Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2289: Rich young master

Luo Feng looked at Su Dazhou and said seriously, "Da Zhou, I am already a cultivator now." Hearing this, Su Dazhou couldn't help but stunned. After a long while, he couldn't help laughing out loud and patted Luo Feng's. Shoulder, "Stars, let me just say, you are so obsessed with dreams, it’s impossible to give up. It’s okay, let’s work first, fill our stomachs, and then

To consider the matter of practice, I believe that the emperor will pay off. "

Luo Feng, "..."

Su Dazhou meant that he did not believe that he was already a practitioner.

"I have to go back first." Su Dazhou said, "I will tell the old man early tomorrow morning, you remember to go there on time."

Luo Feng was stunned and just wanted to refuse, but after another thought, this was also an entry point for him to integrate into Xueye City, "Okay, I will be there."

"That's right." Su Dazhou smiled and patted Luo Feng, "It seems that in the past six months, you have also suffered a lot, and you are not as aggressive as before."

Luo Feng, "..."

"That's right." Luo Feng glanced at Jiang Xingyu who was packing things in the house, and pulled Su Dazhou aside, "Who was the person I saw on the street just now?"

"Who and who?" Su Dazhou answered casually.

"Don't think I really believe that you came back in such a big circle to lose weight." Luo Feng rolled his eyes, "Let's talk, what is the origin of the person you want to hide? Why are you avoiding him?"

Su Dazhou's complexion changed and he stubbornly said, "It's nothing, it's a wicked young man, like a mad dog, I will bite everyone, of course I walk around, this kind of person is not irritating."

After speaking, Su Dazhou speeded up his pace and left as if he was afraid of Luo Feng's questioning.

Luo Feng looked at Su Dazhou's back, frowning slightly.

Of course he didn't believe what Su Dazhou said.

Su Dazhou obviously didn't want to trouble Luo Feng.

Luo Feng took a deep breath and stepped into the room.

"Brother, your room has been cleaned up." Jiang Xingyu said with a smile, "Brother, are you hungry? I'll heat the dishes for you."

"No, Xiaoyu, you sit down." Luo Feng walked over and glanced around. Although the house was rudimentary, but it was very tidy. It is hard to imagine that this is a girl who is only fourteen years old living alone. For half a year.

Close to the outlet of the sewage river, the cold wind hit, not only the cold, but also the smell of the river.

Luo Feng noticed that Jiang Xingyu picked a lot of elixir and placed them all over the house to get rid of the foul smell.

There was only one house in the house, and there was a bed outside the small hall. Jiang Xingyu was sitting by the bed now. The bedding was long and foldable very neatly.

"Xiaoyu, brother made you suffer." Luo Feng couldn't help but sigh as he looked at this immature face. "Xiao Yu is not bitter at all." Jiang Xingyu smiled and said, "If it hadn't been for the brother to take Xiao Yu back, Xiao Yu would have died. It was Xiao Yu who was tired of his brother. If it were not for Xiao Yu, brother would have left Xueye long ago. City, go out

Studying. "

Luo Feng walked over and stroked Jiang Xingyu's hair lightly, "You will always be my sister."

Jiang Xingyu naturally couldn't hear the hidden meaning of Luo Feng's words, she smiled openly, "Of course Xiao Yu will always be her brother's sister."

"I've been tired for a day, let's take a break, brother, go for a walk." Luo Feng said with a smile, "Be obedient, don't refuse."

Jiang Xingyu wanted to say something but stopped, but could only make an ‘oh’.

When Luo Feng walked out of the hut, a foul smell came to him, his brows subconsciously twisted.

Although there are a lot of elixir in the house to get rid of the odor, this place definitely cannot stay.

Since Luo Feng has replaced the status of "Jiang Xingchen", he has the obligation to take care of his sister.

Jiang Xingyu's sensibility made Luo Feng feel a bit heartache.

The first thing that came to Xueye City was to find a good place for Jiang Xingyu to live in.

Luo Feng walked back along the way he came.

They came all the way from the prosperous part of Xueye City to this remote area of ​​the sewage river.

The people who live here are the people at the bottom of Xueye City.

They are busy every day just to survive.

The situation in Su Dazhou's family is not much better than that of Jiang Xingchen's brothers and sisters. Otherwise, Su Dazhou would not have to pay for giving Jiang Xingyu a roast chicken and paying the price of being hungry. When Zhuge Wushi gave Luo Feng’s information about Jiang Xingchen, he also mentioned Su Dazhou’s family background. Su Dazhou’s home was actually in the sewage river area, but the location was better than Jiang Xingchen’s. Su Dazhou’s family had a father.

Mother, he is the only son.

Luo Feng passed by Su Dazhou's house and heard Su Mu's scolding voice from a distance. Obviously, she knew that Su Dazhou did not go to work in the iron shop today.

Luo Feng smiled slightly. Sometimes, he can be reprimanded by his parents, which is also a kind of happiness.

At least, the Jiang brothers and sisters, who have been living in the cold wind in these years, have never enjoyed such treatment. "In the bustling center area, there are too many practitioners, and fighting often occurs. It is too dangerous for ordinary people who have no power to restrain the chicken." Luo Feng said to himself, he was looking for a suitable place to move. The only factor Luo Feng considers,

It is Jiang Xingyu.

"Leaving the sewage river area, there is a residential area in front of it, and the environment is quite good." Luo Feng walked over and wandered around.

From the moment I left the sewage river area, there were more practitioners around me. However, the more powerful the practitioners, generally speaking, they move closer to the center, closer to the center of Xueye City, and the spiritual aura of heaven and earth will be more abundant. .

"This house is pretty good."

After strolling for a while, Luo Feng stopped in front of a house.

A row of houses, separated by a street in front, there is a lake in front, the lake is clear, and there are lotus-like spiritual flowers blooming on it.

People came and went on the street, and Luo Feng walked down the house and suddenly stopped at one of them.

He noticed that almost everyone lived in the rest of the houses, but this one had its gates closed and it seemed to be stained with a lot of dust. Obviously no one had lived in it for a long time.

"Excuse me, whose house is this?" Luo Feng asked a passerby.

Passers-by glanced at Luo Feng magically, "Wang's, haven't you seen the sign hanging at the door?"

Luo Feng glanced over, and there was indeed a sign on the closed door of this house with the word'king' engraved on it.

Just as Luo Feng wanted to continue to inquire about the Wang family, the passer-by suddenly changed his face, turned around and hurried away.

Luo Feng's expression revealed a burst of doubt.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, and at the same time, accompanied by a rant, "Hey, boy, what are you doing here? Do you want to steal something?"

Luo Feng turned around and looked over, his expression stunned.

A young man carrying a birdcage walked over domineeringly, with a few bodyguards around him. It was the rich young master Su Dazhou who avoided seeing him.

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