Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 2434: Someone fought

At this moment, Xue Yingying seemed to see the most beautiful sacred object in the world, and her mind was completely immersed in it. The Xuenv peak map behind her back seemed to be even hotter at this moment.

Xue Yingying involuntarily walked over.

Luo Feng's eyes were calm, looking at Xue Yingying.

If this girl can really merge with God's Heart, he really doesn't mind giving up the 100,000-mile Snow Girl Peak.

As he said, for Xuenvfeng, he is just a passerby after all.

The heart of Xuenvfeng seemed to feel something too. At this moment, the light gradually rose and shone around.

Slowly floating on the ground, getting closer to Xueyingying.

Xue Yingying sat cross-legged, her eyes lightly closed, her expression holy and solemn.

God's heart shines brightly.

Luo Feng suddenly made a move, setting up a field around him to block the penetration of the divine light.

However, at this moment, the entire Xuenv Peak seemed to tremble faintly.

Especially the Myriad Beasts of Xuenvfeng deeply felt a strange breath.

Jin Peng spread his wings and landed on a sacred tree in the depths of Xuenv Peak, covered in golden feathers, looking in one direction.

He noticed the breath of God's heart again.

"Could it be that the young man is trying to fuse his mind?" Jin Peng's eyes showed expectation.

Murmured, "In one year, if you can't succeed, then, after one year, where will Xuenvfeng go?"

Jinpeng has existed in Xuenvfeng for countless years.

Even before the Dragon couple were imprisoned, Jinpeng already existed.

He was very clear about the power of "Snow God".

One year later, a new "Snow God" will come.

At that time, if Xuenvfeng still has no owner, who will contend with the new Snow God.

On Xuenv Peak, many breaths were alarmed.

Looking in the same direction.

Perhaps the master of Xuenvfeng will be born soon.

The mind slowly floated.

Shining on Xue Yingying's holy face.

The spirit of Xuenvfeng has fallen into Xue Yingying's hands, blooming with dazzling expression.

Luo Feng looked straight ahead.

If Xue Yingying can really merge with God's heart and become the master of Xuenvfeng, he will not have any grudges, but sincerely congratulate him.

The heart of the gods hovered above Xue Yingying's palm, and the Xue Nv Peak figure behind Xue Yingying was ready to emerge, the light became more and more blazing, as if to burn Xue Yingying's clothes.

Luo Feng can be sure that there must be a little connection between this divine heart and the Xuenvfeng map born behind Xue Yingying.

Time passed by every minute.

Suddenly, the radiance of God's heart burst into repulsion, and he left Xue Yingying's palm and flew towards Luo Feng.

Luo Feng held the heart of God in his hand and couldn't help being startled.

Xue Yingying's fusion of the divine heart took longer than him, and he obviously resonated with the divine heart to a certain extent. Luo Feng originally thought that Xue Yingying could smoothly integrate this divine heart and become the master of Xuenvfeng.

However, she ultimately failed.

Xue Yingying slowly opened her eyes.

I couldn't help but glance at the divine heart that had fallen into Luo Feng's hands, and then looked at Luo Feng.

This man is the real master of Xuenv Peak.

No one can replace it in the world.

Including her, who is born to bear the Snow Girl peak figure.

"It's a pity." Luo Feng looked slightly regretful.

"Everything is destined." Xue Yingying smiled softly, her expression returning to normal, "I look forward to the day when you become the master of Xuenv Peak."

Luo Feng lightly held the heart of God.

The two walked back.

The Xue clan has been divided into two parts, and a few women, children and children will follow Saint Xue Yingying into Xueye City.

"Yingying, why didn't you see Chang'an?" Suddenly, the second elder asked.

Hearing this, Xue Yingying's expression turned cold.

Turning to look at Luo Feng.

"It just so happens that the kid is imprisoned on Xuenv Peak." Luo Feng waved his hand at Ao Qiu, and Ao Qiu immediately understood, his figure flashed, and after a while, he walked with a person in his hand.

The Xue clan stared.

Suddenly surprised.

The person mentioned in Ao Qiu's hands is in ragged clothes, looks awkward, unkempt, and wailing in his mouth.

It is Xue Changan.

Ao Qiu threw him on the snow.

Xue Changan screamed, suddenly raised his head, and saw the great elder and others, and he looked ecstatic, "Elder, save me, save me quickly."

Xue Changan rushed to the ground rolling.

Xue Yingying's expression was icy, and her voice stopped clearly, "Xue Changan betrayed the Xue family and has been expelled from the Xue family."

The sound was like thunder falling.

The big elder's pupils were even more shocked, staring at Xue Changan, and suddenly coldly drank, "Take him."

Two members of the Xue clan rushed forward and subdued Xue Changan.

"Elder, I didn't betray the Xue family!" Xue Changan roared out loudly, "I just don't want to see the young lady make mistakes again and again. She wants to lead the Xue family to join Xueye City, but this Snow Night City Lord, The offense is the Nine Heavens Palace. Isn’t this pushing the Xue family into the deep pit? What's more...” Xue Chang’an gritted his teeth, “Dignified Xue’s saint, willing to be the personal servant of the Xueye City Lord, this is simply the Xue’s. Shame."

"So, you told the seventh elder of Yugumen that I was going to enter the City Lord's Mansion." Xue Yingying said coldly, "Betrayal of the saint, this one is unforgivable."

"Miss, I did it for your own good." Xue Changan said loudly.

"It is really sad to stand on the vantage point of self-righteous morality and accuse others." Luo Feng sneered. He had no sympathy for such a villain.

"I don't impose severe punishment. It's already based on the sympathy of the family. I don't want to see you again." Xue Yingying's tone was cold.

"Miss!" Xue Changan struggled with disbelief in her voice, "Elder, second elder, you save me, everything I do is for the Xue family."

"Then you know, it is the city lord of Xueye, who is not far away, forcibly rushing into the ancient city, rioting at the ancient gate, beheading the master of the ancient gate, and surrounded by a hundred thousand iron armour legion, taking my Xue clan, all Take it safely to Xuenv Peak." The elder said slowly, "You go."

Xue Changan's body seemed to be struck by lightning.

Can't move for a long time.

"Am I wrong? Where did I go wrong?" Xue Changan suddenly raised her head, looking at Xue Yingying, her voice hastily, "Miss, everything I do is for you."

"Let him go!" The second elder finally couldn't see it. With a big hand, the two Xue clan members lifted Xue Changan and left in a stride.

The sorrowful and wailing voice of Xue Changan was faintly heard in the distance.

"Let's go back to the city too." Luo Feng said, looking at Xueye City.

Two days.

The nine powers, the Nine Heavens Immortal Palace, should also move.

In front of the north gate of Xueye City, Tianjiao Battle Platform.

That was Luo Feng's bet.

It is also a challenge to the nine holy places!

If the other party does not answer, it will be a big joke.

Luo Feng and his party appeared in front of Xueye City Gate.

On the city wall, one person looked over and saw Luo Feng, his expression suddenly overjoyed, and his body swept down.

"Report to the city lord, Tianjiao Battlefield, someone will be fighting!"

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