Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2369: The disappearing breath of the seal

When the words of Jasper Protector fell, many people present were shocked.

There was a burst of resentment in the eyes involuntarily.

Famous Sword Sect!

They immediately thought of it three days ago.

When the Baizhang Cliff was halfway through, the famous Jianzong suddenly announced his withdrawal.

At that time, everyone wondered why the famous Sword Sect left abruptly and gave up fighting for the fairy spring.

Now it seems that the famous Sword Sect is very likely to know the danger hidden after the tenth field.

"Yes, it must be so."

"Famous Sword Sect, so vicious heart."

"The famous Sword Sect must want to take this opportunity to weaken the power of the major sects of Xueye City. Knowing that there is danger, it is unfair to the public. It is simply the heart of a villain."

Many warriors roared in despair.

It's just that they never thought about it. Even three days ago, the famous Sword Sect told them that this is not the fairy spring, but the dangerous place of Xuenv Peak. They... how many people would believe it?

Even if the famous Sword Sect left, they were still on guard, wondering whether the famous Sword Sect would make a comeback.

But now, everyone is resenting the famous Sword Sect.

In despair, put all the sins on Ming Jianzong's body.

"It's the Sword Sect that made me wait."

Ming Jiuyuan let out a desperate howl.

Under Xiong Wufeng's offensive, Ming Jiuyuan was like an ordinary warrior, unable to bear it and facing desperation.

The body flew horizontally and fell to the ground severely.

The next second, the huge footprint was pressed.

The resentment in Ming Jiuyuan's eyes did not diminish, accompanied by despair.

Life is gone.

Under the seal of power, no one is immune.

The stronger the warrior, the more he became the first target Xiong Wufeng wanted to attack.

After Ming Jiuyuan died, the jasper guardian from the Palace of Eight Immortals also fell.

In Xiong Wufeng's eyes, there was no thought of pitying and cherishing jade at all.

In his eyes, the humble ants in front of him all deserve to die.

In another year, he was about to leave this domain, but he was awakened at this time. This group of ants, even dared to trespass on his territory, is simply unforgivable.

"Die all to me."

Xiong Wufeng went crazy.

The Snow God became angry and his blood spread.

"Miss, hurry up." Xue Changan guarded Xue Yingying behind her, and backed desperately.

The power of the seal that Xiong Wufeng raised his hand to arrange covered a huge area, and even the warriors who were watching from behind suffered.

At this moment, everyone fled in a panic, trying to escape to life, but the invisible sealing force bounced them back,

Can't escape!

If there is no other way, then it can only be slaughtered.

"Do not!"

"Snow God forgive me."

"I didn't mean to offend, this is to be deceived by others, please forgive the Snow God."

Many people knelt on the ground in despair, trying to beg for mercy.

However, Xiong Wufeng's eyes were extremely cold, and there was no hint of mercy at all. Blood splashed Xuefeng between his steps.

"Those who dare to commit my forbidden land will apologize with death."

Xiong Wufeng killed all the way, and blood stained the white snow peaks in the area covered by the seal.

The cold wind is bleak.

There are fewer and fewer warriors still alive...

His eyes were full of horror and despair.

Some have even given up resisting and fleeing, they can't escape the seal at all. "In the last year, this king can leave this boring place, but you just want to offend." Xiong Wufeng's eyes flashed with an extremely cold light, "What qualifications do you have to enter this place? Do you know? , Xuenvfeng, a prisoner

Forbidden place? "

Xiong Wufeng just wanted to say something, suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly.

A place of imprisonment!

Then... what about the seal aura of that little white dragon?

Xiong Wufeng's heart couldn't help but shook with horror, and his eyes were full of ice-cold eyes the size of an elephant.

The seal breath is gone!

"How could this be?"

Xiong Wufeng panicked.

He is responsible for guarding Dragon prisoners, and he has been ninety-nine years now.

But in the last year, something happened!

"Impossible!" Xiong Wufeng calmed down quickly, "The blood seal imprisoned the small dragon's range of movement, and it is absolutely impossible to step out of Xuenv Peak. Could it be that he used special means to cover up the seal aura? ?"

A cold light flashed in Xiong Wufeng's eyes.

"Damn Xiaolong, how dare you play Xuanxu and want to escape this king's tracking?" Xiong Wufeng's figure suddenly rushed away in one direction.

That is the direction where the seal breath finally disappeared.

At this moment, what Xiong Wufeng values ​​more is the whereabouts of Xiao Bailong. These people are not worth mentioning to Xiong Wufeng.


When Xiong Wufeng's figure left abruptly, the sealing power around it disappeared in a moment, and the snow all over the sky finally calmed down.

Looking around, corpses were everywhere.

Many people have the feeling of living in a dream.

The action was sluggish and motionless.

The Snow God became angry, and blood flowed into a river.

This is a disaster of divine punishment.

Dark clouds covered the sky, blood stained the earth.

At that moment, everyone was desperate, knowing that they were bound to die.

However, no one thought that at this time, the Snow God suddenly left.

"The power of the seal has disappeared!" Someone shouted in surprise, a ray of dawn in their eyes.

"Hurry up."

"Leaving Xuenvfeng, in this life, I won't step into this place again."

Each warrior rushed outside desperately.

This place will be a nightmare place that accompanies them throughout their lives.

In the crowd.

Xue Yingying was also there, and at this moment also followed many warriors, sweeping back all the way.

The wrath of the Snow God shocked their souls.

"The place of imprisonment?"

Some warriors also remembered the words before Xiong Wufeng left.

"Xuenvfeng is actually a place of imprisonment? But who is imprisoned?"

No one dared to think too much and flee desperately.


The huge snow-white body fell from the sky, and his feet were on the ground.

The ground shakes and the snow rolls.

"Why did he come here?"

Xiong Wufeng's eyes were like electricity, and the amplitude of his spiritual power spread out, he wanted to search for the whereabouts of Xiaobailong Aoqiu. "This is already the edge of the Snow Girl Mountain Range, but it is also the place where his blood seal breath finally disappears. Could it be..." Xiong Wufeng looked outside, and his body couldn't help shaking strongly, "Impossible, those two old guys are exhausted. All my life

It is impossible to erase the sealing power in the blood, a small dragon, how can it be..."

Xiong Wu was in a hurry.

Searching around frantically.

If this little dragon is really allowed to escape, he will return to the clan, and it will be hard to escape the crime of impunity.

More importantly, he didn't even know how the little dragon escaped.

"It must still be in Xuenv Peak!"

boom! boom! boom! Suddenly, everywhere in Xuenvfeng, the sound shook the sky and resounded non-stop, filled with devastating auras everywhere.

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