Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2140: Coming again!

Although Emperor Luo Qing repeatedly reminded, the vast majority of sea martial artists have always firmly believed that the disaster has passed.

They no longer dared to think about the horror of the weird demonic energy that was constantly spreading, and they were unwilling to face the feeling of despair. Some people even cursed Emperor Luo Qing secretly, cursing that this weird demonic energy would continue to spread.

"They don't want to believe it at all." Luo Feng's brows frowned. Under the night, many sea warriors gathered and looked at the weird devilish energy that had ceased to spread. Many people were grateful to the sky and saved them from disaster.

However, Luo Feng had a strong feeling in his heart, the weird devilish energy, he wouldn't just stop like this.

"Fine, no matter what, we have already reminded it." Emperor Luo Qing said in a deep voice, "I naturally hope that what they pray for is true, weird and devilish, just stop here, and from now on, there will be more Being in a forbidden place is better than going through this disaster that no one can stop."

Emperor Luo Qing would rather be beaten in the face than make a mistake by himself.

The night was deep, and the Golden Blood Pegasus landed on an island.

Everyone finds a place to rest temporarily.

The strange demonic energy flooded the sea, and Luo Feng and others did not dare to leave easily before getting a definite result.

That night, Luo Feng also went to explore the weird devilish energy again, but unfortunately, they all returned without success.

As the sun rises, golden rays of light shot out to cover the sea level, the waves are tumbling, and everything seems to be restored.

The weird demon energy covering more than five hundred miles seemed to be completely silent.

Not moving.

All crises seem to be completely over.

There was a loud cheer in the distance.

Fortunately, excited.

"It's over, I'm sure it's all over."

"I feel like seeing the sky again."

"I just said, Luo Qing's words may not be credible. He is too worried."

The Golden Blood Pegasus leaped up into the sky, Luo Feng and others were also looking down.

everything is fine.

"It seems that I was really worried about it." Luo Feng smiled lightly. Although this result was different from what he expected, it was the best result.

Lan Yafu's brows frowned slightly, "But I always feel that where I have been, I have seen records of this kind of weird devilish energy... things will not be that simple."

It has been too long, and Lan Yafu can't remember it at all.

Maybe it's just seen in a certain book.

"Anyway, in this situation, it's best." Emperor Luo Qing smiled, "It's also time for us to go back, Luo Feng, don't forget, the responsibilities you bear have just begun."

Emperor Luo Qing also knew a little about the brilliance and destruction of the earth's evolutionary civilization.

Luo Feng has become the heir of Bu Zhoushan, and he must bear corresponding responsibilities.

Luo Feng nodded slowly, he thought of the dark messenger he had killed in front of Kunlun Mountain.

In the evolutionary civilization that the earth is now gradually recovering, there is still a huge crisis hidden.

At the end of the mysterious road, that dark banner, one day after another, will completely descend on the earth.

Luo Feng was full of urgency.

There are not many things on his back.

The rejuvenation of the earth's evolutionary civilization.

Immortal Emperor Territory, the potential pressure from Grandpa Lantian Xie, and even the Demon Palace, although this time was taken away by the token of Lan Xie, who can guarantee that next time, will it come back?

And his ‘love debt’, searching for Xiao Jun’s whereabouts, a one-year appointment with Zheng Wei’s two daughters...

Luo Feng couldn't help smiling wryly, wishing he had the clone technique.

However, he was not discouraged in any way.

Even if the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, the things he promised will definitely be done with all his best.

"Mother, do you know Sword Region?" Luo Feng said suddenly.

"Sword Region?" Lan Yafu was startled and looked at Luo Feng unexpectedly, "How do you know the existence of Sword Region?"

Hearing this, Luo Feng's eyes lit up, "Mother knows where the sword domain is?"

"When I was a child, I went to the sword realm with your grandfather to visit friends." Lan Yafu said, "In the universe, under the stars, the ten thousand realm planes were born, such as the Heavenly Hell Realm and the earth, belonging to different planes, but , The existence of the domain road can connect to each domain.” “Actually, there are also levels between the ten thousand domain planes. I don’t know the specifics. The sword domain should be similar to the fairy emperor domain, but I have I remember your grandfather said that in the sword domain, there are all fighting madmen, and the sword immortals who broke out in the sword domain are extremely powerful." Lan Yafu's expression is very strong.

Looking at Luo Feng suspiciously, she wanted to know how Luo Feng learned of the existence of Sword Region.

"Where Zheng Wei's second daughter went, is it the Sword Region?" Tang Dal couldn't help blurting out.

"Zheng Wei?" Lan Yafu was even more puzzled.

Before Luo Feng could speak, Tang Dal had already smiled and said, "Auntie, she is one of Feng's confidantes, no, two, they are both female sword fairies."

Luo Feng glared at Tang Dal.

Upon hearing this, Lan Yafu immediately looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng also nodded a little, and told the rough story about the two daughters of Zheng Wei and Liu Mei who left the heavenly prison. "I promised them that within a year, I will pick them up."

Lan Yafu's expression couldn't help but change.

After a while, he said truthfully, "Son, as far as I know, the sword domain is very exclusive. You, an outsider, want to break into the sword domain and take away the female sword fairy in the sword domain. I am afraid it will not be easy."

In fact, Lan Yafu still has four words in his heart...it is difficult to reach the sky.

However, she didn't dare to speak too straight, for fear that it would hit her son too much.

Luo Feng smiled slightly, "It's man-made, I may not be qualified to step into the sword domain to grab someone, but in the future, I can't tell." Luo Feng's eyes showed strong self-confidence.

He has several powerful cultivation methods, and Luo Feng is confident that he can do it as long as he is given a certain amount of time.

No matter what, he will go to the sword domain to bring Zheng Wei's second daughter back.

Knowing the existence of the sword domain from Lan Yafu, Luo Feng was more assured that within a year, he could enter the sword domain through the immortal emperor domain.

Lan Yafu didn't say much, she sighed softly, "If your grandfather is willing to help you, things will be much easier."

"Mother..." Luo Feng was about to speak, his expression suddenly changed suddenly, turning his face and looking over, he felt a terrifying evil spirit, and went straight up again.

The weird devilish energy regained in an instant.

The soaring evil spirit made the whole world dimmed suddenly.

"Not good." Luo Feng exclaimed, "That weird devilish energy has spread again."

Huh huh!

The others felt it too, and turned their heads to look over.

My mind went down for a while.

The disaster has not passed.

Once again, it opened its blood basin and swallowed the entire **** state. Moreover, this time the momentum was even more violent, and bursts of arrows shot out, swept away lives.

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