Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2276: This life is enough

No one cares about Xiao Li.

Under the curtain of night, a group of people entered Sky Dragon City.

With the cover of Tang Ziyun and Xiao Fengye, the two powerhouses, even if there were spies from the Nine Heavens Palace, it would be impossible to find Luo Feng's whereabouts.

The matter was of great importance. After Luo Feng entered Tianlong City, he went directly to the Xiao Mansion, the small courtyard where Xiao Jun lived.

"During this time, you will live here." Tang Ziyun said, "Moreover, it's best not to go out casually. Although Tianlong City is my Xiao family's site, if someone really recognizes you, it is impossible to guarantee Be strange and want to please the people in the Nine Heavens Palace."

Luo Feng was startled, just about to speak.

"If you have something, let's talk about it tomorrow, let Jun'er rest earlier." Tang Ziyun waved her hand.

Before Xiao Fengye left, he stopped for a while, turned around and looked at Luo Feng, "Tomorrow morning, I have something to talk to you."

After speaking, Xiao Fengye and Tang Ziyun left side by side.

Luo Feng and Xiao Jun looked at each other.

interlocking fingers.

There was a rush of footsteps.

Xiao Li finally returned and looked up at the two of them. For a long while, he looked confused and said, "Should I call you the eldest brother-in-law or the second brother-in-law?"

Xiao Jun couldn't help but laughed, "You can call him the second brother-in-law in front of me."

Xiao Li nodded, seeming to understand.

"If there is nothing wrong, you can go back and rest soon." Xiao Jun continued.

Xiao Li nodded again, still a little confused, and turned away.

Luo Feng and Xiao Jun walked into the attic holding hands.

"If I hadn't met Xiao Li, I would never have thought that your parents would be the head of the Xiao family in Wolong River." Luo Feng sighed, his eyes looked at Xiao Jun, "Maybe this is God's will, even if I let me go through the cycle again. The road will still meet you again."

Xiao Jun clasped Luo Feng's hand tightly, "At that time, after I left... I entered Secret Realm No. 1 and managed to break through the Secret Realm many times. When I was in danger, I was rescued by Xiao's disciples. , I recognized my parents. But, the reason for my health..." Xiao Jun gently stroked his lower abdomen, "I can't go to you. Mother asked me many times about my sister's situation, but I dare not say more. , I just told my mother that when I give birth to the child, I will go and find my sister. Mother has also asked you many times, but I dare not say that I am afraid..."

Luo Feng hugged Xiao Jun lightly, "Don't be afraid, everything is over. Don't your parents recognize my identity now?"

"I'm very curious about what happened after I left." Xiao Jun said, "How did you come to the Immortal Emperor Territory, and you are about to pierce the sky in the southeast."

Luo Feng glanced at Xiao Jun and smiled, "Your mother just said, let you rest earlier."

"No, I want to listen, and I can't sleep either." Xiao Jun's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Good, good." Luo Feng smiled and began to speak softly.

The night is dim.

The moon is clear.

The other side.

"What are you talking about!" Tang Ziyun exclaimed, her eyes widening, "In that situation, Luo Feng actually took three steps successfully?"

"Of course." Xiao Fengye stretched his hands, "Do you really think that Luo Feng's injury was caused by my dignified patriarch Xiao?"

"Unbelievable." Tang Ziyun murmured, "No wonder you are so sure that he has already'touched the line', he has a black talent aura, and his mood is so terrible, coupled with the enchanting talent of the spiritual master, in time, he is really possible , There will be a chance to hit the fairyland."

"So we have to block the news about Luo Feng. We must not let people know that Luo Feng has arrived in Sky Dragon City." Xiao Fengye said, "Let him grow up in Sky Dragon City. A gift from his family."

Time passed by every minute.

In the attic, Xiao Jun snuggled in Luo Feng's arms, listening to Luo Feng's account of what happened these days.

Speaking of thrilling, Xiao Jun firmly grasped Luo Feng's hand, and then slowly released...

"In this way, I must leave the earth and go to the Immortal Emperor Territory to experience." Luo Feng said in a deep voice, "The Nether Clan will come to the earth at any time. Although I am not the savior, there are many people to protect and cannot let everyone hurt. "

"Returning to the Immortal Emperor Territory, I came to Sky Dragon City for the first time. First, I wanted to see you and see how the girl who lied to me to serve the flower of reincarnation in the first place, how things are doing now." Luo Feng smiled .

Xiao Jun heard another meaning in Luo Feng's words, and his heart tightened slightly, "Are you still going?"

"Senior Zhuge, who came with me, has made arrangements for me. Our next stop will go to Maple Leaf City." Luo Feng said, "You know, I am being chased by the Nine Heavens Immortal Palace now, and I cannot stay in Tianlong for long. city."

"They won't know you are here."

"What if he really knows?" Luo Feng squeezed Xiao Jun's hand tightly, "This will make the entire Sky Dragon City Xiao Clan bear the anger of the Nine Heavens Immortal Palace because of me, how can I be at ease?"

Xiao Jun's expression changed, "Then...I will go with you!"

Luo Feng stared at Xiao Jun and shook his head with a smile, "Fool, think about our children. Your biggest task now is to rest assured, happily raise a baby, and give birth to our children."

Xiao Jun bit his lip.

"Don't worry, if I'm alone, the people of Jiutianxian Palace will not find me so easily." Luo Feng said, "If I can't beat it, I will run. If I can't beat it, can I still run?"

Luo Feng blinked at Xiao Jun.

Xiao Jun smiled subconsciously, and then frowned again. After a while, he said aloud, "Tomorrow, I will tell my mother, what is the best treasure, and let her send you a batch to defend yourself."

Luo Feng couldn't help but kissed Xiao Jun, "Good wife, this proposal is very good."

Xiao Jun's cheeks suddenly turned red, and Luo Feng gave Luo Feng a white look, "Who is your wife? We are not married yet."

Luo Feng held Xiao Jun's hands, "I swear, I will give you a grand wedding."

Luo Feng hugged Xiao Jun into his arms.

Quiet night.

"Luo Feng, didn't you just say that there is something else going on when you come to Tianlong City?" Xiao Jun's voice was very small, and the sleepiness came. She was nestled in Luo Feng's arms and she felt special warmth.

"Nothing, I'll talk about it tomorrow." Luo Feng picked Xiao Jun up, walked to the bed, put her down, and kissed her lightly, "rest, I'll play the piano for you."

Luo Feng turned around and sat down in front of Guqin on the window sill.

The ten-fingered missile, the piano sounds like a clear spring, graceful and moving.

Moonlight shined through the window and spilt on this straight body.

Xiao Jun was lying on the bed, looking sideways quietly, this side face reflected in the white moonlight, his face couldn't help but burst into a smile.

"This life is enough."

Xiao Jun felt unprecedented warmth and happiness.

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