaded?

In the end what happened?

Yu Wenfeng stood blankly, unable to recover for a long time.

This is really incredible.

She was still thinking about letting Yuwen Tianzhao's men be merciful, leaving Luo Feng with a fate temporarily.

As everyone knows, it was such a result.

Yu Wenfeng noticed that in addition to Yuwen Anshen, several temple elders surrounded him and blocked the places where Luo Feng might retreat.

When she left, something unexpected must have happened to her.

Yu Wenfeng didn't dare to ask more, and slowly leaned over and came to Yuwen Mofeng's side.

She will inform Yuwen Mofeng of the news she has learned from Lan Yafu.

"Behind the No. 1 Secret Realm, there is a great world of practice?" Yuwen's eyes flashed like an arrow, and his eyes stared at Luo Feng again.

He guessed that Luo Feng had several methods, could it also be related to the great world of practice behind Lan Yafu?

"If you can, don't kill Luo Feng first. Use him to coerce that woman and get a way to get in and out of the secret realm." Yu Wenfeng said, still unable to hide his excitement.

If there is a real chance to enter the world of spiritual practice in the future, and get a great opportunity to make the Yuwen clan fly to the top, then she will be a great hero of the Yuwen clan.

Yuwen Mofeng slowly nodded.

He had planned to get the Master's Law in Luo Feng's hands. The news brought by Yu Wenfeng gave him a reason to leave Luo Feng's life.

"Anyway, if you enter Penglai Fairy Island, he will definitely die. Let him live for a few more days, so what's the matter?" Yuwen Mofeng smiled lightly, and there was ice cold in the depths of his eyes. Luo Feng killed the son, it was Penglai Fairy Island. It was a shame and shame, but at this moment, Luo Feng really couldn't die.

Yuwen Anshen didn't have so many thoughts, he just wanted to kill Luo Feng.

The tyrannical offensive, overwhelming, ceases without a moment.

His eyes were blood red to the extreme, full of hatred, and he wished to smash Luo Feng into pieces.

However, Luo Feng's flying knife attacked, and it was invincible. When the defense came back, it was natural and flawless. For a while, Yuwen Anshen was helpless.

boom! boom! boom!

Yuwen Anshen tried his best, and the rumbling sound was shaking the earth.

Luo Feng's eyes were beating with golden light, and the amplitude of his spiritual power diffused out. A flying knife with a special material, no less than a magic weapon, sheltered Luo Feng.

Tian Luo Wanxiang Law!

Luo Feng combined the attack and defense of the flying knife more and more perfectly.

The more in such battles, Luo Feng tends to grow faster.

Once the pressure cannot crush him, then he will be turned into a driving force, a force to move forward.

The people around also gradually noticed it.

At the beginning, Luo Feng was still a bit disadvantaged, but as time went on, Luo Feng was now able to cope with Yuwen Anshen's attack with ease.

The eyes of many temple elders all showed incredible.

This son is too evil!

You know, in the entire Penglai Immortal Island, there are only a handful of temple elders who can outperform Yuwen Anshen.

But Yuwen was stunned and couldn't suppress Luo Feng!

"Perhaps, in terms of talent, in the world, only the first holy son can be compared with this son."

"The first saint son is the chosen son of heaven and blessed by nature, but this son is just a remnant of the Luo family abandoned by the line, and can grow to this level."

"Don't hesitate, end the battle and kill him."

All of a sudden, the several temple elders who had stood in the battle array moved at the same time.

There are a total of seven temple elders, although they are all of the first stage of the Azure Cloud Realm, but a battle formation has been formed in an instant, trapping Luo Feng and Yuwen Anshen.

Since Yuwen Anshen can hardly suppress this son, they can only act decisively to avoid long nights and dreams.


Seven people, seven swords, turned into bloodthirsty rays of light in an instant, and slew towards Luo Feng. Resplendent sword intent permeates the sky and the earth. With the battle formation as the convergence point, the seven swords are combined with the power of seven people. The seven swords seem to form a sword. The wind is surging, the waves are blowing up the sky, and the sky is full of sword lights, killing Luo Feng.

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